African effort to identify and globalise the
values generated by her people from local African perspectives
African indigenous knowledge systems
The branch of psychology concerned with its biological and
physiological aspects
Awareness of one’s identity as a black person, especially as a basis for a political grouping or movement
Black Consciousness
The branch of psychology that studies the relationship
between individuals and society
Community psychology
Developmental psychology
the study of how humans grow, change and adapt
across the course of their lives
Refers to knowledge or the degree of its validation
a set of beliefs and practices aimed at improving the genetic
quality of a human population
Eugenics movement
a client-centred approach to psychotherapy that assists clients in
focusing on the present and understanding what is really going on in their lives right
Gestalt therapy
A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through
colonisation, military force or other means
a sub-field of psychology concerned with how social,
psychological and biological factors interact to influence human health
Health psychology
Overt behaviour
observable behaviour or an overt response that can be seen by
others, including speaking, walking, running, working and so on (by contrast, covert
behaviour refers to behaviour that is not openly acknowledged or displayed, such as
thinking, dreaming, glandular responses and reasoning)
Related to or characterised by the restriction of subordinates’ or
dependents’ freedom and responsibilities in their supposed interest
systematic and scientific study of personality
personality psychology
the ideologies and cultural movements that
influenced and formed the foundation of fascism (an authoritarian and nationalistic
right-wing system of government and social organisation)
proto-fascist (proto-fascism)
the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially
those affecting behaviour in a given context
An assessment used to measure an individual’s cognitive
ability, personality or behaviour
psychometric testing
the scientific study of mental illness or disorders
behaviour that an organism brings from birth, displayed to a certain stimulus
in daily life
based on or characterised by the methods and principles of science
the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions,
including their origins and their effects on the individual
social psychology
having some qualities of mysticism (vague or ill-defined religious or
spiritual belief, or cultlike
the quality of being very self-centred or selfish
an individually administered IQ test
Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale