Unit 1 - Ideologies Flashcards
Modern Liberalism
- Non- Traditional values ( womens ability to have abortions and gay marriage also seprate state from church)
- Use of property for public good (govt has the right to tell people how to use their personal property)
- Group responsibiltiy / Interested in creating equal opportunity for all individuals
- Reinvest in social programs (ok to have taxes if it means everyone has equality oppertunities and acesse to programs like daycare and school)
- Regulate how governmnt treat their employees
(Liberals but with some government policies and regulations to ensure equality, safety and order)
(Modern conservitives is th ecomplete opposite to all these points so memerize one you memeroize both)
- Universal national daycare
(reinvest govt social program)
- Free post secondary
- Increasing safety regulations in workplace
- Body cams on police
- Imposing a tax system
Classical Liberalism
- interested in protecting the freedoms of individuals in economic affairs.
- Maximum rights and freedoms for certain individuals (ENTREPRENEURS)
- Government rules, regulation and social programs (ex: health care) are kept to a minimum with everyone acting on their own behalf. Pay for your own HC
- Less Restriction on gun use
- Deregulation Of industry
- cutting govt health care services to reduce debt
- Individualists ideologist generally advocate for…
1) individual rights
2) **Freedom from government
3) Promote principles of the right of self gov’t (autonomy) , self interest, personal achievement, self reliance
Collectivist ideologies endorse…
1) working cooperatively
2) collective enterprise, unions, and teamwork
3) Want social harmony and cohesion instead of competition
4)** View gov’t control and interference regarding social and economic issues a positive
The Prevailing Ideology in Western Democracy
- Based on the rights of the individual
- Uses individualism as one of the foundations
- wants limited gov’t intervention
Socialist Ideology / socialism
(left) - but not far left
Belief that resources should be controlled by the public for the benefit of private owners and investors.
People who support economic equality among citizens but do not want a communist society.
(far left) An extreme ideology from Karl Marx leading to a society where all property is publicly owned and people work according to their skills and needs.
(Far right) Extreme (Hitler) political ideology lead by one dictatorial leader where everything is controlled by the government. Military strengthis prioritized as well as nationalism and national superiority.
Believed in social darwism - not everyone is equal and only the fittestet will survive.
Modern Conservative
- Traditional values (no abortions or same sex marriage also prayer is permitted in schools)
- Property rights to private prperty.
- Maximum benefit
- Cut govt spending on social programs
- Privatization of certain govt controlled industries
(Modern liberalism is the opposites of these points)
- Capping annual federal spending limits
- Mandatory minimum sentences for crimes
- increase border security
How is Marxism/communism different from socialism
Marxism is an extreme form of socialism where there is no room for personal advancement.
If the two societies were fishing companies the communities society would have to give all their extra fish to the government and the socialist society could sell their extra fish to a private sector or investor after everyones had the same amount to eat.
Democratic socialism
Blend of collectively owned mixed with government owned (middle of economic spectrum) (communism -> capitalism)
socialist economy where the means of production are socially and collectively owned alongside a political system.
Means of production are owned both by govenrment and collective
Sweden’s democratic socialism
Sweden / a democratic society believes in everyone being equal and have no room for racism or discrimination of class. They have a developed relationship capital and labour interest groups (means of production) that is overseed by the government to resolve any conflict between the factions.