Unit 11 Real Estate Contracts Flashcards
What is a valid contract?
A voluntary agreement based on the consent of the parties to the agreement. An offer by one party (offeror) is accepted by other (offeree). Contract must be supported by consideration, and have a legal act as its objective, parties must be legal age and competent.
What must a contract have?
1-Voluntary 2-An agreement or a promise. 3-Legally competent parties 4-Legal consideration 5-Legal act
What is a bilateral contract?
Requires both parties promise to do something, one promise is given in exchange for another.
A promise for a promise.
What is a unilateral contract?
One party makes a promise to entice a second party to do something.
A promise for an act.
What is an executed contract?
Contract where all sides have fulfilled their promises.
What is an executory contract?
Exists when one or both parties still have an act to perform. Contract is executory until closing.
What are the basic elements for a contract to be valid?
1-Offer and acceptance 2-Consideration 3-Legally competent parties 4-Consent 5-Legal purpose
What can contracts be described as?
Valid, Void, Voidable, Unenforcable
What is a valid contract?
Meets all the essential elements that make it legally sufficient or enforceable, and is binding.
What is a void contract?
No legal force or effect because it lacks some or all the essential elements.
What is a voidable contract?
A contract that can be rescinded by one or both parties based on some legal principle.
What is an unenforceable contract?
A contract were neither party can force the performance of the other.
What does “time is of the essence” mean?
A clause in a contract that requires performance by a specific time, failing to do os would cause the party to be in breach.
What right does assignment provide?
The right to transfer a contract.
What is novation?
The substitution of an existing contract for a new one.