Unit 1 - Population and settlement Flashcards
The study of population
People who study population
Zero growth
A point in which the population number remains unchanged
Natural change
The difference between the birth and death rates
Exponential growth
A growth rate where the growth of the system is more rapid in proportion to the amount present
Birth rate
The total number of babies born per 1000 people
Death rate
The total number of deaths per 1000 people in an area each year
Life expectancy
A calculated figure that can predict the average period of life a person is to live
Infant Mortality Rate
The number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per 1000 live births
Fertility rate
The ratio between the number of live births in a year and the whole female population of childbearing age
Population distribution
A measure of how spread out a population is in any given area
Population density
The number of people per unit area
Population structure
The way a population of an area can be broken down into groups
The value of all products and services produced by the citizens of a country both domestically and internationally minus income earned by foreign residents
People per doctor
The number of individuals served by one physician in a country, if the population was equally distributed across physicians
Densely populated
Many people in a small area
Sparsely populated
Few people in a large area
Population density equation
Population density = Total population ÷ Total land area
Optimum population
The population is such that it can maximize the benefits from the resources available and maximize quality of life
The resources cannot sustain the current population
The population cannot fully utilize the resources available
Demographic Transition Model
Stages 1 of DTM
- Fluctuating birth rate
- Fluctuating death rate
- Low population
- Example: Ghana
Stage 2 of DTM
- Decreasing birth rate
- Decreasing death rate
- Increasing population
- Example: Russia
Stage 3 of DTM
- Decreasing birth rate
- Decreasing death rate
- Increasing population
- Example: China
Stage 4 of DTM
- Fluctuating birth rate
- Fluctuating death rate
- Increasing population
- Example: USA
Stage 5 of DTM
- Decreasing birth rate
- Stable death rate
- Decreasing total population
- Example: Finland
The movement of people from one place to another
Health tourism
The visiting of another country for better healthcare
Push factors
Reasons to leave a place