Unit 2 Flashcards
The function of the _____ in a refracting telescope is to gather more light than is possible for the human eye.
objective lens
The process by which a very large radio dish may be simulated is called _____.
Any heated object emits _____ radiation.
A(n) _____ is the distance between two equal parts on consecutive wave forms.
The _____ lens is a convex and concave lens placed back to back that improves the quality of the refractor telescopes.
Who created the reflecting telescope because he believed chromatic aberration in refractors would never be overcome?
Isaac Newton
Gamma rays are formed in stars’ cores as a result of _____.
_____ is the change in light waves passing near the edges of a gap.
Electromagnetic waves only differ from one another in _____.
The _____ telescope made the telescope easier to use by cutting the length of tube needed in half.
A _____ is both a particle and a wave.
All _____ carries clues to what sort of event produced it.
electromagnetic radiation
_____ means pertaining to color.
The front lens of a reflecting telescope is the _____ lens.
_____ is the change in direction from one medium to another of different density.
The _____ can collect light from very dim objects over many hours.
CCD and camera
Who invented the compound or achromatic lens?
chester hall
A photon is a unit of _____ energy.
Who proposed the multiple telescope?
edward synge
The modern preferred means of producing a visible spectrum is a _____.
diffraction grating
Who brought forth the electromagnetic theory of light?
james maxwell
One major goal of radio astronomy is to match detected radio _____ with the conditions and processes that produce them.
A special curve looking like the inside of a bowl is said to be _____.
CCD stands for _____.
charge-coupled device
What is a disadvantage of the CCD?
It can only collect images of a very small slice in one exposure.
_____ means to issue forth from a center.
Who discovered two of Saturn’s moons?
william herschel
A(n) _____ telescope receives, amplifies, and preserves radio signals.
In _____, an information processor delays signals from distant receivers so all signals arrive together.
The rear lens of a refracting telescope is the _____.
An electromagnetic wave consists of a(n) _____ wave moving together, while being oriented 90° to each other.
electrical and magnetic
A(n) _____ is an intervening substance through which an effect may be transported.