Unit 08 Flashcards
A block of compiled Java (in bytecode form) that can be downloaded along with a web page and that runs within suitable browsers.
application framework
A set of classes, libraries and other software that provides a structure to help construct systems for standard types of application – for example, Apache Struts or JavaServer Faces are web application frameworks.
attribute (of a scope object)
A data item associated with a scope object in a servlet or JSP page.
business tier
In Java EE systems, the part of the software running on the server that deals with business logic and provides the interface to the enterprise information system (database) tier.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
A standard for interfacing external applications with information servers, such as HTTP or web servers. CGI programs are stored on the web server and are run by that server in response to particular HTTP requests.
An item of text that a web server may send to a client web browser as part of its response to an HTTP request. The web browser stores the cookie text, usually in a small disk file. This has many uses, such as making it easier for users to log in to a site they have visited previously or helping to maintain session information.
custom action (aka custom tag)
A user-defined JSP tag in XML format that specifies some sort of action to be carried out by the JSP page – it actually invokes some Java code from a custom tag library.
deployment descriptor
An XML file (automatically generated by IDEs) that defines the internal structure of each Java EE module and allows the setting of a number of attributes of the module, such as transaction behaviour, security settings, etc.
directive tag
A JSP element such as page, include or taglib that provides information to the JSP container about the page, and affects how the JSP compiler generates the servlet that implements the JSP page.
fat client
Software that runs on the client machine of a client–server system to provide a considerable degree of functionality, such as a complex user interface and significant client-side processing.
idempotent operation
An operation that can be safely repeated because execution of the operation should leave the system in the same state – for example, a database query.
implicit object
An object in a component such as a JSP page or a servlet that is already available for access and does not need to be explicitly declared, e.g. a request object.
An object of a Java class with the following characteristics: a zeroargument constructor, getter methods for every readable property, setter methods for every writeable property, must be serialisable. JavaBeans are useful in web applications for storing, or transferring, data between servlets (and JSP pages).
JavaServer Faces
An MVC application framework for use in constructing web applications.
JavaServer Pages (JSP)
A technology that facilitates creation of web pages with JavaServer Pages pages.
JavaServer Pages page (JSP page)
A web page with both static and dynamic components that can be used to dynamically generate a web page in response to an HTTP request. These JSP pages are complementary to servlets and may be more convenient for web designers as they can be created without Java programming.
See also JavaServer Pages (JSP).
JSP document
A JSP page which uses only XML-style tags, hence allowing the JSP page to be manipulated and validated by XML tools.
JSP expression
A JSP element containing a Java expression that produces a value; this value will be displayed as part of the output (different from the JSP expression language since a JSP expression uses Java syntax directly).
JSP expression language
A language for use in JSP to write expressions that access JavaBeans components and a number of implicit objects – an alternative to using Java programming fragments.
JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
A JSP tag library forming a standard part of the Java EE that contains a number of commonly used sub-libraries (such as the core library, for flow control, and libraries containing tags facilitating XML processing, internationalisation and SQL database access).
JSP tag
An element in a JSP page, enclosed in angle brackets, that is part of specifying the dynamic content of the page – the three main categories of JSP tag are directive, scripting and action.
JSP tag library
A collection of Java code that carries out the actions associated with JSP tags, especially custom tags, hence relieving JSP developers of much of the need for Java programming in the JSP pages. The most commonly used tag library is the JSTL.
lifecycle method
One of several methods that are defined for all servlets to deal with initialisation, handling requests or final clean-up.
Model 1
An approach to web application design in which components may include a mixture of control logic, presentation logic, and sometimes business logic.
Model 2
An approach to web application design which uses MVC to separate each of the control logic, presentation logic and business logic into different components.
model–view–controller (MVC)
A design pattern that structures a system using three categories of component: model, view and controller.
The model is the abstraction of all the domain data in the system.
The view is the visualisation of the model.
The controller is the set of components that manage the communications between model and view.
multithreaded servlet
A servlet that is expected to handle concurrent requests by running multiple threads if necessary – this is the default behaviour for servlets.
parameter (in an HTTP request)
A named item of data that is sent as part of the HTTP request as a name–value pair and can be extracted for processing by a servlet or JSP page.
property (of a JavaBean)
This loosely corresponds to the instance variables or attributes of a JavaBean class. Usually the property is implemented directly as an instance variable but it need not be. JavaBeans must have a getter and setter method for each property.
protocol (for communication)
The rules used in a communication, such as HTTP for the Web.
request dispatcher
An object available to servlets (and JSP pages) that can be used to send an HTTP request to another servlet (or JSP) to produce some, or all, of the response.
A communication approach between software components where one sends a request and the other returns a response, for example HTTP.
safe method
A method without any side effects for which users are held responsible – for example, a database query because it does not change any stored data.
scope (of an object)
The extent over which an object or other item is valid or accessible. For example, items that have session scope continue to exist throughout the duration of the session in which they were created.
scope object
An object associated with a particular scope in a web application, such as the JSP page, the request, the session, or the whole application. Scope objects can be used to store or transfer data between components such as JSP pages and servlets.
See also attribute.
scripting tag
An element in JSP, with several possible types, that allows inclusion of Java declarations, Java executable statements, or Java expressions in the JSP page.
JSP pages can be specified as scriptless so that no Java-style scripting tags will be accepted by the compiler, hence enforcing use of JSP EL and JSP tags.
A fragment of Java code in a JSP page, consisting of one or more complete Java statements that will be executed when the JSP page runs.
A Java program that runs on the server and that follows a request–response model, normally responding to HTTP requests.
A conversation consisting of a series of linked requests and responses between the client and server on behalf of a particular user.
session ID
A number or string that uniquely identifies a particular session and any associated data.
single-threaded servlet
A servlet that is limited to handling only one request at a time – this approach is not now recommended.
standard action
One of the JSP tags that form a standard part of the JSP specification and that cause some sort of action to be carried out by the JSP page (as opposed to custom actions which are user-defined via custom tag libraries).
stateless protocol
A communication protocol, such as HTTP, where no state information is stored and each request or other communication is independent of any others.
Struts framework
An MVC application framework for use in constructing web applications.
An element of a markup language, such as HTML or XML, or in JSP, with a variety of meanings and uses. In JSP, tags are mainly used to include fragments of Java code, or equivalent items such as JSTL and JSP EL, in order to generate the dynamic parts of web pages.
tag handler
The Java code that is executed when a JSP page containing its associated custom tag is run – this code is stored in a tag library.
Shared data, or program components that access it, are thread-safe if there is no possibility of data loss or corruption when a number of concurrent threads are active.
trusted applet
An applet that can guarantee its origination from a known source by means of cryptography, and may therefore be permitted to carry out a wider range of actions than an untrusted applet.
untrusted applet
The default situation for an applet automatically downloaded along with a web page and subject to severe restrictions in the interests of security.
web container
A software environment in which servlets and JSP pages run, and that provides a number of services including security, concurrency and management of the servlet lifecycle.
web form
A portion of a web page that allows the user to enter data to be sent, in the form of an HTTP request with associated parameters, for processing by the server.
web tier
The part of the middle tier in a Java EE application that communicates with the client tier, typically by receiving and responding to HTTP requests using dynamically generated web pages.