Unit 1 Flashcards
cities that had governments (in Italy)
Ciompi Revolt
wool traders wanted to be in a guild, revolted, held a guild for 4 years
Lorenzo the Mag
ruled Florence, almost totalitarian, “found” Michelanglo
Treaty of Lori
alliance between Milan, Maples, and Florence (1494)
Ludovico il Moro
ruled Milan, invited French to take over Naples, big mistake
Charles VIII
French king that invaded Italy, had a puppet gov in Florence, was ousted by L.M. (had an alliance w/Venice
corrupt pope (Alex VI), advanced political careers of his children, helped French back into Italy
Niccolo Machiavelli
wrote The Prince, ends justify the means
Linear perspective
painting technique that allows you to see things as “far away”
father of Renaissance painting
Leonardo da Vinci
Mona Lisa, inventer
School of Athens
Sistine Chapel, David
scholarly study of Latin and Greek classics and ancient church fathers
father of humanism, Letters to the Ancient Dead
Divine Comedy-about hell
education helps the soul
civic humanism
thinking for yourself, public service from education
Printing Press
invented by Johann Gutenberg, movable type, helped by a new cheap way to make paper
most famous, Catholic priest, education and religious reformer, tutored, “Adages”, didn’t like dogma
practice over religion
Rudolf Agricola
father of German humanism, brought ideas from Italy, Hebrew scholar, vernacular
Sir Thomas More
“Utopia”, advisor to Henry VIII, executed, Catholic saint, hated Reformation, Humanist
most coastline, used to sailing, documented everything
Prince Henry
brother to king (Port), explored West Africa, got spices, converted Muslims and pagans to Christianity
Bartholomew Dias
went around Africa to Asia instead of waiting for goods
Christopher Columbus
wanted to find a diff route to West Indies, not nice to natives, initiated Spanish colonization
Hernan Cortes
took over Aztec Empire, mean to natives, made friends w/Aztec enemies
paper that takes away time in Purgatory
everyday language
Martin Luther
ordained minister, wrote 95 theses, mostly about indulgences
Diet of Worms
Luther presented ideas to Charles V, made an outlaw
Peasants’ Revolt
peasants revolt against landlords
Ulrich Zwingli
wanted to end clerical celibacy, against indulgences, humanist
ansestors to Amish, rejected infant baptism, believed in adult baptism, became pasifist
John Calvin
predestination, French, humanist, lawyer
Diet of Augsburg
Protestant and Catholic rep., result-Prot. were told to revert back to Catholics, didn’t happen
Peace of Augsburg
made the divide in the church permanent, ruler of land chooses religion
Henry VIII
never supposed to become king, 6 wives
Catholic church’s reaction to the Reformation
female order
founded by Ignatius, made Catholism more favorable
Council of Trent
curtailed selling of church offices, stopped selling indulgences, worship in vernacular