Unit 1 Flashcards
What is sedentary behavior ?
When you are being inactive and doing stuff like including time spent sitting at work, and time spent sitting while using computers, watching television, and for other leisure activities.
What is the definition of Exercise?
Physical activity that is planned , structured, and repetitive and that results improvement in fitness.
What is skill related and health related fitness?
Skill related fitness- Your abilty to perform success fullyin various games and sport.
Health related fitness- Your ability to become and stay physically healthy.
What are risk factors that you can and can not change?
Age, Heredity, and gender.
What is dehydration?
Body fluid loss.
What are Heat related illnesses?
Heat cramps, Heat exhaustion, and heatstroke.
What is the difference and do you treat sprains and strains?
Strains are a pull or rip in a muscle or tendon. and Sprains is a tear of a ligament.
The way to treat it is by using the Rice formula. ( Rest the injured area , ice the area to reduce swelling , Compress the area by wrapping it in an elastic bandage, Elevate or raise the body part.)
What do you do if you get caught in a rip current?
You should stay clam aand head parallel to the shoreline until you are out of the current.
What do the colors on the flags mean at the beach?
Red- High hazard ,
Yellow- Medium Hazard,
Green - Low hazard
Purple - Dangerous Marine life