UNIT 1: Relationships Flashcards
What is Adultery?
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse.
For example, in Christianity committing adultery is a sin.
What is Divorce?
To legally end a marriage.
For example, the Roman Catholic Church does not recognize divorce.
What is Cohabitation?
To live together in a sexual relationship without being married or in a civil partnership.
For example, many Catholics will not cohabit as they believe it’s sinful.
What is Contraception?
Methods used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant during or following sexual intercourse.
For example, the Roman Catholic church forbids the use of contraception.
What is Gender Equality?
People of all genders enjoying the same rights and opportunities in all aspects of their lives.
For example, Protestants believe that women can be priests as men and women are equal.
What are Responsibilities?
Actions/ duties you are expected to carry out.
For example, in Islam the male’s responsibility is to be the guardian of the house.
What are Roles?
Position, status or function of a person in society, as well as the characteristics and social behaviour expected of them. For example, being a parent is a role.
‘train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.’ - proverbs 22:6
- this means that the parent’s responsibility is to raise up their child so they develop good habits and make appropriate choices
- the parents also have to put the child in the right direction so they follow God and Christianity their entire life
‘a man is the guardian of his family (household) a woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and of his children.’ - Hadith Sahih Bukhari 9:89:252
- this means that the man’s responsibility is to provide and take care of his family
- the woman’s responsibility is to take care of her husband’s home and children (domestic life)
‘two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two but one flesh.’ - mark 10:8
- this means that the purpose of marriage is to completely commit to each other
- the husband and wife are inseparable, together forever
- marriage, therefore, is a union between men and women
Why Christians get Married
- marriage is a gift from God, it’s a sacrament
- Jesus taught about the importance of marriage (mark 10:8)
- some Christians believe marriage is a perfect environment to raise children
- the vows made show a long life commitment
How Christians get Married
- hymns
- exchange of vows
- blessing of rings with holy water (catholic-only)
- exchange of rings
- bible readings
- sermon
- prayers
COHABITATION (liberal Christians)
- they tolerate cohabitation
- they support it if the couple is in a monogamous stable relationship
COHABITATION (conservative Christians)
- ‘Sex should only take place in marriage.’ - genesis 1:22
- cohabitation devalues the sanctity of marriage
- cohabitation is wrong
- in an ideal world people would marry rather than live together
What do Muslims Believe about Marriage?
‘And of His signs is that He created for you from
yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in
them;’ - Qur’an 30:21
-this suggests for Muslims that marriage is a gift/blessing from Allah
Why do Muslims Marry?
- to strengthen the Muslim community (ummah)
- follow the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
- Qur’an 30;21 suggests that marriage is a gift from Allah
How do Muslims Marry?
- Muslim’s can get married in the Mosque, at home or anywhere
- a Muslim wedding will happen over more than one day
- Pre Wedding: when the families meet and set the event dates
- The Wedding: when the bride officially leaves her family home to join her husband
- Post Wedding: when the bride and groom host an after-party once moved in together
5 Important Parts of Muslim Marriage
1) Mahr: the money or gifts the groom gives to the bride
2) signing the Nikkah (marriage contract)
3) the vows
4) readings from the Qur’an
5) the Walimah (big party)
- some Muslim families may decide who their child should marry
- they find who they believe to be a suitable partner for their child
-a temporary unannounced marriage is where a man and a woman are married for a short amount of time, today some Shi’a Muslims take part in it so they can socialize with the opposite sex
all Sunni’s and some Shi’a say:
-temporary marriages are wrong because it allows for sex before marriage
DIVORCE (Catholics/Conservative Christians)
‘Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.’ - Mark 10:9
- this shows marriage is a holy thing as God has given it to humans
- because of that, humans should not break apart a marriage
DIVORCE (Catholics/Conservative Christians)
- you have made a promise to God so breaking that promise would be a sin
- you may separate but not divorce
- in the Catholic church, you may only divorce if you did not have sex with that person
DIVORCE (Protestants/liberal Christians)
- God is omnibenevolent so he doesn’t want people to suffer, for example in abusive relationships
- divorce can be used as a last resort
- God gave free will to decide what is best
DIVORCE (Shia traditional conservative Muslims)
‘The most detestable of lawful things before Allah is divorce.’ - Hadith