Unification methods Flashcards
Diplomatic approach
Pact of Plombieres
July 1858
- Austria would be the aggressor
- Kingdom of Upper Italy united
- France would get Nice and Savoy
How did VE provoke a war with Austria (to make them look like the aggressors)
January 1859 = Grido di Dolore speech
March = Piedmont mobilise their army
April 23rd = Austria demand they demobilise
April 29 = Austria declare war
Franco-Austrian war 1859 facts
– Magenta = 4th June 1859
French victory vs. No Piedmontese soldier died
– Austria weak: Zollverein excluded Austria in the free trade agreement and lost Russian ally in Crimean War
– Solferino = 24th June 1859
French victory vs. Huge losses of life on both sides = 39,321 killed, wounded, or missing
Resulted in the treaty of Villafranca — Napoleon signed an armistice with Austria without consulting Piedmont + due to Prussia mobilising on the Rhine
Second Italian War for Independence
National Society facts
- April 1859 = demonstration in Florence cause Grand Duke Leopoldo to flee and a provisional government is set up by Baron Ricasoli
- By 1857, membership rose to 8,000 in National Society
- May 59 = M + P peaceful demonstrations
- June 59 = Duke and Duchess of Modena and Parma flee so Farini sets up a provisional government
March 1860 — Central Duchies
April 1860 — Nice + Savoy
October + November 1860 — South + Papal States
Treaties and what they did?
Villafranca = July 1859 — end of war but no Piedmont there — so Cavour resigns - comes back Jan 1860
Zurich = November 1859 — officially brought the Franco-Austrian war to an end
Turin = March 1860 — between Cavour and Napoleon —> nice and savoy to France and central duchies to Piedmont
Garibaldi’s early life influences
From Nice
Chance encounter with Mazzini in 1831
Joins Young Italy in 1833
Sentenced to death for revolutionary plans but escapes to South America.
How did bomb plot help
January 1858
Napoleon may have forced him to write it in order to make Austria look like the aggressors
Piedmont was presented as the best opposition to radicals
Led to Pact of Plombieres
Garibaldi in U v A
In Uruguay vs Argentina he led a legion of Italian guerrilla fighters where they wore red shirts
Garibaldi’s influence on the Roman Republic
During the Siege of Rome in July 1849, he held off the French for 2 months where he gave his “I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death” speech
Garibaldi’s role in 1859 role with Austria
- gold medal for Valour (FROM PIEDMONT)
- Piedmont gave him command of 3,000 volunteers
- he reached Varese in May and forced the Austrians to retreat because he attacked them in Como in May 1859
- His forces were named ‘Cacciatori delle Alpi’
What did Garibaldi call Cavour after which event
Annexation of Nice (his birthplace) and Savoy to France
“A low intriguer”
Garibaldi in Sicily
May 1860
Mazzini urged him to help YI volunteers there
“The thousand” = 1,200 volunteers
British naval ship protected him so he wasn’t attacked and easily defeated the Neapolitan army
Helped by local mafia, bandits, and peasants
Now had 3,000 volunteers
Garibaldi in Naples
And meeting VE
August 1860 he took Naples with 60,000
Looks as though he is headed towards Rome, so Cavour convinces Napoleon to alloe him to march through Papal States to meet Garibaldi = most democratic way withoughout upsetting Europe over a Bonaparte intervening — Piedmontese troops crush Papal troops at the Battle of Castelfidardo in September 1860 = led by Count Cadorna
VE and G met on 26th October 1860 in Teano
November 7th = they triumphantly rode into Naples together
How did Cavour try to stop Garibaldi
1- he sent Admiral Persano to arrange a revolution in favour of VE in Naples, but failed
2- sent ships to have him arrested but he beat them to Naples
3- secret pact with Bourbons = failed
Piedmont diplomatic beginning unity
- Cavour’s 1852 Nov coalition = The Connubio [d’Azeglio out vs. Rattazzi Chamber Deputy]
- 1855 appointed himself foreign minister and finance minister
- La Marmora - Minister of War since 1848 and Cavour got him to reform the army
- Siccardi laws 1851= 152 monasteries and 1700 benefitiaries were suppressed —- Gioberti’s Neo-Guelphism proved wrong
- February 1853 Cavour gave up Mazzini to the Austrians and his 1853 revolt in Milan failed = 1854 Garibaldi distances himself from Mazzini and Manin in 1855
- Piedmont attracted political refugees: during the 1850s 30,000 refugees fled to Turin and Genoa
How did Cavour cause economic growth
1853 = electric telegraph to Paris form Turin
Mount Cenis Tunnel was being built form 1857 and connect France to northern Italy
— funded by french bankers Rothschild and Laffitte
(Close to Napoleon so would protect their investments)
1854 = train line connected North Italy to French border — used to get French troops in during the Franco-Austrian War
Crimean War
1855 January Cavour joined the war = prompted by VE after being threatened to be sacked and replaced with Thaon of Revel
18,000 Piedmontese troops — 2,000 deaths only 30 from wounds, rest from cholera
Russia lost (Austria threatened to get involved)
Resulted in the Congress of Paris — Cavour attended and the Italian question was discussed on April 8th 1856