Unit 05 - La hora (Time) - Grammar Flashcards
Which verb do you use to talk about time, ser or estar?
To talk about time, the verb ser is used.
To ask what time it is, say ¿Qué hora es?
To reply, you use es for one o’clock and son for all other times.
Es la una.
Son las dos.
Define “y”
When do you use “y” to express minutes past the hour?
If the time is within the fist 30 minutes of the hour, for example from 3:00 to 3:30, you use “y” to add the minutes to the hour.
- Examples*:
1: 05 —> Es la una y cinco.
4: 10 —> Son las cuatro y diez.
Define “menos”
When do you use “menos” to express minutes before the next hour?
If the time is after 30 minutes into the hour, for example from 3:31 to 3:59, use “menos” (minus) to subtract the minutes from the next hour.
- Example*:
11: 50 —–> Son las doce menos diez. (It’s twelve minus 10 minutes.)
How do you say, “It’s 11:30”
Son las once y media.
Use y media for half passt the hour, or 30 minutes past the hour.
- Example:*
4: 30 —> Son las cuatro y media.
How do you say, “It’s 4:15?”
Son las cuatro y cuarto.
Use y cuarto for a quarter past the hour (15 minutes past the hour).
- Example*:
6: 15 —> Son las seis y cuarto.
How do you say, “It’s 4:45?”
Son las cinco menos cuarto.
Use menos cuarto for a quarter until the next hour (15 minutes before the next hour).
- Example*:
6: 45 —> Son las siete menos cuarto.
How do you tranlaste, “It’s 2:40,” using y?
Son las dos y cuarenta.
*Note, you can also state the same time using the word menos to take away minutes from the next hour.
How do you tranlaste, “It’s 2:40,” using menos?
Son las tres menos veinte.
*Note, you can also state the same time using the word y to add minutes to the current hour.
de la mañana
a. m.
* Example:*
Son las ocho de la mañana. (It’s 8:00 a.m.)
de la tarde
*use when it is still daylight outside.
Son las tres de la tarde. (It’s 3:00 p.m.)
de la noche
*use when it is dark outside.
Son las nueve de la noche. (It’s 9:00 p.m.)
mañana por la mañana
tomorrow in the morning *
*Note: mañana can mean “tomorrow” or “morning.” Usually you will be able to tell which one from the context of how it is being used in the sentence.
How do you ask what time something will take place in Spanish?
¿A qué hora … ?
¿A qué hora es la clase de español? (At what time is Spanish class?)
You would answer that with something like:
La clase de español es a las diez de la mañana. (Spanish class is at 10 a.m.)
Yo hablo español.
I speak Spanish,
How do you say, I don’t speak Spanish?
Yo no hablo español.
*Placing a no before the verb makes the sentence negative.
Ella estudia inglés.
She studies English,
How do you say, She doesn’t study English?
Ella no estudia inglés.
*Placing a no before the verb makes the sentence negative.
¿Eres de Costa Rica?
Are you from Costa Rica?
How do you say, Aren’t you from Costa Rica?
¿No eres de Costa Rica?
*Placing a no before the verb makes the sentence negative.
What is the difference between:
Soy feliz.
Estoy feliz.
The phrase soy feliz means “I am happy.” In this case, it refers to an essential characteristic. Therefore, a more precise translation would be “I am a happy person.”
The phrase estoy feliz also means “I am happy.” In this case, however, it refers to a condition. So a more precise translation would be “I am happy right now.”
*Note: Sometimes you can use both verbs ser and estar, but the meaning will change a little.
La clase es a las 14 horas.
The class is at 2 p.m.
(Literally, the class is at 14 hours.)
*Note: In spanish-speaking countries, when talking about when something takes place, it is common to use a 24 hour clock instead of using a.m. and p.m.
La reunión con los padres es a las 20.
The meeting with the parents is at 8 p.m.
(Literally, the meeting with the parents is at 20.)
*Note: In spanish-speaking countries, when talking about when something takes place, it is common to use a 24 hour clock instead of using a.m. and p.m.
Hay una conferencia hoy a las 15:30.
There is a conference today at 3:30 p.m.
(Literally, there is a conference today at fifteen thirty.)
*Note: In spanish-speaking countries, when talking about when something takes place, it is common to use a 24 hour clock instead of using a.m. and p.m.