Unit 2 Flashcards
Automatic reinforcement
Can be conditioned/unconditioned, positive or negative
-not socially mediated and not formally arranged
Artistic/autistic automatic reinforcement
Behavior being strengthened by its own stimulation (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, etc.)
Practical automatic reinforcement
Behavior being strengthened by its direct effect on the environment (strength needed to push a door open, self-echoics, self mands, etc.)
-provided by the physical environment
Automatic reinforcement and vocal behavior
Stimulus-stimulus pairing procedure was developed to increase vocal behavior (a vocal stimulus is paired with reinforcers to establish vocalizations as conditioned reinforcers).
Intraverbal Behavior
Verbal behavior evoked by other verbal behavior, i.e. core element of academic and intellectual behavior
Intraverbal behavior- technical defintion
Verbal behavior that is evoked by a verbal discriminative stimulus (SD) that does not have point-to-point correspondence to the verbal response (i.e., the stimulus and the response do not topographically match).
Conditional discriminations
“A discrimination in which reinforcement of responding during a stimulus depends on (is conditional on) other stimuli”
One stimulus or motivational operation
(MO or EO) alters the evocative effect of a
second stimulus
Establishes the second stimulus as a
discriminative stimulus (SD)
Conditional discriminations & intraverbal behavior
For example... • “Name a food” • “Name a hot food” • ‘Name a breakfast food” • “Name a sweet food” • “What did you do today at school?"
Automatic reinforcement
1) Same defining properties as “reinforcement”- follows bx, increases bx and under stimulus control
2) Can also have automatic punishment and automatic extinction (same as regular pun and ext).
Nonverbal Practical
Nonverbal response on the surrounding world and behavior is shaped and automatically comes under the relevant stimulus control Ex. grab toy and have toy in hand push door, it opens climb steps, get to top Turn and look, see things
Verbal Practical
Verbal response operates on the speaker as listener and behavior is shaped and automatically comes under the relevant antecedent control
EX. self-mand, self-tact, self-echoic, etc.
Nonverbal Artistic/autistic
Behavior produces nonverbal response operates on the behaver directly and bx is shaped and automatically comes under the relevant antecedent control
EX. stimulation: rocking tapping, hair twirling, masturbation, scratch an itch, mannerisms, gestures , hair style, dress
Verbal Artistic/autistic
Producing verbal response operates on the behaver directly and bx is shaped and automatically comes under the relevant antecedent control.
EX. Accents, intonation, prosody syntax and grammar, singing echolalia
Automatic Reinforcement Summary
Behavior can be shaped, maintained or eliminated by automatic contingencies that are not directly set up or mediated by other persons. Can be very efficient
Current study on automatic reinforcement
- Pairing worked best with powerful reinforcers
- Pairings related to strongest forms of reinforcement resulted in the words being said later on
- Type of automatic reinforcement that occurred most were verbal practical
- Mands easiest to get under control