Understanding religion Flashcards
Religions manifest which eight possible elements?
Belief system
Central myths
Characteristic emotional experiences
Material expression
The belief that all is divine is called?
______ argues that the existence of God cannot be proven
This anthropologist believed that religion was rooted in spirit worship
E.B Tylor
_______ theorized that belief in God or gods arises from the long-lasting impressions made on people by their childhood experiences
Sigmund Freud
________ argued that religions emerge when people experience that aspect of reality that is essentially mysterious
Rudolf Otto
______ believed that religion was a noble human response to the complexity and depth of reality
Carl Gustav Jung
Religions express truth_______.
In early religions, the most significant female deity was associated with_______ and has been known as Asherah, Aphrodite, and Freia
What does the word religion mean?
The joining of our natural world to the sacred world
Belief in one God
Is god omnipotent? (Total control over the universe)
Belief that everything in the universe is divine
Belief that there are no Gods
Who turned everything into a symbol and all literal meaning was lost?
Joseph Cambell
No position
Why does religion exist?
It serves human needs
How to deal with our mortality
Belonging to a group
To feel secure in the universe
Who was an art student turned doctor who viewed religion as fulfilling psychological needs, praised its positive influence, and wrote that religion brings “a new zest” to living, provides “an assurance of safety”, and leads to a “harmonious relation with the universe”?
William James
Who thought religion emerged because people felt poor, powerless, and alienated from their work? That it was a symptom of the poverty and inadequacy of modern society? He believed religion would dissolve when society improved.
Karl Marx
All elements of nature are filled with spirits
What are the patterns among religions?
- Views of the World and Life
- Focus of Beliefs and Practices
- Views of Male and Female
What are the common views of the world and life?
The world is sacred
The universe began by an intelligent Creator who guides the universe according to a cosmic plan
Nature is the realm of evil forces, others believe it is sacred
Time is linear
Human purpose
Words and scripture
Exclusiveness and inclusiveness
What are the common focus of beliefs and practices?
Sacramental orientation (Carrying out rituals)
Prophic orientation (Contact with the sacred is ensured by proper belief)
Mystical orientation (Union with God, nature, the universe, reality)
What are the common views of male and female?
Male imagery and control dominates
The sacred is considered male