union contract Flashcards
Union Contract
The bargaining unit for which this recognition is afforded is as defined in the certification issued by Florida Public Relations Commission on what date?
March 21, 1986
Union Contract
What certification number is our bargaining unit?
Union Contract
Who does the bargaining agreement specifically exclude?
Part-time, unpaid or volunteer members of the FD of the city, and any other full time or part time paid city employee
Union Contract
Who agrees to deduct union dues, uniform assessment if any, and premiums for union sponsored insurance programs?
The City
Union Contract
In the event an employees salary earnings within any pay period after deductions for withholding, social security, retirement, health insurance, and any other priority deductions are not sufficient to cover dues, any uniform assessments and insurance premiums, it will be whos responsibility to collect the dues?
The unions
Union Contract
How does the union compensate the city for the expense of the performance of its obligations?
$125 annually paid by weekly over 26 pay periods each year, by reducing each bi-weekly dues remittance by $4.81
Union Contract
What non routine materials are kept in an employee file?
Oral reprimands, employee notices, commendations, and written materials which are disciplinary actions
Union Contract
What does disciplinary actions consist of?
Suspensions, reductions in pay made for disciplinary reasons, demotion and discharge
Union Contract
Should the swap or portions of the swap not take place for any reason, who will be charge annual leave?
The employee scheduled to work the swap
Union Contract
How often does the safety committee established by the City meet?
Annually or as needed
Union Contract
What 11 tests consist of the annual physical examination?
SMA profile 19 Chest X-ray Urinalysis Rectal Cancer Exam Prostate Exam Exam by qualified healthcare professional Breast and cervical cancer exam Audio metric evaluation Pulmonary Function test TB Test Hep C Screening
Union Contract
How many stewards and employee representatives shall there be?
One steward from each shift and one employee representative
Union Contract
The names of the union officials shall be given in writing to the Fire Chief within how many hours after the assumption of duties?
72 hours
Union Contract
Who shall be the contact point for any necessary communications concerning this agreement?
Union President or his designee
Union Contract
Time off for union business will be without loss of pay by use of what?
Union pool time provided sufficient manpower is available
Union Contract
Employees may donate out of any overtime holiday pay in increments of how many hours?
Union Contract
All requests to use union pool time shall be in writing and shall state what?
The name of the employee, the location and phone number where employee will be located and amount of pool time being requested
Union Contract
Each request to use pool time shall bear the signature of who?
A representative of the union
Union Contract
All materials placed on the bulletin board shall be dated with the date of posting and may be removed by the union or the City after how many days?
30 days
Union Contract
What shall mean a dispute involving the interpretation of application of a specific provision of this agreement?
A grievance
Union Contract
In case of a group of employees filing a grievance a single employee shall be designated to do what?
Act as a spokesman and be responsible for processing the grievance
Union Contract
What shall mean normal city work schedule days within a 40 hour work week, Mon-Fri?
Union Contract
Where Union representation is authorized as provide in this agreement and is requested by the employee, the employee shall have what for each stage of the procedure?
A single representative
Union Contract
If an employee elects to be represented by the Union, the steward may be allowed a reasonable amount of time off (pool time) to investigate the grievance at which step?
The oral step
Union Contract
If an employee elects to be represented by the Union, the steward may be allowed a reasonable amount of time off (pool time) to represent the grievant at which steps?
oral, and step 1 and step 2 meetings
Union Contract
If the union is not selected by the employee to be his representative, any adjustment of the grievance shall be consistent with what?
the term of this agreement
Union Contract
What is a grievance where 2 or more employees have a common grievance?
A class grievance
Union Contract
In step 1 of the grievance process within how many days after the occurrence of the event or when the employee should have reasonably known of the event can the employee present the grievance orally to the Deputy Chief?
10 days
Union Contract
If the grievance is not resolved in step 1 or the initial grievance is filled initially at step 2 how may days does the employee have to submit a written grievance?
20 days
Union Contract
Which step of the grievance process is filed with the Fire Chief and shall include a complete statement of the grievance, including the date, details an facts of which the grievance is based, the article an section allegedly violated, the remedy requested by the employee and the signature of the employee and steward (if applicable) and the date, together with all written documents in support of the grievance?
Step 2
Union Contract
The Fire Chief shall communicate a decision in writing within how many days following the receipt of a written grievance?
21 days
Union Contract
If a grievance is not resolved at step 2, the union president may appeal the decision to arbitration on a request of arbitration form within how many days after receipt of the decision at step 2?
14 days
Union Contract
If the city and union fail to mutually agree upon an arbitrator within how many days after the city’s receipt of the request for arbitration a list of 7 qualified arbitrators shall be requested from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services?
10 days
Union Contract
Within how many days after receipt of the list of arbitrators will the city an union meet and select an arbitrator?
5 days
Union Contract
How is an arbitrator picked from the list of 7 that is provided by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services?
A coin toss to choose who goes first, the winner removes a name from the list then it alternates between the city an union until 1 name remains
Union Contract
The arbitrator shall issue their decision no later than how many days from the date of the closing of the hearing or the submission of briefs, which ever is later?
30 days
Union Contract
The city and Union agree that promotions should be made on the basis of what?
relative merit and the fitness of applicants
Union Contract
Who reserves the right, from time to time, to alter, amend, delete, or add to the list of work rules?
The city
Union Contract
Who has the right to direct its employees, take disciplinary actions, and relieve employees, in whole or in part, from duty because of lack of work or for other legitimate reasons?
The City
Union Contract
During civil or emergency conditions that exits, when can the provisions of the union contract be suspended by the city, except that provisions of this agreement relating to pay and monetary benefits will continue, and grievance rights pertaining to just cause for disciplinary action shall not be suspended?
During a declared stated of emergency
Union Contract
When shall the city prepare a dated seniority list and post it?
October each year
Union Contract
The seniority list shall be considered correct unless objection to it is raised within how many days of posting?
30 days
Union Contract
Continuous service shall be broken by?
resignation, discharge, retirement, demotion, absence without authorized leave, and any leave of absence without pay longer than 30 consecutive days.
Union Contract
What controls within a classification, in determining which employee(s) is/are to be laid off?
Departmental seniority
Union Contract
What is the time frame in which an employee who was laid off can be recalled for duty if an open spot available?
1 year
Union Contract
How many days will the employee being recalled for duty have to report to duty after being notified?
10 days
Union Contract
If an employee loses their certification or authorization on a temporary basis, the chief may grant a period of how many days to regain their certification or authorization?
90 days
Union Contract
How long of a time period can a medic step down to an EMT with the approval of the chief?
90 days
Union Contract
Unless a permanent step down is approved if an employee is unable to or unwilling to return to their normal certification level what will happen?
The employee will be terminated
Union Contract
When will an employees step increase take effect?
The first full pay period which begins after the pay period in which the anniversary date occurred.
Union Contract
What is the pay increase for an employee when he is the acting Lt.?
Union Contract
The hourly rate paid is based on a how many hour work week?
2,912 hr
Union Contract
Is jury duty considered hours actually worked when calculating OT?
Union Contract
What is our current annual pay raise for this bargaining contract?
3.5%, 3.5%, 4.0%
Union Contract
When an employee leaves work and is ordered to report back to work to replace another employee, that employee shall be paid how many additional hours of straight time?
1 hr
Union Contract
How much additional pay is given to a non Lt. employee who is a state certified fire inspector?
$35/ pay period
Union Contract
Lt.’s who are state certified fire inspectors shall have an annual pay increase of how much?
Union Contract
What is the tuition reimbursement percentage for an A, B, and C grade?
100%, 75%. 50%
Union Contract
When seeking tuition reimbursement, how many days does the employee have to request it and provide the appropriate documentation?
60 days
Union Contract
How long must an employee work for the department after receiving tuition reimbursement?
1 year
Union Contract
How long is funeral leave?
48 hours
Union Contract
Who is defined as a member of the “immediate family” for funeral leave?
spouse, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, in-laws, grandparents, grandchildren, and stepparent or stepchild
Union Contract
What is the maximum amount of accumulated leave that an employee can carry over with less than 20 years on?
224 hrs
Union Contract
Vacation picks must be submitted by what date?
March 31st
Union Contract
What is the minimum amount of hours that a vacation pick can be?
Union Contract
How many vacation picks does each employee get?
Union Contract
Which holidays receive holiday pay?
New Year's day MLK Day President's day Memorial day Independence day Labor day Veteran's day Thanksgiving Christmas
Union Contract
How many paid hours are given for holidays?
11.2 hrs
Union Contract
An employee can request a leave of absence without pay for a period in excess of how many days?
Union Contract
How often must an employee that is granted a leave of absence keep the city informed of their current activity and address?
Every 3 months
Union Contract
If an employee accepts a new job while on leave of absence, when are they required to notify the city in writing?
3 working days of accepting the new job
Union Contract
An employee granted a leave of absence shall be returned to their former classification if the leave is less than how many days?
90 days
Union Contract
How long can Insurance be continued for during an approved leave of absence under leave of absence without pay (illness or non-workers comp injury)?
12 months
Union Contract
An employee having a minimum of how many years of seniority shall suffer no loss of either city or classification seniority while on a leave of absence under leave of absence without pay (illness or non-workers comp injury)?
5 years
Union Contract
Employees on an initial probationary period may be granted a leave of absence under leave of absence without pay (illness or non-workers comp injury) for a time period not exceeding how long?
30 days
Union Contract
What is the sick leave accrual rate?
13.2 hrs
Union Contract
What is the maximum amount of accrued sick time?
1400 hrs
Union Contract
Employees retiring from the city, shall be reimbursed at a straight hourly rate what percentage of their accrued sick leave in excess of 700 hours?
Union Contact
How long will an employee be off sick leave to require a doctor’s certificate to return to work?
1 week
Union Contract
If an employee does not use sick leave for a year (anniversary date) how many hours of Holiday pay will they be given?
24 hrs
Union Contract
Employees will be provided how many weeks of continuous leave immediately following the birth or adoption of a child?
3 weeks
Union Contract
What percent will the city contribute toward health insurance for dependents?
Union Contract
What is the minimum amount of life insurance the city will provide to each employee?
Union Contract
How long will the city pay the employee regular pay less any reimbursements from workers comp while on worker comp?
90 days
Union Contract
What percentage will the city supplement workers comp for the first 30 days?
Union Contract
What percentage will the city supplement workers comp for 31-90 days?
Union Contract
Will employees on workers comp continue to accrue sick leave and holiday leave as though working?
Union Contract
Who is responsible to healthcare and any other payroll deductions while out on workers comp?
the employee
Union Contract
When is an employee subject to alcohol and drug testing?
When the Fire Chief or his designee has a reasonable suspicion
Union Contract
Union employees may request a union rep present during the drug and alcohol testing as long as the test will not be postponed for longer than how long?
30 minutes
Union Contract
If an employee files a grievance for drug and alcohol testing results, once an arbitrator is agreed upon, within how many days should a hearing be scheduled and once the arbitrator has made their decision it shall be issued within how many days?
15 days