Unit 1/3- infectious disease Flashcards
What is the equation for magnification?
Eye piece lens x Objective lens
What are some of the risks of the cheek cell experiment?
Glass, disinfectant, stain, microscope, cotton bud
Describe the process of the cheek cell experiment
Sterile cotton bud inside cheek, smear over a slide, stain, cover slip at 90 degrees, under microscope
Give advantages of a light microscope
Portable, living or dead, inexpensive, simple sample preperation
Give disadvantages of a light microscope
Specifics cant be seen
Maximum magnification and resolution of a light microscope?
X2000 and 200nm
Slide prep process?
Sample on glass slide, methylene blue stain added, cover slip is put on at 90 degrees
What are the different types of electron microscope?
Transmisson em, scanning em
Disadvantages of an electron microscope?
Expensive, complex sample prep, vacuum required, dead
Advantages of an electron microscope?
High magnification and resolution, more can be seen
Maximum magnification and resolution?
Magnification- X500,00 Resolution- tem, 0.5nm. Sem, 3-1-nm
What is the function of a plasma membrane?
Regulate transport, selectively permeable
Function of the cytoplasm?
Cell shape, store chemicals needed for metabolic reactions
Function of the nucelus?
Controls activity, genetic material chromatin and proteins
Function of the nucleolus?
Synthesis RNA and ribosomes
Function of the RER?
Site of protein synthesis, transportation
Function of the SER?
Synthesis and storage of lipids and carbohydrates
Function of the golgi body?
Recieves proteins and modifies them
Function of the vesicles?
Function of lysosomes?
Breaks down waste material
Function of ribosomes?
Protein synthesis
Function of mitochondria?
Aerobic respiration
Function of centrosomes?
Form spindle fibres during cell division
What is the process of protein synthesis?
Instructions are transcribed from DNA to mRNA, mRNA leave the nucleus via pores, Vesicles transport to golgi body, modification, fusion with the cell surface membrane
Are pro or Euk small or big?
Pro- small euk- big
What are pro made up of?
What are euk made up of?
Are pro or Euk made up of membrane bound organelles?
Dna structure of pro?
Free floating