Unique Characteristics and General Information (all teeth) Flashcards
The largest mesiodistal crown dimension of any anterior tooth
Maxillary Central Incisor

The squarest (least I-C and M-D dimensional difference) of any incisor
Maxillary central incisor

Greatest curvature on mesial surface than all other teeth (curvature of cervical line)
Maxillary central incisor

Long axis bisector passes through incisal edge
Maxillary central AND lateral incisors

Smallest mesio-distal crown dimension of any maxillary tooth
Maxillary lateral incisor

3 teeth with the most crown form variations
Maxillary lateral incisor
Maxillary 3rd molar
Manidular 3rd molar

Squareness of crown: least difference in ucco-lingual and mesio-distal dimensions of any anterior tooth
Maxillary lateral incisor

Greatest incisal edge curvature of any incisor
Maxillary lateral incisor

Most cervically located distal proximal contact of any incisor (and describe precisely where it is)
Maxillary lateral incisor (located halfway between incisal edge and cervical line)

Smallest mesiodistal, buccolingual and incisal-cervical dimensions of any tooth
Mandibular central incisor

Only tooth with symmetrical mesial and distal halves (bilaterally symmetrical crown)
Mandibular central incisor

Sharpest mesio-incisal AND disto-incisal angle of any tooth
Mandibular central incisor

Mesial and distal proximal contacts located at same level along incisal-cervical axis
Mandibular central incisor
Mandibular 1st premolar

Long axis bisector passes just buccal to incisal edge (3)
Mandibular central incisor
Mandibular lateral incisor
Mandibular canine

Distal half of cron rotated lingually over root
Rotation is greater than for any other tooth
Mandibular lateral incisor

Sharpest mesio-incisal angle (only) of any tooth
Mandibular lateral incisor
Consequence of not respected cervical anatomy
Inflammation (i.e. crowns are wrong shape or too deep beneath gingiva)

A space between two teeth

Consequence of not respecting natural morphology when closing a diastema
Creation of a breeding ground for bacteria (higher risk for food and plaque accumulation) –> chronic infection –> alveolar bone loss

Define black triangle
Papilla relies on underlying bone for structure, so loss of bone –> loss of papilla –> black triangle
What may cause plaque accumulation on the root? What is the consequence?
Groove/depression/concavity on root
May compromise a patient’s ability to maintain good oral hygiene (can’t access)
In time, may lead to an inflammatory process and eventual loss of alveolar bone

Consequence of triangular incisor teeth
Contribute to incisally displace contact points –> inesthetic black triangles

Define peg laterals
Unusually small lateral incisors

Golden proportions
Use lateral incisors as reference
So central maxillary incisor = 161% view
Canine = 61% view

Define axial inclincation
Anterior teeth angle slightly towards the midline
Define gingival zenith
Highest most cervical point of gingiva, just distal of midline
Greatest overall length of any tooth (2)
Maxillary and mandibular canines

Greatest bucco-lingual crown dimension of any anterior tooth
Maxillary canine (center image)

Greatest distal bulge of any other tooth (more tooth structure extends lateral to the root)
Maxillary canine

Only anterior tooth whose cusp tip is buccal to the long axis bisector
Maxillary canine

Largest cingulum of any anterior tooth
Maxillary canine

Largest lingual ridge of any anterior tooth
Maxillary canine

Most bulbous-looking anterior tooth from a proximal view (substantial cervical bulk/prominence; height of contour)
Maxillary canine

Most prominent buccal ridge of any anterior tooth
Maxillary canine

Distal proximal contact is exactly in the middle; cnetered along the incisal-cervical and bucco-lingual axes
Maxillary canine

Longest root of any tooth
Maxillary canine

Greatest incisal-cervical crown dimension
Mandibular canine

Crown and root form a straight mesial outline
Mandibular canine

Convex (C-shaped) buccal contour
Mandibular canine

Longest root in mandibular arch
Mandibular canine

Define interincisal angles
Angle between the mesial and distal incisal edges of two adjacent teeth

Define coronal borders
The most superior and inferior borders (buccal) on the anterior teeth

Canine profile
Red = emergence profile
Black = central buccal plane
Green = cusp tip

Only premolar where the mesial cusp ridge is longer than the distal cusp ridge
Maxillary 1st premolar

Only tooth with a deep groove that crosses the marginal ridge
Maxillary first premolar

Only tooth with a deep depression on mesial surface (mesial crown concavity)
Maxillary 1st premolar

2 characteristics that make the maxillary first premolar particularly prone to caries
Mesial marginal ridge groove + mesial crown concavity

Most symmetrical crown (from occlusal view) posterior tooth
Maxillary 2nd premolar

Premolar where the buccal and lingual cusps are closest in height
Maxillary 2nd premolar

Posterior tooth with the mesial and distal pits closest to each other
Maxillary 2nd premolar

Tooth that has a mesio-lingual groove that separates the mesial marginal ridge from the lingual cusp
Mandibular 1st premolar

Posterior tooth with the smallest bucco-lingual crown dimension
Mandibular 1st premolar

Mandibular tooth with the least difference in bucco-lingual and mesio-distal dimensions
Mandibular 1st premolar

Only tooth where the mesial contact is cervical to the distal contact
Mandibular 1st premolar

Tooth where much of the occlusal surface is visible from the lingual view
Mandibular first premolar

Tooth where the lingual cusp is much shorter than the buccal cusp
Mandibular first premolar

Tooth with the largest difference between cusps
Mandibular first premolar

Only tooth whose mesial marginal ridge is cervical to the distal marginal ridge
Mandibular 1st premolar

Only tooth whose occlusal surface tilts lingually
Mandibular first premolar

Tooth whose mesial marginal ridge tilts lingually at a 45º angle
Mandibular first premolar

Only premolar with multiple lingual cusps
Mandibular 2nd premolar

Only premolar with a lingual groove
Mandibular 2nd premolar

Only premolar with a central pit
Mandibular 2nd premolar

Tooth where the mesio-distal crown dimensions is greater on the lingual half of tooth
Mandibular 2nd premolar

Tooth where the lingual height of contour is located in the occlusal 1/3 of crown
Mandibular 2nd premolar

Describe the importance of interproximal contacts
Absence = food impaction between teeth -> periodontitis + bone loss
Largest bucco-lingual crown dimension of any tooth
1st and 2nd maxillary molars

Maxillary posterior tooth with the least difference in bucco-lingual and mesio-distal dimensions
Maxillary 1st molar

Teeth where the palatal half of the tooth has greater mesio-distal dimension than the buccal (2)
- Maxillary 1st molar
- 3-cusp mandibular 2nd premolar

Tooth with the cusp of Carabelli
Maxillary 1st molar

Define the Cusp of Carabelli
A 5th cusp attached to the mesio-palatal cusp

Teeth with an oblique ridge (3)
- Maxillary 1st molar
- Maxillary 2nd molar
- Maxillary 3rd molar

Teeth whose distal proximal contact is centered along the occlusal-cervical and bucco-lingual axes (5)
- Maxillary 1st molar
- Maxillary lateral incisor
- Maxillary canine
- Maxillary 2nd molar
- Mandibular 2nd molar

Smallest occlus-cervical crown dimension of any tooth
Maxillary 3rd molar

Shortest root length of any maxillary tooth
Maxillary 3rd molar

More distal root inclination than any other maxillary tooth
Maxillary 3rd molar

Largest mesio-distal crown dimension of any tooth
Mandibular 1st molar

Largest bucco-lingual crown dimension of any mandibular tooth
Mandibular 3rd molar

Largest occlusal-cervical crown dimension of any mandibular molar
Mandibular 1st molar

Longest root length of any molar
Mandibular 1st molar

Great mesio-distal root separation of any molar
Mandibular 1st molar

Tooth whose mesial root has the largest bucco-lingual dimension
Mandibular 1st molar

Mandibular molar with a mseio-buccal crown prominence
Mandibular 2nd molar

Smallest occlusal-cervical crown dimension of any mandibular tooth
Mandibular 3rd molar

Most distal root inclination of any mandibular tooth
Mandibular 3rd molar

Shortest root length of any mandibular tooth
Mandibular 3rd molar

Define furcation involvement
Describes bone loss usually as a result of periodontal disease. It is when the space between the division of the roots is exposed = harder to clean for both dentist and patient