Unit 10: Taxation Of Life Insurance Annuities Flashcards
How are premiums paid for individual life insurance taxed?
Not tax-deductible
How is interest earned on life insurance cash values taxed?
•not taxable while remains inside the policy
•policyowner is taxed if gain is withdrawn
How are full surrenders of life insurance taxed?
•when a life insurance policy is surrendered, any gain in the cash value is taxable
•gain=[cash value]-[policy’s cost basis, i.e., the sum of all premiums paid]
•so cash value accumulations are tax-deferred, but not tax-free
How are withdrawals (partial surrenders) of life insurance taxed?
•taxable to the extent of any gain
•taxed on a first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis
—>money withdrawn is considered to come from the premiums paid (cost basis) FIRST & cost basis withdrawals are NOT taxable
•when a withdrawal exceeds the cost basis, the excess is taxable
How are policy loans on life insurance taxed?
•NOT taxable to the policyowner & NEVER become taxable every when the insured dies
•if a policy is surrendered or lapses, any portion of the loan amount that exceeds the policy’s cost basis is a taxable gain
•interest paid on policy loans is NOT tax-deductible
How are dividends in life insurance taxed?
•NOT taxable
•if left to accumulate interest, the interest is taxable
How are death benefits in life insurance taxed?
•NOT taxed if paid in a lump sum to a named beneficiary (individual or business)
•interest is taxable
•if paid over time, the original death benefit is NOT taxed & any interest earned on the proceeds are taxable as ordinary income when paid to the beneficiary
How are accelerated death benefits in life insurance taxed?
NOT taxed
How are business life insurance policies taxed?
•premiums are NOT tax deductible except for executive bonus
•death benefits are NOT taxable
•premiums for executive bonus policies are taxable income to the employee
How is group life insurance taxed?
•premiums paid by the employer are tax deductible
•premiums paid by the employee are NOT tax deductible
•death benefits to a named beneficiary are NOT taxable
•premiums paid by employer for insurance above $50k is taxable income to the employee
Modified endowment contracts (MECs)
•too much premium paid in first 7 years of the policy
—>flexible premium universal life
—>single premium whole life
•interest on cash values not taxed while in the policy
•withdrawals or loans are taxed
—>interest out first
—>10% penalty on interest if withdrawn before age 59.5 unless insured is disabled
•once a MEC, always a MEC
How are annuity premiums taxed?
NOT tax-deductible (unless the contract is held in a qualified retirement plan)
How are accumulations in individual annuities taxed?
•interest earnings credited to individual annuities are tax-deferred
—>become taxable when they’re paid out
•earnings on annuities owned by corporations are taxable when they are credited
How are withdrawals from an annuity taxed?
•last-in-first-out (LIFO)-the entire taxable gain is received before any non-taxable cost basis
•interest out first, income tax on interest
•10% penalty on interest if younger than 59.5-penalty is waived for disability
How are annuity payments after annuitization taxed?
•taxed according to the exclusion ratio
•(premiums paid in)/(total of expected payments over annuitant’s life expectancy)=% of payment NOT taxed
•if annuitant lives beyond life expectancy, 100% of payment becomes taxable