Unit 07: Motivation Flashcards
The __________ region of the hypothalamus is associated with the onset of eating, while the __________ region is associated with the offset.
a) anterior; ventromedial
b) lateral; ventromedial
c) anterior; posterior
d) ventromedial; lateral
__________ is a sugar that serves as a vital energy source for the human body; its levels are monitored by the nervous system.
a) CCK
b) Ghrelin
c) Insulin
d) Glucose
The minimal eating norm is the observation that people tend to
a) eat smaller amounts in certain social situations to avoid seeming rude.
b) gauge how much they eat by what others in the social setting are eating.
c) eat as little as possible in just about every social situation imaginable.
d) encourage one another to eat too much.
What is one difference between anorexia and bulimia?
a) Bulimia involves purging (generally self-induced vomiting), whereas this is less characteristic in anorexia.
b) Anorexia occurs in females only, whereas bulimia occurs in both females and males.
c) Anorexia involves periods of self-starvation, whereas bulimia does not.
d) Anorexia and bulimia are in fact two terms for the same disorder.
Which of the following is the most likely predictor of someone developing an eating disorder?
a) fat receptors on the tongue
b) exposure to idealized versions of body type and thinness
c) decreased sensitivity to the reward value of food
d) activity of the parietal somatosensory cortex
__________ refers to one’s motivation for sexual behaviour and pleasure.
a) Cybersex
b) Libido
c) Orgasm
d) Excitement
What is one biological explanation for the mismatch that transgender individuals identify between their gender and their biological sex?
a) Sex hormones cause sex differences in the brain at an early stage of prenatal development and sex differences in the genitals at a later stage of prenatal development.
b) Oxytocin levels are abnormally low in transgender individuals, which influences how the frontal lobes of the brain will develop early in life.
c) The levels of sex hormones such as testosterone are abnormally high in transgender individuals.
d) Sex hormones cause sex differences in the genitals at an early stage of prenatal development and sex differences in the brain at a later stage of prenatal development.
The accepted attitudes and behaviours of males and females in a given society are known as
a) sexual scripts.
b) sexual orientation.
c) sex guilt.
d) gender roles.
Future computers will likely include face-recognition software that keeps the computer screen lit up when you’re looking at it (this technology is already found in some smart phones). This technology may also make it more difficult for users to remain anonymous in social networking sites or chat rooms. Based on what you’ve read in this module, what effect will this have?
a) The loss of anonymity will make people more inhibited because the sexual scripts will become similar to those found in face-to-face encounters.
b) From an evolutionary perspective, the loss of anonymity will influence male sexual behaviour, as it will be possible for them to identify a larger number of potential mates.
c) Social networking sites will become even more popular and sexualized once everyone can see everyone else.
d) The loss of anonymity will change the gender roles for males and females, making them more similar.
Future computers will likely include face-recognition software that keeps the computer screen lit up when you’re looking at it (this technology is already found in some smart phones). This technology may also make it more difficult for users to remain anonymous in social networking sites or chat rooms. Based on what you’ve read in this module, what effect will this have?
a) The loss of anonymity will make people more inhibited because the sexual scripts will become similar to those found in face-to-face encounters.
b) From an evolutionary perspective, the loss of anonymity will influence male sexual behaviour, as it will be possible for them to identify a larger number of potential mates.
c) Social networking sites will become even more popular and sexualized once everyone can see everyone else.
d) The loss of anonymity will change the gender roles for males and females, making them more similar.
Affiliation motivation is
a) the desire to be isolated from others.
b) the need to have at least a few permanent meaningful relationships.
c) the drive to have as many friends as possible.
d) the desire to be around other people as often as possible.
How is terror management theory related to our need to belong?
a) Mortality salient thoughts help us prepare for death, thus leading to less anxiety.
b) The fear of death makes us more protective of our cultural worldview, including our family, community, and country.
c) The fear of death is an anxiety buffer that helps us form groups.
d) Terror management theory is not related to the need to belong but is instead related to earlier stages of the hierarchy of needs.
If a student is a pre-med major because he is curious about how the body works and how it recovers from disease, psychologists would say that he has ________ motives. If the student is studying pre-med only because he thinks this major will impress people, then psychologists would say that he has ________ motives.
a) performance; avoidance
b) performance; mastery
c) avoidance; mastery
d) mastery; performance
An individual’s belief that he or she will be able to complete a task is known as
a) avoidance motivation.
b) approach motivation.
c) self-efficacy.
d) implicit motivation.
A recent immigrant from Korea is working on a group project with two Canadian colleagues whose families immigrated to Canada several generations ago. The assignment is quite boring and was assigned by the regional manager of the company they work for. Based on what you’ve read in this module, how will the Korean-Canadian differ from his Canadian colleagues?
a) The Korean-Canadian’s negative emotions will not be affected when he is thinking about his Korean culture.
b) The Korean-Canadian will show a larger emotional response to the situation than his colleagues.
c) Both groups will experience a large increase in negative emotions.
d) The Korean-Canadian’s negative emotions will not be affected when he is thinking about his new Western culture.
Feedback from the ________ can influence the firing of your visual and auditory cortices.
a) hypothalamus
b) hippocampus
c) hindbrain
d) amygdala
Elizabeth has a form of epilepsy that cannot be controlled by medications. In an effort to stop her seizures, doctors removed the amygdala from both sides of her brain. How should that affect her experience of fear?
a) She should be unaffected by this surgical procedure
b) She should have difficulties with emotional regulation.
c) She should have a smaller initial reaction to emotional images.
d) Her parasympathetic nervous system should no longer function properly.
The __________ asserts that our emotional experiences are shaped by patterns of physical arousal and the cognitive labels we attach to them.
a) two-factor theory
b) James-Lange theory
c) Cannon-Bard theory of emotion
d) facial feedback hypothesis
Raj’s mother tells him to smile more if he wants to feel better. Her statement is consistent with the _________________.
a) two-factor theory of emotion
b) facial feedback hypothesis
c) emotional transfer hypothesis
d) cortical theory of emotion
Which of the following is an example of an emotional dialect?
a) smiling as a sign of happiness
b) experiencing anger
c) raising one’s upper lip in contempt
d) avoiding laughter in a place of worship
Why do psychologists believe the lateral hypothalamus generates hunger signals that contribute to people’s motivation to eat?
a) The lateral hypothalamus releases CCK, which reduces hunger.
b) When the lateral hypothalamus is stimulated, laboratory animals eat more.
c) Thinner people have smaller nuclei in this area.
d) This brain structure responds to glucose levels.
In Europe, the typical container of fruit and yogurt is roughly 177 mL. In North America, the same food item is usually packaged in 237 mL containers. The unit bias suggests that
a) a German visiting Canada would be likely to eat the entire container, even though it contains 25% more than the typical German serving.
b) a German visiting Canada would carefully evaluate the differences in packaging to ensure that he or she does not consume more than usual.
c) all people, irrespective of nationality, would be unsatisfied with the 177 mL serving in Germany.
d) a Canadian visiting Germany would almost certainly miss the extra 50 mL of yogurt.
According to research on sexual motivation in college and university students, which of the following is not a primary reason that students offer for having sex?
a) emotional reasons
b) reproduction
c) social reasons
d) physical reasons
The male sexual response cycle includes a(n) _______, during which erection and orgasm are not physically possible, whereas the female sexual response cycle most often does not.
a) sensitive period
b) oxytocin release
c) plateau
d) refractory period
Brain differences between homosexual and heterosexual adults should be interpreted as
a) due solely to environmental factors.
b) due solely to inherited, genetic differences.
c) proof that the brain structure between homosexual men and heterosexual women is identical.
d) a result of both genetic and environmental factors.
The hormone oxytocin is associated with
a) a lack of interest in sex.
b) feelings of trust and a desire to be close to someone.
c) the first stage of the sexual response cycle.
d) internet pornography use.
Which of the following factors increases an individual’s risk for illness, heart disease, and even cancer?
a) Loneliness
b) Low self-esteem
c) Happiness
d) Self-actualization
What point did Maslow intend to communicate when he placed belonging in the middle of his hierarchy of needs?
a) Individuals generally must first have a healthy self-esteem before one can satisfy the need to belong.
b) Individuals generally must take care of physiological needs first but must satisfy belonging needs before developing healthy self-esteem.
c) Belonging is more important than physiological needs.
d) Belonging is not an essential human need.
A few minutes after narrowly avoiding a car accident, your arousal returns to a baseline state because of activity in the ________.
a) hypothalamus
b) amygdala
c) sympathetic nervous system
d) parasympathetic nervous system
Nguyen is paralyzed from the neck down and does not experience the autonomic responses that usually accompany fear. Despite this injury, he continues to experience fear. Which theory of emotion is contradicted by this observation?
a) two-factor theory
b) James-Lange theory
c) Cannon-Bard
d) physiological theory
____________ is the process of maintaining relatively stable internal states.
a) Drive
b) Incentive
c) Homeostasis
d) Satiation
Why is insulin, the hormone secreted by the pancreas, so important in its contribution to hunger levels?
a) Insulin stimulates stomach contractions and appetite.
b) Insulin detects blood sugar levels.
c) Insulin converts fat stores into energy the body can use.
d) Insulin helps cells store glucose for future use.
Carl is extremely self-conscious about his weight and maintaining a muscular physique. He spends all his free time in the weight room and follows a strict diet of raw vegetables and powdered supplements. However, he also has periods of binging, after which he compensates by spending the entire day at the gym. Carl is exhibiting signs of
a) obesity.
b) social anxiety disorder.
c) anorexia nervosa.
d) bulimia nervosa.
Despite all our life experiences as adults, there is a time related to eating when we are much like preoperational children. When is this?
a) when we show unit bias
b) when we rely on social modelling to control our eating
c) when we engage in impression management
d) when we fall victim to trigger foods
Girls living a traditional lifestyle in a remote corner of Botswana are less likely to develop anorexia nervosa than girls living in Winnipeg. The most likely explanation for this difference is
a) The girls in Botswana are less likely to be regularly exposed to media images of unrealistic body shapes and weights.
b) genetic.
c) it is colder in Winnipeg, thus girls there are likely to eat a lot in the winter to stay warm, and starve themselves in the summer to lose weight.
d) The girls in Botswana feel they have less control over their lives than girls in Winnipeg.
When a sexual encounter is occurring, Masters and Johnson suggested that humans go through several sexual response stages. Which of the following is the first stage?
a) excitement
b) plateau
c) orgasm
d) resolution
This hormone plays a role in orgasm and post-orgasm physiology.
a) oxytocin
b) melatonin
c) epinephrine
d) insulin
The tendency for males to want to have sex with as many partners as possible can be traced to the influence of
a) socialization.
b) estrogen.
c) alcohol.
d) testosterone.
Annie is 14 years old and has voluntarily sent a sexually explicit photograph to her 15-year-old boyfriend, Max. The Supreme Court of Canada has deemed that
a) Annie’s action was legal if it was consensual; however, it would be illegal for Max to distribute the photo.
b) it was illegal for Annie to send the photo and for Max to view it because Annie is underage.
c) it was illegal for Annie to send the photo.
d) It was illegal for Max to view the photo.
If you were having a conversation about the sexual orientation of a famous person, to what would you be referring?
a) a categorization based on that person’s expectations for how men and women will behave in different circumstances
b) that person’s sex as determined by his or her genes
c) a categorization based on whether that person’s behaviour matches his or her biological sex or not
d) that person’s consistent preference for sexual relations with members of the same sex, opposite sex, or both
_______________ goals involve the effort to avoid unpleasant experiences.
a) Dissonant
b) Dissenting
c) Avoidance
d) Escape
Which of the following is a reason that married couples may be so “high” on parenthood?
a) Parenthood increases happiness.
b) Parenthood increases material satisfaction.
c) Parenthood fulfills the need to belong.
d) Parenthood makes married couples feel useful.
Matthew and Shannon have been together for a couple of years. They have several shared interests and enjoy each other’s company. They still have a good sex life, but don’t feel the same kind of excitement and passion as when they first started dating. They are demonstrating
a) romantic love.
b) passionate love.
c) companionate love.
d) lingering love.
Which combination of motives and goals would be most likely to encourage you to tackle a project sooner to get it done rather than procrastinating and leaving it until the last minute?
a) intrinsic; avoidance
b) extrinsic; approach
c) intrinsic; approach
d) extrinsic; avoidance
Jack, a university student, is chatting on the phone with a friend from home; he says that he’s been feeling lonely recently and thinks he must have terrible social skills. His friend, who has studied loneliness in his psychology classes, tells Jack that loneliness is our mind’s way of telling us that our social self needs attention, the same way that __________ is a sign that our physical self needs something.
a) happiness
b) self-actualization
c) hunger
d) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
The ______ theory of emotion states that the experience of emotion occurs simultaneously with the biological changes related to that emotion.
a) James-Lange
b) Cannon-Bard
c) Masters and Johnson
d) Kinsey
The decision about whether to respond instinctively to a sensory experience is made by the
a) frontal lobe.
b) hypothalamus.
c) amygdala.
d) ANS.
Compared to people from Asian countries, Westerners tend to judge the emotions of a person in a photograph based on
a) the clothing worn by the people in the photograph.
b) whether or not they were the one who took the picture.
c) the facial expression of the central person in the photograph.
d) the facial expressions of the other people in the photograph.
You are walking in the forest and see a bear. According to the two-factor theory, what happens next?
a) You feel fear followed by physiological changes.
b) You experience physiological changes followed by fear.
c) You experience physiological changes and context appraisal followed by fear.
d) You experience physiological changes and a feeling of fear simultaneously.
Which statement reflects the core idea of the facial feedback hypothesis?
a) It is impossible for us to experience more than one emotion at a time, because we can only display one facial expression at a time.
b) Information from facial muscles intensifies emotional experiences.
c) Women do not express emotion via the face.
d) Only emotional changes can result in muscular alterations of facial expressions.