unit 1 Flashcards
Movement of c molecules between sources and sinks (CO2, glucose, CH4)
Some steps are quick (burning fossil fuels), some are slow (sedimentation and burial and making of fossil fuels)
Leads to imbalance
carbon cycle
carbon resovoir
Atmosphere is a key C reservoir
Increase in C leads to increase in temp (global warming)
a C reservoir that stores more C than it releases
c sink
example: Ocean (algae and sediments) and plants and soil (terrestrial and marine)
what is a c source
C source–add C to the atmosphere
Fossil Fuel combustion
Animal agriculture (cow burps and farts release methane CH4)
which process has a c source and c sink
Photosynthesis (results in C sink); Respiration (CO2 source)
Both happen quickly; no net increase because they cyle very quickly
ocean and atmosphere in c cycle
Direct Exchange
CO2 directly between atmosphere and water surface
Quickly and balanced
As CO2 levels increase in water→ ACIDIFICATION of ocean **Bad for coral reefs and other marine organisms
Algae and phytoplankton–take CO2 out of ocean and atmosphere (photosynthesis)
Coral Reefs and organisms with shells–take CO2 out of ocean for their shells (Calcium Carbonate Exoskeleton)
Sedimentation–marine organisms die, bodies sink to ocean floor, broken into sediments that contain C
Burial–buried become stone (Limestone and Sandstone); long-form reservoir
Burial–Rocks and fossil fuels: ferns (coal) and algae and plankton (oil)
slow carbon cycle
CO2 levels increase in water **Bad for coral reefs and other marine organisms
marine organisms die, bodies sink to ocean floor, broken into sediments that contain Carbon
buried become stone (Limestone and Sandstone); long-form reservoir
Movement of Nitrogen between sources and sinks/reservoirs
Sources release Nitrogen, sinks take Nitrogen out of the atmosphere; reservoirs in cycle MUCH shorter than in C cycle
Examples: soil, plants, animals
nitrogen cycle
Converted to USABLE forms by lightning, industrial activities, and BACTERIA in soil and ***those w mutualistic relationship with legumes (peas, beans, lentils)
Biggest sink–ATMOSPHERE (as N2)-
nitrogen fixation, lightning/baceteria, synthetic assimilation,ammonification,nitrification, dentrification
what is nitrogen a key limiting nutrient for/how?
N2 (gas)–> NH3 (ammonia) or NO3 (nitrate)
How? Lightning OR bacteria **that live in soil OR associated with legumes
Synthetic: human combustion of Fossil Fuels N2 → NO3 **Synthetic fertilizer (MiracleGro)—-VERY energy intensivenitrogen fixation
nitrogen fixation
N becomes part of body (plants soak it up through roots, animals eat)
Soil bacteria, microbes, decomposer convert WASTE AND DEAD BIOMASS→ NH3 (in soil)
bacteria NH4→NO2→NO3
bacteria: No3→NxO (gas) back to atmosphere
N2O is a green house gas
Produced by agricultural soils (esp. When waterlogged, overwatered), Ammonia volatiization, Leaching and Eutrophication
human impact of the nitrogen cycle
Too much NH3 so it goes into atmosphere; results in ACID RAIN, irritates human and other animal respiratory system; less N for plants to grow
ammonia volatization
Leaching of NO3 into water, causes overgrowth of algae; blocks sunlight; decomposition of algae leads to decreased oxygen in the lake/pond, major death
leaching and eutrophication (overabundance)
P moves between sinks and sources
Rocks are the sinks
P cycle is VERY SLOW–Released very slowly through weathering; no gaseous form of P
Because it is so slow, it is a limiting nutrient for plant growth
Needed for DNA, ATP, and bones and enamel in animals
phosphorous cycle
Because it is so slow, it is a limiting nutrient for PLANT GROWTH
****Needed for DNA, ATP, and bones and enamel in animals
what is the phosphorous cycle a limiting nutrient in?
- Natural: ROCKS–wind and rain break down rock into phosphate (PO4-3) which is released and dissolved in water; rain water carries phosphates to soil and bodies of water,
- Synthetic: Detergents, cleaners, and fertilizers, Assimilation (Just like N cycle, taken up by plants; animals eat)
P does not dissolve–much of it forms solid bits that fall to the bottom of water as sediment (sedimentation)–become rocks
-Geological uplift
-Major cause of eutrophication
sources of phosphorous cycle
occurs when tectonic plates collide rock layers move up (form mountains), weathering continues to return P to soil
Geological uplift
Movement of water (in different states) between sources and reservoirs
ENERGY from the SUN drives the water cycle
Precipitation–gas→ liquid
Largest Reservoir=ocean
When precipitation occurs (gas→liquid), water either runoff (goes to bodies of water, recharges lakes and ponds; often carries pollution) OR infiltrates into the ground (groundwater; underground aquifers–good source of fresh water; think wells); only occurs if the ground is permeable
LOTS of connections to other cycles
hydrological cycle
Largest Reservoir=ocean
Important reservoirs for humans and other animals=ice caps and groundwater
hyrological cycle resovoirs
-movement of water driven by SUN
Sum of water that leaves due to evaporation and transpiration
water leaves through the stomata–pulls water upward
creation of new organic material
- living mass of an organism or organisms but sometimes refers to dry mass
-The rate of growth or biomass increase in plants and animals; measured per unit area per unit time
measure of the total amount of solar energy that the producers in the system campture via photosynthesis over time
Takes into account the amount of energy required for respiration
NPP= GPP-R (GPP is always larger than NPP)
measure the rate of photosynthesis
1) measure the co2 used
Measure the o2 produced
Estimates GPP(total “fixed: energy)
Measure the rate of formation of new plant matter
Final plant biomass minus initial
Estimates NPP
**Respiration is the reverse process of photosynthesis (co2 and h20 products)
-measuring primary production
keystone species
A species that plays an important role in allowing the rest of the ecosystem to function.
If you remove an organism from a ecosystem, the ecosystem will collapse.
10% rule
As you go up, the food chain. 90% is lost and 10% goes up.
-On average only 10% of the energy from a lower level makes it to the level above.
In an oceanic environment, the photic zone is the zone where light can be received, it’s usually from 0 to 200 m deep, but this depth can be modified by the turbidity of the water. The aphotic zone is the zone where no light is received, it goes from 200 to the bottom of the sea.
- varying turbidity
- 6.5-8.2 pH
- low mineral hardness
- no salinity
- varied temp/location
- varied DO levels
streams and rivers
-neutral pH
- varying turbidity
- low hardness mineral content
- no salinity
- varied temp/location
- varying DO levels
freshwater and wetlands
- 8 pH
- varying turbidity
- very high mineral hardness
- 2.5-5.0 ppt salinity (brackish)
- varying temp and location
- high DO levels
estuaries/salt marshes
- 8 pH
- varying turbidity
- very high mineral hardness
- brackish
- tropical location/temp
- ## very high DO levels
mangrove swamps
- varying turbidity
- very high mineral hardness
- high salinity
- located where ocean meets the shore (ever and evermore)
- varying productivity (DO levels)
intertidal zones
- 8 pH
- varying turbidity
- very high mineral hardness
- 35 ppt (?) high salinity
- located in tropical regions
- high DO levels
coral reefs
- 8 pH
- varying turbidity
- very high mineral content
- high salinity
- varying temp and location
- not a lot of productivity
photic zone (open ocean)
- 7.8 pH
- varying turbidity
- very high mineral hardness
- high salinity
- varying location and temp
- least amount of productivity
aphotic zone (open ocean)
6-8 pH
- varying turbifity
- no salinity
- varying temp and location
- varying productivity
lakes and ponds
- location: canada, russia
- animals store extra fat and hibernate
- 10-40 mm rain (not a lot)
- temp can be cold (30) to very hot (110)
- cold forests
- found in the regions just below the ice caps of the Arctic, extending across North America, to Europe, and Siberia in Asia.found in the regions just below the ice caps of the Arctic, extending across North America, to Europe, and Siberia in Asia.
- both migratory animals and ones that stay like caribou
- low growing lichens,
mosses, and grasses
adapted to drought
and cold.
precipitation is 25
cm/year and average
temperature is -12℃.
- located near the equator
- Precipitation 55-310 mm and consistent climate of 27 degrees celsius (very warm and rainy)
-sunlight is a limiting factor
-Lianas: vines reach towards sunlight and grow in the canopy (other plants near the ground are covered by tall trees) - taller and thinner tree trunks to reach sunlight and outcompete others
Ephiphytes: plants depending on nutrients from air and water (not soil)since they live in canopy
Animal camoflage, poison, nocturnal/diurnal
tropical rainforest
- Above or below tropic of capricorn and cancer
(not around equator because there are seasons) - High precipitation during colder months and low during warming months
Varying seasons
Precipitation from 100-500
adaptations include: Camouflage
-migration, Hibernation, Broad leaves (capture max sunlight) , Epiphytic growth (adapted to grow on trees allowing them to access light and moisture without competing for space) and Seed dispersal
temperate rainforest
-Equal distance from the equator on both sides
- cold in the winter/hot in the summer (seasonal)
may/june highest rainfall and january/feb lowest rainfall 3-13 cm on precipitation
-adaptations: Nitrogen, Water
- adaptations: Plants: thick roots to help survive in the winter
Deciduous trees
Small Animals dig holes to escape predators and have pouches in their mouths to store food
Large animals use camoflage
temperate grassland
- found in australia,south america, africa (near equator so non-seasonal)
- “wet-dry” tropical climate
- wet season around september where precipitation increases up to 300 mm (average amount of rain but much more during wet season)
- sunlight and water limiting factors
- plants have developed strong root systems to survive during arid climates and fires and many animals over time developed longer and swifter limbs to be able to migrate during drought seasons for food and water, such as antelope
- located in central america, south america, a bit of australia, africa, india, and southeast asia
- located near the equator so temperatures don’t really change but very hot
- rainy/dry season (dry season includes months of june-novemberish)
- plant adaptations: drip tips – pointy tips of leaves help excess water to easily runoff as to not damage the leaves and buttress roots – large roots above the forest floor to support the trees. Animal adaptations like camouflage – makes it more difficult for predators/prey to see the animal and attack it.
tropical seasonal forest
-the temperatures are warm and dry year-round
-can be found in North America, Central America, South America, southern Asia, Africa, and Australia
-water and sunlight as limiting factors also soil isn’t very nutrient- rich
- adaptations: nocturnal/diurnal
- Leaves and stems of many desert plants have a thick, waxy covering, keeping the plants cooler and reducing evaporative loss
hot desert
- located in North America, South America, Africa, Australia, and Europe
- The summers are hot and dry, and the
winters are cold and moist.
20-62 mm of precipitation - lack of moisture (in the soil)
- plant adaptations: heavy seed production, lignotubers, and fire-induced germination
- ## The animals are also adapted to surviving by being agile, slim and light weight.
LOTS of CO2 in atmosphere
fast carbon cycle