Unit 15 Quiz Flashcards
Jesus said to let our light shine before men
so that they can see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven.
America’s founders believed in
God, personal freedom, the rights and worth of humans, and the rule of law
The phrase “wall of separation” originated in
a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association
The Supreme Court struck down
required prayer and required Bible reading in public schools
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said she was in politics
because of the conflict between good and evil
Our most important citizenship
is in heaven.
Henry David Thoreau refused to pay taxes as a protest against
the Mexican War
Release time instruction allows
public school students to receive religious instruction during the school day away from the school building.
Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote that the Pledge of Allegiance is
a patriotic exercise, not a religious one
The Supreme Court has recognized that the American people
have an essential religious nature and religious needs.