Uniforms Flashcards
Plastic name tag must be _____” above the right chest pocket.
What are the 3 units who are authorized color guards?
District offices
Cutters 200’ and greater
Shore units with more then 40 people
Max band width for a watch?
How many rings are allowed on a persons hand(s)?
Max one per hand. Thumb rings are not authorized.
Earrings shall not exceed _____”?
Brands should be ____” by ____”?
Men’s hair must not exceed ______” in bulk and hair must not be longer then _____”.
Women’s hair must not exceed _____” in bulk. Braids will not exceed _____” in width?
.5” for braids
Pony tails are authorized
Buns can exceed to 4 inches
Men’s fingernails shall not?
Extend past the fingertips.
If a shave chit is authorized for men, what is the max length of the beard?
Women’s fingernails shall not exceed?
1/4” beyond the fingertip
What color can sunglasses be?
Black, navy blue; silver and gold wire. Whatever the fuck that means.
What color can watches be?
Black, brown, navy blue, silver or gold.