Unit 12 Flashcards
ongoing patterns of behavior that are diff. from those of most other people in your culture are best characterized as …
psychiatrists and psychologists are most likely to consider socially unusual behavior as disordered if is is ……
personally distressful
alexis is socially withdrawn and has few close friends. This behavior is most likely to be diagnosed as a symptom of psychological disorder if it is …..
preventing her from functioning effectively
according to the medical model, psychological disorders are …
sicknesses that need to be diagnosed and cured
a psychotherapist is most likely to use the DSM-V in order to …….. various psychological disorders -
anxiety is considered disordered if it i ..
persistent and distressing
in which of the following disorders is a person continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic arousal?
generalized anxiety disorder
freud suggested that for those suffering a generalized anxiety disorder, the anxiety is….
an immediate and irrational anxiety response to the mere sight of blood is indicative of …..
a specific phobia
anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult is indicative of …..
incapacitating efforts to avoid specific anxiety-producing situations is most indicative of certain …..
Cecil is preoccupied with thoguhts of jumping out the window of his 10th floor apartment. To reduce his anxiety, he frequently counts his heartbeats aloud. Cecil would most likely be diagnosed as experiecing an …..
obsessive-compulisive disorder
the billionare aviator Howard Hughes insisted that his assistants carry out elaborate hand-washing rituals and wear white gloves when handling any document he would later touch. His behavior best illustrates symptoms of ……
obsessive-compulsive disorder
repeatedly thinking about your own death is to ……. as repeatedly washing your hands is to …….
2 years after being brutally beaten and raped, Brianna still experiences jumpy anxiety, has trouble sleeping, and has vivid flashbacks of her assault. Brianna is most clearly showing signs of …..
post-traumatic stress disorder
some people are more vulnerable to PTSD becuase they have a sensitive ….., which floods the body with stress hormones -
limbic system
most political dissidents who survive dozens of episodes of torture dont later exhibit PTSD. This best illustrates surivor …..
dogs come to fear neutral stimuli associated with shock. this best illustrates ….
classical conditioning
learning theorists have suggested that compulsive behaviors are ….
reinforced by anxiety reduction
although WW2 air raids were extremely traumatic for those who experienced them, few of these people devoloped lasting phobic reactions to overhead planes. this fact is best explained from a….perspective
a traumatic experience may trigger a lasting phobia in a child with a sensitive, high-strung temperament. the same experienc, however, may have no long-term impact on a child w/ a more relaxed temperament. This best illustrates the role of ….. in the development in phobias -
genetic predispositions
A psychological disorder in which the symptoms take a bodily form without apparent physical cause is a ….
Somatoform disorder
During a stressful military battle, Fong suddenly went blind. When hypnotized by an army psychariatrist, his blindness vanished. Font appearntly suffered from a ..
Conversion disorder
Misinterpreting normal physical sensations as symptoms of a dreaded disease is indicative of ….
Dissociative disorders are most likely to be characterized by …
Disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity
A sense of being separated from your body and watching yourself with a sense of detachment is a symptom of..
Researchers have suggested that the role-playing of fantasy-prone patients in response to the leading questions of therapists has often contributed to….
Dissociative identity disorder
Connie exhibits multiple personalities. Evidence that information learned by her secondary personality influences the moods and behaviors of her primary personality would most clearly rule out the contribution of …..
Niesha demonstrates 7 different personalities that appear to take turns controlling her behavior. Evidence that the same life memories are consciously experienced by all the alternate personalities would most clearly rule out the contribution of ….. to her disorder
For the last month, Gabrielle has felt lethargic and has been unable to get out of bed in the morning. She has withdrawn from friends because she feels worthless and vulnerable. Gabrielle is most likely suffering from….
Major depressive disorder
The number one reason people seek mental health services is…
Mania is most likely to be characterized by feelings of ….
After several weeks of feeling dissatisfied with his life, mark has suddenly become extremely cheerful and so talkative he can’t be interrupted. He seems to need less sleep and becomes irritated when his friends tell him to slow down. Marks behavior is indicative of …..
Bipolar disorder
In terms of neurotransmitter levels, depression is associated with
Low norepinephrine levels and low serotonin levels
According to the social-cognitive perspective, women are more vulnerable to depression than men because they are more likely to
Sense a lack of personal control over their lives
Inauna suffers from chronic depression. According to the social-cognitive perspective, how is she most likely to respond when told that she performed very poorly on a test she took the day before?
“Im academically incompetent and always will be”
The rise of western individualism appears most clearly respnonsible for an increase in ..
Which group of severe disorders is characterized by disorganized thinking, disturbed perceptions, and innapropriate emotions and actions
A breakdown in selective attention is modt likely to be experienced by those who suffer from …
Flat affect and catatonic are symptoms most closely associated with …
One of the positive symptoms of Schizophrenia includes
People with reactive Schizophrenia more often have the ….. symptoms that respond to drug therapy
Schizophrenia that develops gradually over a long period of time is called ……. Schizophrenia
Cocaine may …. symptoms of Schizophrenia by …… dopamine levels
Evidence suggests that prenatal viral infections contribute to …..
Evidence suggests that ….. contributes to Schizophrenia
Prenatal viral infections
Research on the causes of Schizophrenia strongly suggests that
There is a genetic predisposition to Schizophrenia
One study monitored teens and young adults who had two relatives with schizophrenia. Those who subsequently developed Schizophrenia displayed a tendency to be …. prior to the onset of their disorder.
Socially withdrawn
Which of the following has been pinpointed as an early warning sign for the subsequent onset of Schizophrenia?
Poor muscle coordination
One cluster of personality disorders marked by anxiety is exemplified by the ….. personality disorder.
A lack of conscience is most characteristic of those who have an …… disorder
Antisocial personality
There is some evidence that s relatively low level of autonomic nervous system arousal may contribute to
Antisocial personality disorder
The reduced self-control of murderers is most closely related to reduced brain activity in their ….. lobes
The symptoms of ….. are likely to appear at an earlier age than the symptoms of …
Antisocial personality ; Schizophrenia