Unit 11-Final Exam Study Guide Flashcards
simple fruit
comprised of a single ovary with or without some other
flower parts, which have developed as part of the fruit. Example: apples, walnuts
aggregate fruit
comprised of a single receptacle (base of the flower) with masses of similar fruitlets. Example: blackberries, strawberries
multiple fruit
comprised of ovaries of many separate but closely clustered flowers. Example: pineapple
Identify three reasons why rootstocks are grafted to scions in fruit trees.
- make plants tolerate poorly drained soil conditions
- protect from nematodes and soil diseases
- control size of the tree
Describe three best management practices when determining where in the plot you should
plant fruit crops.
- An adequate supply of water
- Large rocks and other objects should be removed
- Roads within the orchard should be carefully planned
Describe why fruit trees need to be pruned and thinned.
Pruning increases fruit quality by allowing more sunlight and air movement through to the plant; reduces disease problems and allows pesticide applications to better penetrate the tree; and increases fruit and overall plant size.
Adjective freezes
are accompanied by wind and can be overcome by the proper site selection or through the use of windbreaks.
Radiation freezes
occur on still, clear nights. Protection against this type of freeze is achieved by using overhead sprinklers, covering the crop, or using heaters.
chilling requirement
calculated in most areas of the United States by how many hours at and below 45°F are required during the winter for the plant to break its winter resting
period and develop normally when temperatures rise in the spring.
heat units requirement
The heat unit requirement is the number of hours of warmth needed for a certain growth phase to occur.
Identify why plant growth regulators are used on fruit trees.
Plant growth regulators are used to chemically thin flowers and fruits, prevent fruit drop,
induce fruit abscission, and control fruit ripening.