Unit 12: Career Counselling Flashcards
Describe the facilitating of self-awareness in career counselling
The first step is to help clients discover what they really want and need, to become aware of what they value most.
Includes several aspects of self exploration including concrete, reflective, and actual exploration
This aspect of self exploration includes activities that allow the client to become more directly involved in career exploration activities. Might include using computer-based career guidance systems to clarify values, needs, and interests; writing a detailed vocational history; and describing in writing pivotal experiences and life decisions
Concrete exploration
This aspect of self exploration in career counselling might include activities to clarify the personal importance of life decisions, events, and transitions and to evaluate personal needs, wants, desires, goals, interests, and dreams in terms of their relative importance. During this phase of self-evaluation, it is useful to weigh the relative value of input from family, associates, friends, and other significant individuals regarding personal strengths, weaknesses, and skills
Reflective exploration
This aspect of self-exploration in career counselling might include activity such as resume writing, videotaped practice interviews with feedback sessions, and informational interviews with individuals employed and possible career choices. The purpose of these activities is to increase self-awareness and to accurately assess strengths, weaknesses, aptitudes, skills, and lifestyle issues
Actual exploration
Describe the teaching of employability skills in career counselling
Helping them with practical skills that can help people find and maintain satisfaction in their careers. Clients are helped to develop personal marketing strategies to sell themselves and their potential during interviews and encouraged to work on overcoming inertia, resisting procrastination, relieving job-related stress, building and interpersonal support system, and avoiding feelings of frustration and failure. The key feature of this approach is to help prepare clients not only to deal with the most impending career choice, but also to generalize this knowledge and skills for the purposes of working through future issues in any domain
Describe Theodore Caplow’s theory of career development
Based on the notion that career choices are random events, accidents, or errors resulting from being at the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time. Believed that birth order any accidents of inheritance such as parentage, race, nationality, gender, and background, strongly influence your chosen occupation
Describe Donald Super’s theory of career development
A person self-concept is all important in determining vocational development, a process that he viewed as ongoing and orderly through success of stages. An occupation is the individual expression of ones interests and abilities at a particular time. As a person’s preferences and skills evolve, so does his or her career, reflecting the changing self-concept.
Recognize that people differ in their personalities and unique strengths and therefore choose occupations that will permit them to use their competencies.
In Donald Super’s theory of career development, this stage is when a person uses fantasy, play, and role experimentation to help clarify the emerging self concept, and moves tentatively onward in the early 20s to a first job
Exploratory stage
In Donald Super’s theory of career development, this stage is when, through experimenting and trying out various options, the person discovers an occupation well-suited to satisfy personal needs. The self-concept adjusts to fit the stabilized career choice
The establishment stage
In Donald Super’s theory of career development, career stability gained in the establishment stage may or may not last into this stage. In today’s times of high unemployment, greater flexibility, and changing situations, this stage main involve a return to earlier developmental tasks in the search for personal and professional satisfaction
Maintenance stage
In Donald Super’s theory of career development, this stage is characterized, naturally, by dealing with reduced energy and trying to maintain one’s position until retirement
Decline stage
Describe John Holland’s theory of career development
Believes that career choices are expressions of the total personality. Satisfaction depends on the compatibility of a person’s work situation and personality style.
Individuals can be categorized into six different personality types, realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional, depending on interests, preferences, and skills
Describe Robert Hoppock’s theory of career development
Stressed the function of the job in satisfying personal needs, but his theory has attained wide popularity also because of his efforts to integrate ideas from a number of other theories. Vocational development begins with the first awareness that a job can help meet one needs and continues as the person is better able to anticipate how potentially satisfying a particular career could be as compared with others. Once a person becomes aware of other jobs that could satisfy personal needs, then occupational choices are subject to change. The degree of job satisfaction can be determined by assessing between what a person wants from a job and what she or he actually has attained
The counsellors role is to stimulate the client self awareness of interest and needs, including the clarification of values; promote insight into that which gives life personal meaning; provide accurate and complete occupational information; help match the clients perceive strengths and weaknesses with occupations like me to provide maximum need satisfaction
Describe Anne Roe’s theory of career development
On the basis of her intensive investigations of scientists early childhood’s, she created a theory that emphasizes need satisfaction in career choices. Persons from child-centered , Rejecting, or accepting homes are predisposed to compensate for or duplicate in their jobs experiences that they missed or enjoyed in their childhood homes
The emotional climate of the home is one of three types: emotional concentration on the child, avoidance of the child, or acceptance of the child.
Emotional concentration on the child is either overprotecting or over demanding. Overprotecting parents limit a child and encourage dependency, while over demanding parents set very high standards for the child and rigidly enforce conformity. The avoidance type ranges from rejecting to neglecting. The accepting pattern is divided into casual acceptance and loving acceptance.
These six subdivisions produce two types of vocational behavior. The categories of loving, overprotective, and overdemanding tend to produce a major vocational orientation toward persons. The remaining categories, casual, neglecting, and rejecting, produce a major vocational orientation away from persons
Describe John Krumboktz’s theory of career development
Developed a social learning theory that attempts to synthesize the factors that influence career decision making. Acknowledges the impact of genetic endowment-how race, gender, cultural and physical characteristics, native intelligence, and abilities limit some choices and expand others.
How environmental factors such as the economic climate, occupational opportunities available, labour laws, union rules, technological developments, family resources, educational systems, and other variables outside the individuals control influence occupational decision-making.
How previous learning experiences such as conditioned stimuli and reinforcers, sheep the person’s attitude and interests towards various professions.
How a person’s task approach skills, which are his or her performance standards, work habits, unique perceptions, and abilities to alter problem-solving strategies flexibly according to the demands of the situation
The counsellor helps people to learn a logical sequence of career decision making skills, arrange a series of exploration experiences that will provide needed information, and make informed choices about the consequences of what has been learned