Unit 11 Flashcards
application object
A user-defined object in a CORBA application.
A semantics of invocation in which the invocation will block and will either successfully receive a result or fail due to an exception, resulting in a synchronous communication.
attribute (XML)
An attribute describes the properties of an element.
client (CORBA)
A CORBA object acting in the role of a client in some operation.
Common Data Representation (CDR)
A set of data types that may be used to represent types in various implementation languages in CORBA interfaces.
Common Intermediate Language (CIL)
In .NET, the common intermediate language to which all languages are compiled – equivalent to bytecode in Java.
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
In .NET, the collection of technologies allowing various implementation languages to run on different platforms.
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
The .NET environment that performs the task of just-in-time compilation of CIL to a platform-dependent code, and is also responsible for the lifecycle of .NET processes, including garbage collection.
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
The part of the OMG specification commonly known as CORBA, which specifies the properties an ORB must have to be CORBA compliant.
common service
In CORBA, common services are generic services that are useful across applications and domains, including support for printing, mobile agents and internationalisation.
Common Type System (CTS)
In .NET, the CTS defines mappings to and from supported implementation languages and the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL).
component model
A set of standards describing the characteristics of a type of component, governing the implementation, documentation and deployment of components.
container (web service)
An environment used to deploy a Java EE or CORBA component and providing services to that component such as support for security and transactions.
CORBA compliant
In CORBA, software implementing the CORBA specification is said to be CORBA compliant.
CORBA services
Services that are often needed in distributed applications, such as support for naming, transactions and security.
See service.
A compiler that will allow the creation of compiled code for a platform other than the one on which the development is undertaken.
discovery service
A component whose job it is to store details about services that are available on a network and respond to client requests for information about those services.
Document Object Model (DOM)
A platform-independent XML validation standard defining how to read and manipulate an HTML or XML document as an object representing a tree data structure, and providing random access to XML elements.
document type definition (DTD)
A DTD describes valid element types for a particular type of XML document (having a particular root element) and the relationships of the elements to each other.
domain service
CORBA services that are needed within particular application domains, such as medical or financial systems.
Dynamic Invocation Interface
In CORBA, this interface allows a client to bypass a stub and interact directly with an ORB’s services.
Dynamic Skeleton Interface
In CORBA, this interface allows a server to dynamically create a new interface.
element (XML)
A semantic markup of text, approximately equivalent to a type.
eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
A form of semantic markup of text similar to HTML.
heterogeneous system
A system implemented using more than one kind of computer, operating system or communication protocol and particularly using more than one programming language.
IDL compiler
A compiler for an interface definition language (IDL).
implementation repository
In CORBA, a database used by a server to register information about servant objects and enabling a client to access servant operations.
The general technique of using an intermediate layer to facilitate communication between two parts of a system.
interface definition language (IDL)
An IDL describes the message-passing ability of components in terms of operation names and parameters and provides a layer of indirection above the component.
interface repository
A database of interface information in CORBA, similar to the registry in Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
interface (CORBA)
The general term for descriptions of components’ message-passing ability in terms of their operation names and parameters.
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP)
A protocol for use in inter-ORB communication in CORBA applications, and providing support for distributed communication.
The property of being usable by other systems, particularly in a heterogeneous system context.
lookup service
The part of a discovery service used by clients to ask for information about registered services. The discovery service can then enable clients to choose between various services, or it can choose a service for them.
loose coupling
A loosely coupled component is insulated from changes in another component due to the presence of a layer of indirection between them.
Rules for translating from a language to an interface definition language, including specification of the relationships between types in communicating idioms.
Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL)
The language used to describe the interface to a .NET object.
Any software acting as an intermediary between two components, and particularly software that hides the heterogeneity of components, thus facilitating interoperability.
A modifier for a parameter in an operation definition, such as in CORBA’s interfaces, describing what may legally be done with the parameter. For example, whether the parameter may be read from, or written to.
A hierarchical partitioning of names that provides a way of uniquely identifying any name in a context such as an XML document or software application.
namespace prefix
The use of a namespace name as a qualifier for the simple name of an element or attribute, so forming an extended name.
object (CORBA)
In CORBA, the general term for an object within a CORBA application, incorporating user-defined client and server objects as well as those implementing standard specifications such as those contained in common services.
object adaptor
A component facilitating communication between an ORB and a CORBA servant.
Object Management Architecture (OMA)
The architecture produced by the OMG,
of which CORBA is a part; described as an ‘open, vendor independent specification
for an architecture and infrastructure that computer applications use to work
together over networks’.
Object Management Group (OMG)
The group responsible for the Object Management Architecture (OMA).
object service (CORBA)
A general description for operations provided by objects in the context of CORBA.
object type (CORBA)
In CORBA, a type defined by an interface within a module, specifying message-passing behaviour for a class of objects in a CORBA application.
OMG Interface Definition Language (OMG IDL)
The interface definition language specified by the Object Management Group for use in CORBA.
See interface definition language (IDL).
OMG Object Model
A platform-independent description of CORBA objects, operations, interfaces and types.
operation (CORBA)
A general term for the message-passing ability of components in CORBA applications, roughly equivalent to a method.
The first part of an XML document, which declares its version number and may include information such as the encoding (character set).
qualified name
A name formed from a prefix and a simple name in XML.
registration service
A component providing a way of registering interfaces in a repository to allow a client to perform service discovery.
resolving a name
The process by which an object reference is associated with a particular servant object in a CORBA application; a binding of a reference to an object name.
root element
The first element in an XML document, which encloses other elements and acts as a way of identifying the type of a document.
Ruby on Rails
An approach to the development of web-based access to databases that uses a database specification, and scaffolding to provide the most commonly required operations.
The technique of providing an infrastructure delivering commonly required operations and allowing modification for special cases, so facilitating rapid development.
scope of discovery
The extent to which a service discovery application will search for a service matching a request.
An object, under the control of a server, providing a CORBA operation to a client.
server (CORBA)
A CORBA object acting in the role of a server in some operation.
A generic term describing the message-passing ability of components, but particularly used in service-oriented systems.
service-oriented architecture
An architecture in which the main unit of communication is a message as opposed to a method invocation. Service providers use an interface to describe their services, and can be connected together in arbitrary configurations.
A layer between a servant and an ORB in a CORBA application.
Simple API for XML (SAX)
An API providing access to XML as a stream of data and allowing serial access to elements, but not random access.
simple name
A name used to uniquely identify an XML document’s namespace.
An XML-based protocol supporting communication between distributed systems and widely used in web services.
software component
A software element that conforms to certain requirements for interoperability defined by a component object model. In particular, software components support the goal of composability to create higher functionality than they individually provide.
A layer between a client and an ORB in a CORBA application.
tight coupling
A tightly coupled component communicates directly with another in such a way that changes in one are liable to affect the other.
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI)
An XML-based standard used by a server to register WSDL descriptions of web services and by a client to discover such services. As such it allows the creation of directories for web services.
An XML document is valid if it is well formed and conforms to a DTD.
web service
An example of the network services paradigm in which software services are provided via the Web, particularly using HTTP, web pages and SOAP as communication mechanisms.
Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
A language used by UDDI for the description of web service operations using XML.
well formed
The property of an XML document of being syntactically (as opposed to semantically) correct.
XML Schema Definition (XSD)
An XML-based description of an XML document, allowing for better type checking than a DTD and more rigorous constraints for XML documents to meet.