Unit 1 D Flashcards
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner
The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in
“word smart” or “book smart”
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
This intelligence involves the knowing which comes through language; through reading,
writing, and speaking.
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
“math smart” or “logic smart”
Mathematical-Logical Intelligence
This intelligence uses numbers, math, and logic to find and understand the various patterns that occur in our lives.
Mathematical-Logical Intelligence
“art smart” or “picture smart”
Visual-Spatial Intelligence
This intelligence represents the knowing that occurs through the shapes, images, patterns, designs, and textures we see with our external eyes, but also includes all
of the images we are able to conjure inside our heads
Visual-Spatial Intelligence
“self - smart” or “introspection smart”
Intrapersonal Intelligence
At the heart of this intelligence are our human self - reflective abilities by which we can step outside of ourselves and think about our own lives.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
“body smart” or “movement smart”
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
“people smart” or “group smart”
This way of knowing happens through physical movement and through the knowing of our physical body.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
This is the person-to-person way of knowing. It is the knowing that happens when we work with and relate to other people, often as part of a team.
“nature smart” or “environment smart”
Naturalist Intelligence
involves the full range of knowing that occurs in and through our encounters with the natural world including our recognition, appreciation, and understanding of the natural environment.
Naturalist Intelligence
“music smart” or “sound smart”
Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence
This is the knowing that happens through sound and vibration.
Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence
The Five Components of Emotional Intelligence by ____
Daniel Goleman
Five Components of Emotional Intelligence
Internal motivation
Social Skill
5 Components of EI–It refers to the proficiency in managing relationships and building networks, and an ability to find common ground and build rapport
Social Skill
5 Components of EI–—such as an inner understanding of what is significant in life, joy in one’s work,
interest in learning, or the “flow” that comes from being fully engaged in one’s work.
Internal Motivation
5 Components of EI–The capacity to comprehend how others experience emotion.
5 Components of EI–The capacity to identify and comprehend one’s own feelings, motivations, and moods
as well as how they affect others.
5 Components of EI– The predisposition to put off making decisions and to consider things through before acting, as well as the capacity to suppress or refocus disruptive emotions and moods.
Theory of Intelligence by__
David Perkin
Three Theory of Intelligence by David Perkin’s
Neutral intelligence
Experiential intelligence
Reflective intelligence
3 Theory of Intelligence–This refers to the efficiency and precision of one’s neurological system.
Neutral intelligence
3 Theory of Intelligence–This refers to one’s accumulated knowledge and experience in different areas.
Experiential intelligence
3 Theory of Intelligence–This refers to one’s broad – based strategies for attacking problems, for learning, and for approaching intellectually challenging tasks.
Reflective intelligence
This kind of intelligence can be thought of as a control system that helps make effective use of neural intelligence and experiential intelligence.
Reflective intelligence