Understanding the Values of Peace Flashcards
When was the notion of a “Culture of Peace” first mentioned?
During the International Congress on Peace in the Minds of Men
According to the United Nations General Assembly, when is the “International Year for the Culture of Peace”?
When is the “International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World”?
True or false: Peace is not just the absence of war.
Peace is the wholeness of life where every person can live with ___.
The new name of peace is __.
Who said that the new name of peace is development?
Pope Paul VI
Peace is the presence of these 6 elements:
Harmony, understanding, tranquility, social justice, respect, and tolerance
This refers to the development of inner harmony or inner integration characterized by self-respect, self-confidence, ability to cope with negative feelings, and developing cheerfulness and optimism.
Personal Level of Peace
It is manifested by the relationship of an individual with one another
Interpersonal Level of Peace
It refers to the capacity of the individual to express one’s views or exercise one’s views or exercise one’s rights without being aggressive or submissive
This means injuring or violating the right of others
This means denying one’s own views or rights
This means to recognize the worth of others regardless of differences in social position, culture, origin, ethnic grouping or gender
This refers to an awareness and understanding of others’ needs, feelings, and condition and extending appropriate consideration for such
Concern for others
The capacity and willingness to work with others to achieve a common goal
The willingness to approach difficult sources of information, people, and events with a critical but open mind
The virtue to accept and recognize that others may have the ability similar or maybe more than you have and that recognition enables you to accept your own limitations
Concerned with addressing issues that affect society and its social, political, and economic components
Societal/National Level
An awareness of one’s responsibility for the common welfare and the willingness as as the readiness to work for it
Social Responsibility
An awareness of the impact of the decisions and actions of individuals and groups on one another
It requires an awareness and recognition of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights, especially of the marginalized sectors of society
Social Justice
Concerned with attaining related issues that have a global impact or scale, such as the issue of unfair trade relations, racial discrimination, terrorism, militarization, environmental degradation, xenophobia, and others
Global Level
The value of recognizing the importance of the resources in the environment
Respect for the Environment
The value of recognizing the importance of being one with other humans as the semblance of God’s power and love
Unity in the oneness of humankind
The ability to respect and appreciate the presence of people with religious beliefs other than his own
Religious Appreciation
This refers to a recognition of the presence of different cultures and such differences gives us the opportunity to learn from one another
Cultural Appreciation
What does IPSP mean
Internal Peace and Security Plan
True or false: The primary objective of AFP internal security operations is winning the peace rather than simply defeating the enemy
What does AFP mean?
Armed Forces of the Philippines
What are the two strategic approaches to win the peace according to the IPSP
The Whole of Nation Approach
The People-Centered Security/Human Security
What does UNHS mean?
United Nation Commission on Human Security
This is based on the recognition that the AFP cannot single-handedly solve the internal peace and security concerns of the country
Whole of the Nation Approach
This IPSP puts people’s welfare at the center of its operations. “In human security operations, the protection of civilians, not defeating an enemy, is an end in itself.”
People-Centered Security/Human Security Approach
It refers to freedom from fear and freedom from want
Human security
In its most basic sense human security is the state of being able to live with?
Human Dignity
This means removing armed threats that hinder the promotion of human security efforts
State Security
It is a holistic response as it is concerned with the issues and problems including militarization, structural violence, human rights, cultural solidarity, environmental care, and personal peace
Peace Education
It is education that is directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
Peace education
It promotes understanding, tolerance, and friendship among all nations, racial, or religious groups
Peace education
What are the initiatives of peace education?
- Addressing violence at all levels
- Providing the individuals with understanding of the forces and factors within social system
- Developing a future world that is less violent, more just and secure
- Promoting the symbolic relationship between humans and nature
- Eliminating the threats of war, violence, and environmental destruction
- Aiming for a peaceful equitable and ecologically sustainable future
What values does peace education aim to develop among its students
Understanding multi-cultural society
Inculcating peace to the youth and promoting peace among nations
Resolving conflict peacefully
Love for other persons
Self-esteem, cooperation, communication, environmental concern, and multi-cultural and global awareness
Attaining inner peace
It is achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have the skills to resolve conflicts, and struggle non-violently, live by international standards of human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity, and respect the Earth and each other.
A culture of peace (COP)
Aspect of culture where values, meaning and worldviews are developed
Spiritual aspect
Aspect of culture that consist of language, gestures, symbols, rituals, and styles
Material aspect
What are the five steps in non-violent action?
Information gathering
Personal Commitment
Reconciliation and Healing
This is a non-violent action that pertains to conducting well-informed research
Information gathering
A non-violent action that entails information gathered being transmitted to others
A non-violent action that is not a job but a commitment to offer one’s life for a cause
Personal Commitment
A non-violent action which means that you are a non-violent person if you do not open yourself for negotiation
Non-violent actions that produce both truces and settlement
Reconciliation and Healing
What are the role of schools in promoting values of peace?
Peaceful pedagogies
Disarmament education
Avoid sexist education
Encourage collaborative activities than competitive ones
Encourage discussing the roots of conflict so they can be resolved peacefully
Encourage undertaking activities that promote intercultural dialogue to develop intercultural understanding and tolerance