(Unit 1) Chatard et al (2007) Flashcards
Chatard et al (2007) Aims
Can gender stereotypes affect memory?
Chatard et al (2007) Procedure
French high school students rated their agreement (on a 7 point scale) with statements about maths and arts abilities of males and females in general (e.g women are gifted at art, man are gifted at maths)
They then rated their own ability in maths and art
A second group rated their own ability first, so gender stereotypes didn’t affect their ratings
All participants finished by recalling their last school marks in maths and English
Chatard et al (2007) Findings
Boys and girls who were given the gender stereotype reminder overestimated their arts performance (boys much less so than girls)
Girls who were given the stereotype reminder underestimated their maths performance while boys overestimated theirs
Chatard et al (2007) Conclusion
Having a gender stereotype will affect performance recall
Chatard et al (2007) Strength and weakness
Research has helped identify gender gap in STEM careers.
Participants may have worked out the purpose of the study and responded in the way they thought the researchers wanted them to.