Unit 1 Flashcards
In the 1948 election roughly what percentage of the population were whites?
Name two African tribal groups
Zulu and Xhosa
What percentage of SA white population were Afrikaner?
When were blacks disenfranchised (no vote)?
What percentage of land did whites own?
What were townships?
Blacks living on the outskirts of cities.
What event increased African urbanisation rapidly?
Which issue mainly affected Afrikaners who failed to make a living in rural areas?
Poor white problem
Why did so many Africans want to leave reserves?
Few job opportunities, cities had more jobs
Who re-created the National Party and which group of voters did he target?
Malan / Aafrikaners
What were the key factors causing the NP to win the 1948 election?
Election system (first past the post), Afrikaaner nationalism, Smuts and the United party being too liberal, Fear of blacks (swart gevaar)
Afrikaaners started to see themselves as Volk. This represented the growth of what?
Afrikaaner nationalism
What did Henry Gluckman advocate urgent expansion of & why was this a problem?
Health services / served black and white.
Whites were afraid of black danger and flooding. What was the name for this?
Swart Gevaar / Oorstrooming
Smuts was accused of being too what?
What percent of the vote did each party get?
National party - 38%
United party - 49%
The United Party won big majorities where?
Urban English speaking areas.
What secret organisation was set up to promote Afrikaner interests?
What did the separate representation of voters act do in 1951?
Stop coloured people from voting
In the 1953 election the NP increased its number of voters from what to what?
400,000 - 600,000
NP became more entrenched
When was the group areas act and what did it do?
From 1950 - Gave the government the power to declare areas for whites only and move Africans out
When was the Native Abolition of Passes and what did it do?
1952 - forced African men in cities to carry passes.
How many people were convicted of pass law offences in 1962?
Despite the pass laws African urban population increases from 1.8 million in 1946 to what in 1960?
3.5 million
Name case studies of Group Area Acts in action
Sophiatown, Durban, District six
How many people were removed from District six?
How many Africans were literate in the 1951 census?
When was the Bantu Education Act and what did it do?
1953 - brought all African education under government control - prepared them for lives in homelands not cities
When was the extension of university act and what did it do?
1959 - enabled full segregation of race in the universities
What was the aim of the Bantu self-governing act 1959?
Create self-governing African units
What did Verwoerd attempt to call all the laws regarding improving the homelands?
Separate development / internal decolonisation
When was the Tomlinson Report?
What was Grand Apartheid?
Africans and whites completely separate economically and socially
How much money did the Tomlinson report say as needed
£100 million
How much of South Africa was assigned to be a homeland or bantustan?
Why was the Tomlinson report important?
Justification of grand apartheid, revealed what was required to make it work and the government were unwilling.
Why was the National Part reluctant to invest in bantustans?
Black businesses may compete with whites.
Which South African prime minister rejected the Tomlinson Report?
What is betterment?
Stop environmental degradation / forced people to move to villages.
What are bantustans?
Partially self-governing government areas for Africans.
The area of Bantustans aimed to make Africans to see themselves as what?
Tribal identity e.g Xhosa
Who argued for a more confrontational approach to opposing apartheid?
ANC Youth League
What motivated the ANC youth league and what ideology were they attempting to encourage?
African Nationalism
Which group did the ANC ally with that the US hated?
Communist party
Alan Paton a white opponent of apartheid created what party and in what year?
1953 - Liberal Party
What was the biggest act of opposition by the ANC in 1952?
The defiance campaign
How many people were arrested at the Defiance Campaign and where were most of the arrests made?
East London
What went wrong with the Defiance Campaign?
Leadership lost control and it turned violent.
What did the ANC rise from and to due to the Defiance campaign?
4,000 to 100,000
In 1955 what did 20,000 women march against and what was the result?
Extending passes to women
Passes were still extended to women.
What is an example of Rural resistance?
What were rural areas protesting about?
When was the freedom charter and what did it say?
1955 - The people shall govern (congress alliance)
What kind of rule did the freedom charter say the ANC will adopt if in power?
Multi-racial democracy
When was the Treason Trial and what was it?
1956 - 1961
156 members of the congress alliance were arrested for high treason.
Consequences of the Treason Trials
Shows multi racial struggle
Put state on trial
Opposition leaders punished
What does PAC stand for?
Pan-Africanist Congress
When did the PAC break from the ANC?
Differences between the ANC and PAC
Thought non-africans had too much influence, wanted complete independence from whites,
United States of Africa more confrontational direct action
Why did the National Part initially allow the rise of the PAC?
Thought their views would encourage separation
Criteria used to judge success of the opposition
Legislation change
International support