Unit 1 C Flashcards
Respiratory System
Pathway in and out
Nose & mouth ->Pharynx-> Larynx
-> Trachea-> Bronchus-> Bronchioles-> Alveoli
Alveoli-> Bronchioles-> Bronchus-> Trachea -> Larynx-> Pharynx -> Nose & mouth
Gaseous Exchange
delivery of oxygen from the lungs to the blood stream and the removal of carbon dioxide from the tissues
Exchange of Gas within lungs
- Air enters body through nose & mouth
- Passes through to reach alveoli
- Oxygen diffuses through alveoli into capillaries
- Haemoglobin in blood becomes oxygenated forming oxyhaemoglobin
- Oxygen travels to working muscle cells
- Carbon D travels from working muscles to lungs
- Carbon D diffuses from the capillaries to the alveoli
- Air is breathed out through nose and mouth
Partial pressure
o2 in the alveoli
vo2 in capillaries
Diffusion Gradient
-With exercise theres and increase in diffusion gradient
-More gases are being passed through
Mechanics of Breathing
Expiration- Breathing OUT
-External intercostal muscles relax (internal contract), rib cage returns to normal
-Diaphragm relaxes pushing it up
-Chest cavity gets smaller so pressure in lung increases
-Air flows out the lung
Mechanics of Breathing
Inspiration- Breathing IN
-External intercostal muscles contract, pulls rib cage up & out
-Diaphragm contracts causing it to flatten
-Chest cavity gets larger causing pressure in lung to fall
-Air moves into the lungs from the higher outside pressure
Lung volumes
Inspiratory/Expiratory reserve volume- additional air that can be breathed in and out during exercise
Tidal volume- volume of air breathed in and out with each breath
Residual volume- lungs are never totally empty (unless collapsed lung)
Vital capacity- maximum amount of air that can be forced out
Total lung capacity- TLC after u have inhaled as deeply as you can (6000cm3)
Tidal volume stats
-500cm3 air breathed in
-350cm3 reaches the alveoli & gaseous exchange
-150cm3 fills larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles
Control of Breathing
Brain- Medulla Oblongata
-middle of the brain
-neurones are responsible for breathing
-controls the diaphragm contracting and relaxing through sending impulses/signals to nerve
Control of Breathing
-Chemoreceptors monitor changin levels of o2 and co2 in the blood
-found in the medulla ,aortic arch and carotid arteries
-Send signals to the medulla that make changes to breathing
Increased breathing rate- increased demandfor o2 and production of co2 stimulates faster deeper breathing, anticipatory rise occurs when exercise begins in prep for demand
Increased tidal volume- allows more air to pass through the lungs to meet the increased demand
Increased vital capcity- lung volume increases
Increased strength of respiratory musces- diaphragm & intercostal muscles increase in strength; allows greater expansion of chest cavity
Increased o2 + co2 transfusion rate- able to train harder and for longer, suppy o2 quicker and remove co2 quicker (diffsuion gradient)
Additional Factors
Asthma- bands of muscle surrounding the aiway are usually relaxed, asthma makes bands contract/tighten, restricts movement of air in & out
Altitude & Partial pressure- edurance athletes may altitude train when o2 is psread out, o2 diffuses slower as pressure differences reduced.
Over time, lungs become larger and more efficient , body will produce more red blood cells and capillaries, allowing gaseous exchange and transport of o2 more efficient.