Unit 1 - Legal Foundations Pt. 3 Flashcards
Code of Hammurabi
Retribution - Justice based on vengeance + punishment… TODAY’S CRIMINAL LAW
Restitution - Payment from offender to victim… TODAY’S CIVIL LAW
Mosaic Law
Largely seen as offences against God than society.
Form of restitution»_space;» retribution
Roman Law
- Equity & RULE OF LAW
- Public trials, victim compensation, legal experts for counsel
- Brought to England –> foundation of modern law
Greek Law
- 1st democracy
- Citizen participation + trial by jury are in the CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS
- Influenced today’s property laws
- English common law
BNA Act - 1867
- Unified Ontario, Quebec, NS, NB
- Outlined gov powers to make laws
- Established levels of gov for making laws (fed. & prov)
Section 91 - BNA Act
Gave FEDERAL gov powers:
- Criminal Law
- Unemployment Insurance
- Blacking currency, coinage
Section 92 - BNA Act
Gave PROVINCIAL gov powers:
- Property & Civil Laws
- Marriage ceremonies
- Highways + roads
Residual Powers
All leftover power to the central gov.
Statue of Westminster - 1931
- Gave Canada control over foreign affairs
- Changed BNA Act, allowing Canada to make laws independently
- Ended Canada’s colonial status
Supreme Court of Canada - 1949
Became Canada’s highest court.
Constitution Act - 1982
- Amending formula = Complete independence
- 7/10 provinces representing at least 50% of
population & Canadian Parliament must
- 7/10 provinces representing at least 50% of
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Principle of Equalization
- Principle of National Resources
The Royal Proclamation
- English law & courts replace French system
- Allowed to speak French + practice Catholic religion
WHY did the British gov. make the Proclamation?
- To ensure English laws, language, + religion in Quebec
- To attract more British settlers to Quebec
- To protect the fur-trade = gain confidence of Indigenous peoples
Structure of gov under the Royal Proclamation
- King - Absolute Power
- Governor - Supervised colony affairs
- Executive Council - Advised Governor of colony affairs
The Quebec Act of 1774
- Repealed Royal Proclamation
- Catholicism protected
- French civil laws, English criminal laws
Problems w/ the BNA Act
- No authority to pass laws
- Unable to amend constitution
- Lack of clarity of division of powers