Unit 1 test abreviated organizations Flashcards
One of the first federations, or groups, of labor unions. It was founded by Samuel Gompers in 1886. The AFL began as a group of craft unions and was more concerned with the working conditions of its members than with political goals.
American Federation of Labor
An organization which encourages voting and citizen participation at all levels of government. The league is nonpartisan and does not support any party, issue, or candidate.
League of Women Voters
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, an organization founded in 1909. Its purpose is to work for equal rights for all people and stop hatred between races.
The Universal Negro Improvement Association, established by Marcus Garvey. Its purpose was to work for the improvement of conditions for people of African ancestry.
Civilian Conservation Corps, one of the New Deal programs of President Franklin Roosevelt. Between 1933 and 1942, it employed, or put to work, millions of people to make improvements on public lands.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a New Deal program started in 1933 by the Glass-Steagall Act. Its purpose is to protect money that people put into their bank accounts.
Federal Housing Administration, a New Deal agency created in 1934. Its main purposes are to improve housing standards and conditions and to insure home loans.
An agency of the U.S. government. Its main purposes are to look into unfair labor practices and to organize elections to see if workers want to belong to labor unions.
National Labor Relations Board
A government agency set up in 1932 under President Hoover. Its purpose was to give financial aid to the states and to loan money to banks, railroads, and other businesses. The agency continued to work under Roosevelt’s New Deal.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
The Securities and Exchange Commission, a New Deal agency started in 1934. Its responsibility is to watch over and make necessary rules for the securities industry. Securities are documents, or papers, such as stocks, bonds, and banknotes that have financial value.
Tennessee Valley Authority, a New Deal government agency that was started in 1933. It was established to control floods, help shipping, and produce electricity for the Tennessee Valley.
Works Progress Administration, later named Works Projects Administration, the largest New Deal agency. It was founded in 1935 and was responsible for giving jobs to millions of workers on public works projects.
The National Woman’s Party, an organization established in 1913 to fight for women’s suffrage, or the right to vote. During the 1960s, the NWP worked for the addition of an equal rights amendment to the Constitution banning gender discrimination.
A program started in 1942 that brought millions of farmworkers into the United States from Mexico.
Bracero Program
A campaign started by the Pittsburgh Courier, America’s largest African American newspaper, after the United States entered World War II. The double V stood for victory at home over racial inequality and victory overseas in the war.
“Double V” Campaign
A federal agency re-established in 1942 by Franklin Roosevelt. It worked out labor agreements between employers in the defense industry and labor unions in order to prevent strikes that might hurt the war effort.
National War Labor Board
An agency created by the federal government during World War II. The agency released war news, worked to get public support for the war, got women into the workforce, and warned against foreign spies.
Office of War Information
The United Services Organization, an organization founded in 1941 at the request of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to provide entertainment and recreation services for the U.S. military personnel.