energy sources, pollutants, reduction of air pollutants, sewage treatment, population diagrams Flashcards
- supports protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation in and on water
- focuses on protecting/restoring chemical, physical, biological properties of surface waters
- permitting system to keep point sources of water pollutants (factories, feedlots, wastewater treatment plants) from discharging above acceptable levels
- established acceptable concentration on different pollutants
clean water act
- EPA must set MCLs (max contaminant levels) for 77 different pollutants in both surface and groundwater
ex. arsenic, mercury, benzene
safe drinking water act
identified 6 key criteria primary pollutants that the EPA must set, monitor, and enforce emission levels for:
- SOx,
- NOx
- PM
- Pb
- CO
- O3
clean air act
- allows epa to set list of hazardous wastes and requires industry to monitor and dispose of hazardous waste properly
- requires landfills to have a RCRA permit and may require more secure landfill cap or leachate collection system
resource conservation and recovery act
- tax on highly polluting industries ex. petroleum and chemical
- funds from tax go to cleaning up old hazardous waste sites (mines, chemical plants, oil refineries)
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
- prohibits FDA from approving any food additive found to be carcinogenic in humans or animals
- allows “generally recognized as safe” chemical additives in food
Delaney clause of food, drug, and cosmetic act
- international agreement signed by 197 countries agreeing to phase out ozone depleting CFCs
- called for IMMEDIATE transition to HCFCs
- called for HCFC phase out by 2020 in developed countries and transition to HFC
- HIGHLY successful in phasing out 98% of ozone depleting chemicals within 25 years of ratification
Montreal Protocol
- international agreement between 193 countries in 1997 to reduce GHG emissions by ~5% below 90 level by 2012
- developing countries had no emissions reduction targets
- never ratified in us
- had not successfully reduced GHG emissions
Kyoto Protocol
- gives USFWS power to list species as endangered/threatened
- prohibit harm/trade of these species
- purchase land critical to protecting habitat for endangered species
- created recovery plans to increase population sizes of endangered species
Endangered Species Act
- international agreement signed by 184 countries
- aims to prevent the international trade of over 35000 endangered species
- Countries may seize illegal wildlife and fine violators
- endangered species act in us incorporates implementation of CITES
Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES)
- physical removal of large debris (TP, leaves, plastic, sediment) with screen or grate)
primary treatment
- biological breakdown of organic matter aka feces with bacteria
- aerobic pressure with 02
aeration tank filled with bacteria - break down organic matter into co2 and things like nitrogen and phosphorous
secondary treatment
- chemical filter system
- chemical treatment to reduce pollutants (nitrate, phosphate, ammonia)
- expensive
- reduces nitrate and phosphorous pollution which creates eutrophication which leads to dead zones
tertiary treatment
- UV light, ozone, or chlorine used to kill bacteria or other pathogens ex. e coli
- liquid waste (sewage) discharged into a surface body of water, typically from a wastewater treatment plant
inorganic solid waste collected at the bottom then spun and pumped to concentrate it further
- leftover dry waste is collected and burned or turned into fertilizer pellets or put in a landfill
- drive less, walk/bike/bus more
- consume electricity with smart appliances
- eat more plants, less meat
- renewable non pollution emitting energies (solar, wind, hydro)
reducing emissions
- companies that reduce emissions well below EPA set levels earn pollution credits and they can sell these to companies that release more than acceptable levels
pollution credits
- capture hydrocarbon VOCs, released from gasoline fumes during refueling
- reduces VOCs which contribute to smog and irritate respiratory tracts
- also reduces benzene (carcinogen) released from gasoline vapors
vapor recovery nozzle
- required on all vehicles
- contains metals that bind to NOx and CO
- coverts NOx, CO, and other hydrocarbons into CO2, N2, O2, and H2O
catalytic converters
crushed limestone reduces SO2, used to reduce SO2 from coal power plants
- crushed coal mixed with limestone (calcium carbonate) after being burned in boiler
- calcium carbonate in limestone combines with SO2 to produce calcium sulfate which reduces the SO2 being emitted
- calcium sulfate can be used to make gypsum wallboard
- fluidizing jets of air pumped into combustion”bed” which brings in more 02 making combustion more efficient
fluidized bed combustion
- NOx, SOx, VOCs
- large column/tube/pipe filled with chemicals that absorb or neutralize acids (NOx, SOx, VOCs) from exhaust strain (emissions)
- calcium oxide is a common dry scrubber additive which reacts with so2 to make calcium sulfate
dry scrubbers
- NOx, SOx, VOCs, PM
- may involve chemical agents that absorb and neutralize NOx, SOx, VOCs but also include mist nozzles that trap PM in water droplets too
- sludge collection system traps polluted water for disposal
wet scrubbers
- power plant/factory emissions passed through device with negatively charged electrodes giving particles a negative charge
- negatively charged particles stick to positively charged collection plates, trapping them
electrostatic precipitator