Unit 2 Flashcards
Dissatisfied textile workers formed the army of Redressers. This army would break into factories and destroyed over 200 of the machines that would ensure their labour was no longer needed and threatened their employment.
The 6 essential goals of the Chartists (think seats in parliment)
1) universal suffrage for men over 21
2) Equal - sized electoral districts
3) Voting by secret ballot
4) an end to the need for property qualifications
5) Pay for members of parliament
Working class that focused on political and social reform.
Utopian Socialism
Humanitarians who advocated to end the bad working conditions in the industrial capitalist countries of the time.
Wanted labour laws and social welfare in a very prizitized and self-intrest focused society
Welfare Capitalism
Welfare Capitalism referred to Classical Liberal (govt rules kept to minimum and individualism) COMBINED with a government that used legislation to give workers protection.
(Capitalism that uses social welfare to protect workers/labour laws)
Classical conservative
Society should be structured in a hierarchical fashion with those best suited for leadership at the top.
- People do not have equal abilities
- Leaders should ensure society stability
(Far right) Extreme (Hitler) political ideology lead by one dictatorial leader where everything is controlled
Belived in a dedicated nation strong society.
Class divisions needed to be dissolved and in government control because if not individuals could overthrow government or power would fall into few hands.
Resources should be accessible to to public not controlled by private owners. However extra could be bought buy private investors. Private buisnesses were allowed to co-exist, but collectivly owned was perfered.
- Cooperation over competition
- fair and equal
Like a farmers market that was grown collectivly for everyone to benefit from while private investors could still come and benefit.
Everyone is taken care of
Social effects of the Depression
1) Frustrated by the conditions
2) People began to support political organizations with Collectivist/communist ideologies
3) The cooperative commonwealth federation was founded in Calgary
4) Mixed economic policies
5) unemployment and poverty also led to greater social unrest
6) Bennett / Prime minister of Canada set up relief camps
The industrial revolution includes…
1) Agricultural revolution
- More food being produced with less farmers.
- New technology helped speed up production
2) Commercial revolution
- Industrialization and mass production of goods
- Large scale clothing production
- New market and trade opportunities
3) Transportation Revolution
- Led to more efficient forms of transportation
- New technology
far left ideology that prioritizes eliminating social classes and private property. Believes in the distribution of wealth so government owned everything.
The Factory Act
Acts that addresses issues such as child labour, reasonable work days, Adequate working conditions. Passed by individuals who believed in capitalism but also that the government has role to protect people. (welfar capitalism)
Labour unions raised due to the inequality between the power of the boss and the lack of power for the employees.
Unions were illegal for several years including sever punishments
Why was socialism developed
People who thought capitalism was injustice and unstable and that government intervention would solve those problems and protect the people. Believed in competition but also giving everyone a chance to compete.
Keynesian economics
Believed that in order to lesson with the severity of a recession, governments should spend more money and reduce taxes to help get out of a recession.
This would leave individuals to spend more money into the market because they didn’t have to pay as much taxes.
Opposite in times of inflation
Was not satisfied with the conditions of Russia and used his discontent to lead revolution that overthrew the duma - > Land, Peace, Bread
**What did war communism change Russia?
1) abolished private land ownership
2) Established government control of bunks, industries, and natural resources.
3) Forced peasants to give all extra food to the state
Russias: New Economic Policy
New policy reducing govt control sn dallow some private industry. They paid high taxes but could still make a profit after paying them.
The great purge
Stalin removing all threats or opposition of the soviet union. Became paranoid of everyone.
Nazi : Key features
1) One ideology = create the perfect society
2) One political party
3) Secret police
4) Censored media
5) State controlled economy
What was the weimar republic? Why did the weimar republic fail?
- After WW1 when Germany became a constitutional democracy with a multi- party system
- Failed to win peoples trust , signing of the treaty of versies, and the economy was torn after WW1
Solution was printing money which lead to inflation
Credit Unions and Desarjains
- Labour unions formed by workers then eventually credit unions
credit unions = Small financial institution with better lending rates and lower fees.
The roaring 20’s and the first “red scare”
The first red scare (roar) = The public fear of communism. (the soviet symbol is red and people are scared of it)
Harding and coolidge
Harding became president and campaigned to “return harmony’ through isolation, nationalism, and the reduction of government.
Coolidge had similar views and believed in laissez-faire economics / classical liberal approach.
The Stock market crash of 1929
- Stock prices rose
- people began borrowing money to invest in stock market assuming it would rise.
- Prices stopped rising in NYC stock exchange
- People began rapidly selling their stocks to take profit.
Banks began to call for their loan money and people went bankrupt.