Unit 1- Oral Cavity Flashcards
More common to develop alimentary neoplasia
dog and cat
More common to develop infectious disease
Ruminant and pig
Most prone to intestinal displacements
Horse, colic
Normal oral or GI mucosa
Smooth and shiny
Pathogen entry
Ingestion most common, cough from lungs and swallowed, hematogenous, migration
Rhodococcus equi
Causes pneumonia in foals, inhaled or in contaminated soil
Cleft palate, common in calves
Cleft lip/harelip, common in calves
Veratrum californicum
Teratogenic plant that can cause cleft palate and harelip
Poison hemlock
Can cause cleft palate in cattle and sheep
Anti fungal that can cause cleft palate in offspring if given to queens
Death due to palatoschisis
Aspiration pneumonia as neonates are unable to suckle
Failure of upper and lower incisors to properly interdigitate, result in difficulty of prehension and mastication
Shortening of inferior (lower) jaw
Protrusion of lower jaw
Produce enamel
Produce dentin
Canine Distemper
Respiratory and neurologic signs and affects ameloblasts, leading to enamel hypoplasia
Produces enamel hypoplasia in calves
Dental Attrition
Wear and tear, loss of tooth structure caused by mastication, more common in herbivores
Step Mouth
Abnormal wearing of teeth, uneven wear can indicate problems/pain on other side
Periodontal Disease
bacterial films and enzymes lead to enamel, gingiva, and periodontal ligament damage
Supragingival Plaque
On crown above gumline, leads to cavities
Subgingival Plaque
Below gumline, leads to chronic disease and destruction of alveolar bone