Unit 1 Respiratory Pathophysiology Flashcards

Reduced FEV1 to FVC ratio
Normal to increased FRC, RV, and/or, TLC
Responsiveness to bronchodilators


Increase in physiologic dead space

Physiologic dead space

Leukotriene C4
Prostaglandin D2

Avoid intubation



Airway resistance

Decreased elastic recoil and low lung compliance

Emergence may be prolonged
Positive end-expiratory pressure improves gas exchange

FEF 25-75%
FEV/FVC ratio


Hypertrophied mucous glands and chronic inflammation

Prolong the expiratory time

Chylothorax + Lymph
Pleural effusion + Serous fluid
Pyothorax + Pus
Fibrothroax + Organized blood clot

Flood the surgical field with normal saline

Increase expiratory time

Carbon monoxide inhalation

1st step + Increase oxygen concentration
2nd step + Apply CPAP 10 cm H2O to nondependent lung
3rd step + Apply PEEP 5-10 cm H2O to dependent lung
4th step + Resume two lung ventilation