To Kill A Mockingbird Study Guide Flashcards
When was the book written?
What is the setting?
Maycomb, Alabama
Great Depression
Who was Simon Finch?
The relative who settled in Maycomb, which is the reason the Finches are there now.
What was noteworthy about Atticus’ first 2 clients?
They were last to be hanged.
What happened to the mother of the family?
She died of a sudden heart attack.
Who is Calpurnia?
She’s the African American caretaker/ cook for the Finchs’.
Who is Charles Baker Harris? Why is he visiting Maycomb?
Dill. Every summer he stays with aunt Rachel.
Who is the narrator? What’s the point of view?
Scout; 1st person
Who were the Radley’s? What rumors circulated about them?
They were a mysterious family that never left the house. Some rumors are that Boo was punished and chained in the basement, that Boo killed his father, and that Boo killed and ate small animals.
What vow do the children make at the end of the first chapter?
To make Boo come out.
What is Scout’s trouble with the 1st grade?
Miss Caroline wants Atticus to stop reading to her, believing she learned to read the wrong way, needs to be retaught by her, and she gets hit with a ruler after trying to explain Walter’s situation.
What is the situation with Walter Cunningham?
He cannot accept anything he cannot pay back, his family had very little money, works hard to keep the farm, and his family is content with their lifestyle.
How is Scout different from the rest of the school?
She can read, she doesn’t have to work, her father is a lawyer, and her family is not farmers.
What does Miss Caroline do at the end of chapter 2?
How do Walter and Scout know each other?
Atticus gave legal advice to Walter’s father.
Why did Scout try to beat up Walter in chapter 3?
She believes he’s the reason she’s in trouble with the teacher.
Who stops Scout from trying to beat up Walter?
Jem, and he does it because he knows Walter is a family friend.
Why does Calpurnia get angry with Scout during lunch in chapter 3?
Scout rudely comments on the amount of syrup Walter poured all over his lunch.
What problems does Burris Ewell cause in the classroom during the 1st day of the 1st grade?
He has lice in his hair (cooties) and one comes out, Miss Caroline tells him to go home and wash, he says he goes to school for one day only, and he uses profanity until the teacher cries.
How are Walter and Burris foils for each other?
Walter is kind and hardworking while Burris is disrespectful.
How does Atticus get Scout to keep going to the first grade?
He proposed a compromise of reading to her ever night as long as she goes to school, and not to mention the compromise to the teacher.
When does one understand a person?
“‘You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—’ ‘Sir?’ ‘—until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.’” (Atticus in Chapter 3)
In chapter 4 what does Scout find on her way home from schoolv
2 pieces of gum and 2 shiny Indian Pennies in the tree in the Radley yard.
What does Jem tell Scout to do after chewing the gum from the tree?
For her to spit it out and wash her mouth out
How does Scout end up at the Radley house in chapter 4?
The kids were playing with a tire, and they rolled her in it and she ended up down there.
What is the new game the children devise in chapter 4?
The reenactment of Boo Radley.
How does Atticus feel about the children reenacting Boo Radley?
He believes they shouldn’t bother someone who doesn’t want to be bothered.
Who is the town’s busybody?
Miss Stephanie Crawford
What is Dill particularly good at?
Telling the biggest lies/storytelling.
Who is Miss Maudie Atkinson?
She is a friend of the children (especially Scout when the boys play together), and she believes that time spent inside is time wasted. She has a flower garden, and she makes the best cakes.
What plan do the kids make to contact Boo in the 5th chapter?
They planned to put a note at the end of a fishing pole, put it through the shutters, and have Dill ring a bell for them to quit the operation if anyone came.
How does Atticus explain Boo’s right to live his life as he pleases?
He lectures them saying things like; what Boo does is his own business and asked them how they would feel if Atticus did that to them.
How do the kids plan to contact Boo in chapter 6?
They planned to sneak to the Radley place and peak through the loose shutter.
What happens when the children try to contact Boo in chapter 6?
They see a shadow of a man, and they take off after hearing the shot gun. Everyone hears the commotion and people start surrounding the Radley house.
How does Dill explain the loss of Jem’s pants?
He says that Jem lost them in strip poker.
Why does Jem go back for his pants?
He doesn’t want to lose his respect of his father.
How did Scout feel about the 2nd grade?
It was as bad or worse then the first.
What do the children find in the tree in chapter 7?
A ball of twine, soap figures of them, and a spelling bee metal.
How do the children respond to finding the soap figures, metal, and twine in the tree?
They write a thank you note.
What did Mr. Nathan do to the hole in the tree? Why?
He fills it with cement. He says it is because the tree is dying, so he needed to fill the hole to save it.
(It is thought that he did this because Boo was putting the gifts in the tree, and he wasn’t okay with him feeling happiness for religious/personal reasons)
What does Atticus say when the kids tell him about the cement in the tree?
First he says the tree looks healthy, and then he says that Mr. Nathan knows his trees better than they do.
What is unusual about Jem’s pants?
They were mended sloppily and folded on the fence for him.
Why is Jem crying at the end of chapter 7?
He knew it was depriving Boo of happiness.
Describe the winter in Chapter 8?
It never snows in Maycomb, so school was called off. The children thought it was the end of the world, but they were excited to play.
What does Mr. Avery tell the children about the weather?
Changes like that are a result of children misbehaving
What do the children do in the snow to get revenge on Mr. Avery?
They build a snow man replica as a mockery of him.
What is the symbol of the mud man in chapter 8?
The white race over the black race. The snow represents the white race and it goes over the mud which represents the African American race.
What happens during the cold, snowy night in chapter 8?
Miss Maudie’s house catches on fire, the children are afraid that the fire will spread and take over the town.
What happens when Scout and Jem go outside the Radley place to check the direction of the fire in chapter 8?
Scout notices a blanket was placed on her by Boo because she was very cold standing outside.
What is Miss Maudie’s attitude about her house fire?
She can build a smaller house with a bigger yard. She feels positive and is laughing.
What is the problem at the beginning of Chapter 9 during school?
Cecil Jacobs announced about Atticus’s trial in which he defends an African American man.
To what extent does Scout try to avoid school in chapter 9?
She is cursing frequently in hopes Atticus will think she learned it at school and stop sending her.
How does Scout feel about fighting Cecil Jacobs later in chapter 9?
She walks away from her after her conversation with Atticus about it which made her feel strong and noble for her actions.
What are the plans for the Christmas holiday in chapter 9?
They want to go to Finch landing with Uncle Jack, Aunt Alexandria, and cousin Francis.
What was the conversation between Atticus and Uncle Jack at the end of chapter 9 about?
Atticus hopes the case doesn’t affect his children too terribly, keep their heads free of prejudices, and they come to him for answers.
What gifts do the children receive for Christmas?
Air rifles.
What does Scout learn about Dill through Francis?
He tells her that he doesn’t have a home he stays from place to place.
What does Francis say about Atticus to Scout in chapter 9, and how does Francis know about these comments?
He tells Scout repeatedly that Atticus is an “n——- lover” and it mortified the family. Francis is repeating Aunt Alexandria’s words.
What does Scout do to Francis in chapter 9?
Scout hit him explaining later she, “Split her knuckles to the bone on his front teeth”
Describe Uncle Jack:
Respectful, kind, and smart, but doesn’t really understand children