Unit 1 Respiratory: Airway Anatomy Flashcards

Aryepiglottic + Closes laryngeal vestibule
Posterior cricoarytenoid + Abducts vocal cord
Cricothyroid + Tenses vocal cord
Lateral cricoarytenoid + Adducts vocal cords

Tensor palatine + Soft palate
Hyoid + Epiglottis
Genioglossus + Tongue

Type I + Provides surface for gas exchange
Type II + Produces surfactant
Type III + Promotes Immunity

Superior laryngeal

Larson’s maneuver

Superior laryngeal nerve

Mucous membrane above the vocal cords + Superior laryngeal
Oropharynx and posterior tongue + Glossopharyngeal
Mucous membrane below the vocal cords + Recurrent laryngeal
Mucous lining of nasopharynx + Trigeminal

Mucus production increases


Cricoid + It is the only non-expansible stricture in the larynx
Arytenoids + Largely responsible for vocal cord function
Epiglottis + Blocks glottis when larynx elevates during swallowing
Thyroid + Provides major protection for laryngeal components