Unit 1 Flashcards
Onondaga Tribe
- Iroquoian Native Americans
- Practice hospitality
- Do not believe in fighting
Modoc Tribe
- Farmed fish and hunted
- Highly developed a method of weaving
- After fighting return to Oregon reservation
Navajo Tribe
- Largest Native American nation in US
- Many live on reservations in Arizona Utah and New Mexico
-Many still live in earth and log structures in practice tribal religion - Pablo people taught them to weave and raise crops
Iroquois Tribe
- Iroquoian mystic and prophet named Dekanawidah urged Iroquoian people to stop fighting and come together in peace + brotherhood
- Led to the formation of the Iroqouis confederation
- Democratic process and composition
- Elected by the people
-Still exist today is self governing bodies
Describe the actions of the swans the beaver and dark after the sky woman had fallen into the hole.
What does this tell you about how people in on a gaga face obstacles?
They tried to grab a piece of the earth at first you don’t succeed try and try again.
From this myth what can you conclude about the relationship between Onondaga in their natural environment?
They have respect for the environment.
What are three values of the Onondaga people?
1.) They take dreams seriously
2.) They are determined
3.) have curiosity
What do the grizzly bears do that angers the chief of sky spirits?
The grizzlies kept his daughter in when she was of age they married her to the eldest son they had children and created a new species
he was angry because species existed without his making.
they are power hungry.
What are three conclusions about the Modoc’s values and beliefs?
1.) Curious
2.) Aggressive
3.) Revenge seeking
Stage 1 of the Navajo creation ceremony:
The spirit people cleanse and dry themselves call forth gods.
Stage 2 of Navajo creation ceremony:
Gods appear and place corn + feathers on buckskin.
Stage 3 of Navajo creation ceremony:
Mirage circle buckskins wind blows and transforms the ears to people.
What is the winds role in the ceremony?
It creates life.
Three conclusions about the Navajo values and beliefs:
1.) Valued corn and wind as a source of life
2.) Value significance of colors in the number four
3.) Very orderly
What does the tree and fire symbolize
Peace and strength
Based on the way the meetings are held what conclusions can you draw about the Iroquoian people?
They are grateful for the environment they value peace and obedience and they have a democratic process.
What are the qualities and conduct required of counsil lords by the Iroquois constitution?
Thick skin peaceful patience deliberation and selflessness
What conditions on the ship caused many of the slaves to die?
Perspiration foul air causing respiratory problems
Why was Equiano kept on deck?
He was too young and he wanted to keep him healthy
What is the effect of these floggings on the readers emotions
Discussed anger and sadness
2 distinct injustices:
1.) they were flogged Because they tried to eat fish scraps
2.) They were flogged because they tried to commit suicide
What does Equiano blame the illness a board on the ship on the traders?
They were using them as more cargo because they would believe it would give more profit without considering diseases among them.
Why are the hardships and slavery inseparable?
Captives will always resist bondage
Why are the slaves so frightened when learning that they must leave the ship?
they thought they would be eaten
Which detail shows that not every sailor was cruel?
He allowed him to see the Compass
What does Equiano focus on after purchasing his freedom?
He focused on Abolition and being a sailor.
According to the opening paragraph what keeps sinners from falling in the hell?
God’s hand
According to Edwards what does listeners mistakenly feel keeps them from falling in hell
They think their behavior keeps them from falling in the hell
What words in the sermons title suggests emotional focus on Edwards message?
The words angry and sinners
What does Edwards say sinners can obtain and how?
Mercy and salvation by repenting their sin
What is the point of his vivid descriptions of hell
All of nature’s controlled by God. it is symbolic of the most powerful elements of nature.
The speaker addresses an absent person or personified object quality or idea
Huswifery is an Apostrophe because 
It is talking about God
To what household objects and activities is the speaker compared in the first two stanzas?
The spinning wheel
fulling mills
What do these images suggest about the speakers feelings about god?
The speaker feels connected like a union to God he is devoted deep intense and vivid.
What does Bradford reveal about his religious beliefs in this discription of Squanto as a special instrument?
God is an active force in our every day life they trust God in their life Squanto was sent from God to help them
What were some of the hardships to pilgrims faced during their trip across the Atlantic and their first winter in Plymouth?
It was cold they didn’t have proper shelter food they got scurvy or died of illness the ship was damaged beyond repair from storms
What was true about the pilgrims religious beliefs
The pilgrims believe them being compassionate even those who didn’t share their religion
Who is Samoset and how did the pilgrims meet him?
He understood some English and he was a Native American