Unit 1-Dog breeds and Unit 2 Cat Breeds Flashcards
What are the four prototype breeds?
-Canis familiaris metris-optimae: forerunner of sheep-herding breeds
-Canis familiaris intermedius: forerunner of many hauling, hunting, and toy breeds
-Canis familiaris leineri: forerunner of the sight hounds and many of the terriers
-Canis familiaris inostranzewi: forerunner of mastiffs and some of the water dogs
In the wild, sexual maturity often does not occur before __ years of age. Domestic dogs reach puberty at ___ months.
two, six to eight
wild canids normally produce only___ litter annually, to allow the dam to nurture her offspring properly. Most domesticated breeds can produce ___ litters per year; some can produce ____.
one;two ;three
What are the breeding methods that are commonly used?
Inbreeding, Line-breeding, Outcross breeding
The breeding of closely related progeny (son to mother, half-brother to half-sister, father to daughter). It allows the strongest, most desirable traits to be fixed, is what type of breeding?
The breeding of individuals that are more distantly related, but with common ancestors in their pedigree for four or five generations, is what type of breeding?
The breeding of individuals with no common ancestors in the last four or five generations, is which type of breeding?
Outcross breeding
Dewlap 垂肉
Flews 下垂
Haw-Eyedness 下垂眼袋
Roach Back
Loose, pendulour skin under the throat (e.g. Bloodhound) 咽喉下松弛、下垂的皮肤(如猎犬)
Fleshy, sometimes pendulous upper lip (e.g. English Bulldog)肉质,有时下垂的上唇(如英国斗牛犬)
Drooping or sagging of the lower eyelid下眼睑下垂
Step up from muzzle to skull; also indentation between the eyes
Shallow body depth at the loin; small-waisted (e.g. Greyhound)从口鼻到头骨向上移动;腰部身体深度浅;小腰犬(如灰狗)
Convex curvature of the back toward — but not including — the
Sway Back
Level Bite
Overshot Bite
Scissor Bite
Reverse Scissor Bite
Undershot Bite
Deep in Chest
Button Ear
Hound Ear
Concave curvature of the back 背部的凹弧度
Incisors of the upper and lower jaws meet exactly; even bite 上颌和下颚门牙完全重合;甚至咬人
Upper incisors overlap and do not touch lower incisors 上门牙重叠,不接触下门牙
Outer side of lower incisors touches the inner side of upper incisors 下门牙外侧与上门牙内侧接触
Inner side of lower incisors touches outer side of upper incisors 下门牙内侧与上门牙外侧接触
Lower incisors overlap and do not touch upper incisors 下门牙重叠,不接触上门牙
Chest descends at least to the point of the elbow 胸部至少下降到肘部
Ear flap folds forward with tip near skull, covering orifice of ear 耳瓣向前折叠,尖端靠近颅骨,覆盖耳孔
Ear hangs down from skull; hanging ears, pendant ears or
pendulous ears.
Rose Ear
Butterfly Nose
Roman Nose
Ewe Neck
Throaty Neck
Parti-coloured nose (dark nose with flesh-coloured spots) Dudley 半彩色鼻子(深色鼻子带有肉色斑点)达德利
Nose Flesh-coloured nose
Dark shading that forms a mask-like pattern about the head (e.g.
Boxer) 在头部周围形成面罩状图案的深色阴影(例如;
Convex nasal top line (e.g. Collie) 鼻上凸线(如牧羊犬)
Neck with concave top line 颈部凹顶线
Neck on which skin is loose and wrinkled; throatiness or wet neck. 皮肤松弛、有皱纹的颈部;喉咙肥大或颈部潮湿
how many groups of common breeds and what are they?
8 and the eight groups are: Sporting Dogs, Hounds, Working Dogs, Terriers, Toy Dogs, Non-Sporting Dogs, Herding Dogs and Miscellaneous and Rare Breeds Group.
what are sporting groups?
Setters, Spaniels, Retrievers and Pointers 塞特犬、西班牙猎犬、猎犬和指示犬
What are hound group?
sight hounds and scent or trail hounds
sight hounds (Saluki, Borzoi) are known to run full bore and at top speed
trail hounds (Bloodhound, Basset Hound) are diligent and patient
Dachshund, Greyhound, Irish Wolfhound, Beagle, Basset Hound, Rodesian
What are working group?
possess great intelligence and devotion to their owner
watchdogs (Doberman Pinscher), pull/cart/pack (Alaskan Malamute, Siberian
Husky) guard livestock (Kuvasz, Great Pyrenees) , rescue
Akita, Bernese Mountain Dog, Great Dane, Newfoundland, Samoyed, Giant and
Standard Schnauzer
What are Terrier Group?
divided into three sub-groups; long legged, short legged, and one-time fighting dogs
stubborn, great at digging and fear nothing
e.g Airedale Terrier, Bull Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Fox Terrier, Scottish Terrier, West
Highland White Terrier
What are Toy group?
many are nobility貴族 from centuries ago
small package and are miniatures of larger breeds
e.g Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua, Italian Greyhound, Pomeranian, Pug,
Yorkshire Terrier
What are non-sporting group?
difficult to categorize
e.g Bichon Frise, Chinese Shar-pei, Chow Chow, Dalmatian, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu,
Keeshond 比雄犬、中国沙皮、松狮犬、达尔马提亚犬(班點狗)、拉萨阿普索犬、狮子狗、
What are herding group?
very intelligent, large capacity beyond tending livestock
good natural watchdogs
e.g Australian Shepherd, Old English Sheepdog, Bouvier des Flandres, Rough Collie,
German Shepherd, Puli
What are miscellaneous and rare breeds?
breeds not well known outside their own area
What are the 20 breeds commonly see in veterinary practices throughout Ontario?
Beagle, Boxer, Chihuahua, rough Collie, Dachshund, German Shepherd, Lhasa Apso, Pomeranian, poodle, golden retriever, labrador retriever, Schnazer, Shetland Sheep Dog, Shih Tzu (西施), Siberian Husky, Amercian cocker spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier
What are the five descriptive terms are used to define cat breeds?
Natural Breed (naturally happened) ; Established Breed (既定品种, selectively through two different natural breeds); Hybrid Breed (雜交品種); Mutation (基因突變); mixed Breed (random matings, 90% cats are mixed breed)
What are the common breeds of cat?
Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Burmese, Manx, Ocicat, Siamese,