Unit 1 Gastrointestinal Flashcards
what is Achalasia and how does it happen??
This is a rare disorder making it difficult for food and liquid to pass through the esophagus. Occurs when the esophagus becomes damaged.
what is Anastomosis
a connection that is created by tubular structures, such as loops of intestines.
what are Antispasmodics and what are they used for ??
medications to treat spasms of the gastrointestinal muscles.
Ascites Defintion ??
the buildup of fluids in the space between the lining of abdomen and abdomen organs
what is Barium used for in gastro medicine
a test to look at the outline of any part of your digestive system.
Borborygmi def ???
the rumbling sounds the stomach makes as food and liquids pass through
what is a Colectomy
a type of surgery that is used to treat colon disease; a part of the colon is removed. (colon is part of large intestine)
Colitis is what???
This is a chronic digestive disease which is characterized by the inflammation of the inner lining of the colon.
Colostomy is what ??
an opening in the belly that is made during surgery (in the abdominal wall)
Diverticulum def ??
condition that occurs when small pouches or sacs form and push outwards on weak spots in the wall of the colon.
Dyspepsia is also known as what
Dysphagia means what ??
swallowing difficulties
when someone is abnormally thin or weak.
a procedure allowing a doctor to view the inside of the body.
Enteral nutrition means what ??
feeding through the gut. aka using a feeding tube.
Enteritis def ???
the inflammation of the small intestine.
Enterocele is what, and when does it happen ??
a small bowel prolapse. Happens when the small intestine descends into the lower pelvic cavity and pushes at the top part of the vagina, which creates a bulge.
Eructation is what
Esophagitis def
inflammation of the esophagus
Fistula def ?
abnormal opening in the stomach or intestine allowing liquid to leak where it is not supposed to leak.
Gastralgia is what
an ache feeling in the stomach (localized.)
inflammation of the stomach lining.
Gastroenteritis is what??
short term illness triggered by an infection or inflammation of the digestive system.