Unit 1 psychology: topic 5: Brain plasticity and brain injury Flashcards
Neuron a nerve cell that
receives and transmits
neural information
Synapse the region
that includes the
axon terminals of the
presynaptic neuron,
the synaptic gap, and
the dendrites of the
postsynaptic neuron
places where neurons connect and communicate with each other
the ability of the brain
to change in response
to experience or
environmental stimulation
Developmental pasticity
Developmental plasticity
changes in the brain that
occur in response to
ageing and maturation
the formation of synapses
between neurons as
axon terminals and
dendrites grow
Synaptic pruning
Synaptic pruning
the elimination of
underused synapses
the formation and
development of myelin
around the axon of
a neuron
Adaptive plasticity
Adaptive plasticity
the brain’s ability to
restore adequate neural
functioning over time after
sustaining injury
a neuron’s
ability to develop new
branches on the dendrites
or axons
a neuron’s
ability to form a new
connection with another
undamaged neuron
diseases a disease
characterised by the
progressive loss of
neurons in the brain
Chronic traumatic
encephalopathy (CTE)
a progressive and fatal
brain disease associated
with repeated head
injuries and concussions
Somatorsensory cortex
receiving and processing sensory information.
In this way, touch, temperature, pressure, pain,
Primary motor cortex
has an important role in initiating voluntary motor movements. Firstly, it receives the sequence of motions from the premotor cortex
brain trauma
Brain dysfunction caused by an outside force, usually a violent blow to the head.
Aqquired brain injury
Acquired brain injury is brain damage caused by events after birth,
Parkinsons disease
a brain disorder that causes unintended or uncontrollable movements, such as shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with balance and coordination