Understanding Discipline Flashcards
What is the purpose of discipline?
a) To create certainty as to the rules and standards an employee must abide by
b) To correct deviation from the rules and standards
c) To motivate workers
What is dismissal?
a) The termination of the contract on notice or summary
b) where an employee expected employer to renew a fixed term contract of employment on similar terms but the employer did not renew it or offered to renew on less favourable terms.
c) Refusal to allow an employee who has taken maternity leave to resume work
What are the grounds for dismissal?
• the results as of a poor work performance
•as a result of ill health
What are two requirements that are to be met before a dismissal is fair?
• Substantive fairness(fair reason)
• Procedural fairness(fair procedure)
What are the consequences of unfair dismissal?
a) Reinstatment or re-employement
b) Compensation-12 months remuneration if a dismissal is found to be substantively unfair and 24 months if automatically unfair
What are the different types of evidence?
a) Oral evidence
b) Confessions/Admissions
c) Real evidence( exhibits)
d) Documentary evidence
e) Inspections in loco
What are the different penalties?
- Verbal warning
2.Written warning
3.Final written warning - Dismissal