Unit 1 A - Weather Hazards Flashcards
The Sun warms the earth at the equator causing air to ______. This is a low ______- belt.
Rise. This is a low pressure belt.
30 degress north and south of the eqator the air
sinks creating a high pressure belt
What are trade winds?
Cool air that moves back to the equator from 30 deg north or south
name two factors that cause tropical storms to develop?
low wind shear
sea temperature is 27.C or higher
name the Case study for a tropical storm that you have studied?
Typhoon haiyan 2013
Why do storms grow less powerful as they pass over land?
Storms lose strength because when they move over land , energy supply from the warm water is cut off.
Storms spin anti clockwise in
northern hemispeher
When was typhoon Haiyan?
8th November 2013
How many mm of rain ?
Where did Typhoon haiyan hit?
the philipeans
Winds hit up to a maximum of
How powerful was the storm surge ?
5m tall
How many people were killed by typhoon haiyan?
8000 people
How many people were made homeless by Typhoon Haiyan?
1.9 million
over ______ milion homes were destoryed by Typhonn haiyan
1 million
Cost of damage was
13 million USD
The lack of clean water caused the spread of diseases such as
there was 600,000 acres of
flooded farmland
What is PASGA?
Philippines meteorological agency
What is PASGA used for?
boradcasting warnings about typhoon haiyan
how many workers lost their jobs due to typhoon haiyan?
5.6 Million
How many people managed to evacuate?
List some environmental impacts of Somerset levels?
11500 acres of farmland
Loss of fertility of land
What is the Purok system?
a sysytm used ot raise money
List some social impacts of Somerset Levels?
Villages such as Muchelney were cut off
Major transport links closed
Insurance Price Rised
Name a case of extreme weather in the UK that you have studied?
Somserset Levels Flooding 2013-2014
more than ____ homes were flooded
list some economic impacts of Somerset levels?
80 million pounds worth of damage