Unda # compounds Flashcards
Unda # 1 (8 bullets)
- anti-toxin remedy
- toxins that need to be cleared by liver and GB
- lots of toxin exposure (alcohol, medications, chemicals from job site)
- for weak immune system b/c liver constructs amino acids and gammaglobulins
- metabolizes hormones to regulate them
- regulates cholesterol
- regulates blood sugar
- psoric miasm
Unda # 2 (7 bullets)
- urinary, respiratory, CV systems
- Sycotic terrain
- Use in fever state with Undas 2 and 15
- assists kidney in attempt to eliminate metabolic toxins from the fever and helps immune system
- great remedy for infection and inflammation
- kidney failure
- need to open kidneys when doing heavy metal detoxification so this remedy needs to be utilized
Unda # 3 ( 5 bullets)
- Digestive tract: SI and supplying organs (bile duct, pancreatic duct, GB, LV, immune)
- AI in the small intestine: Chron’s
- Diabetes, hypoglycemia
- Good for children when developing GI tract
- Strengthens barrier of the intestinal tract and Malt system for immune system
Unda # 4 (3 bullets)
- Restores stomach function
- Takes stress off of SI by strengthening stomach function
- Not being able to accept a death or event in their life or assimilate the world
Unda # 5 (2 bullets)
- Lungs
- tuberculinic miasm -very sensitive, hard time accepting things because so sensitive
Unda # 6 (3 bullets)
- specifically for large intestine
- polyps, constipation, colon cancer, diverticulosis
- main affinity for descending colon
Unda # 7 (3 bullets)
- Urinary tract: urethra, ureters, bladder, prostate
- Infxns, cystitis, incontinence
- Calculi
Unda # 8 (4 bullets)
- CV system: heart, arteries, veins, blood
- corrects homeostasis or natural rhythms in our body
- palpitations, tachy/brady cardias, insomnias, dysrhythmia
- deep drainage of the heart
Unda # 9 (2 bullets)
- If neurologically connected: MS, sciatica, autism, depression, schizoprenia, brain
- balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic
Unda # 10 (5 bullets)
- Helps balance the homeostasis of endocrine system
- only give to females
- female hormonal system
- amenorrhea, menorrhagia, menopause
- normal cycle 28 days - moon cycle
Unda # 11 (1 bullet)
- MSK remedy, joint remedy, arthritis
Unda # 12 (3 bullets)
- Just affects the skin
- To relieve skin’s toxin burden
- Never give at first prescription or even 2nd
Unda # 13 (4 bullets)
- Digestive, liver remedy
- Use when have too much of an overload on the liver, kidneys and digestive system
- Hepatitis, cirrhosis, very advanced disease
- Really opens up eliminitive organs
Unda # 14 (5 bullets)
- trying to help people out of chronic situations
- “like charging their batteries”
- Respiratory illnesses, repeated vaccinations, CFS, mono, energy zapping diseases
- Diseases of no energy
- tuberculinic miasm - helps someone to get out of acute or chronic situation because they are stuck, their system does not have enough energy to help regenerate systems that help get them going so that there is that energy to allow the body can heal itself
Unda # 15 (4 bullets)
- acute remedy for any kind of inflammatory or fever state
- fever of 102 is effective bc that’s when the body is able to kill viruses and pathogens
- regulatory effect on fever, bring it down from 105 and bring it up to 102 if below
- check for meningitis
Unda # 16 (6 bullets)
- whenever you have chronic illnesses starting to pull from endocrine system
- tend to use it with unda 1000
- when endocrine system is out of balance, we start dimineralizing (ie. synthroid bone mineral loss)
- osteoporosis
- being out of hormonal balance-> more likely to get cancer
- great menopause remedy
Unda # 17
- skin
- kids hyperactive at night, itchy bottom - have intestinal parasites
- intestinal barrier
Unda # 18 (7 bullets)
- CV system, marrow, spleen
- pathology occuring, destruction of cell
- any cancer, cured or uncured
- reverses cell stupidity, corrects normality
- any degenerative condition in body
- anemia, platelets
- Works on nerves because it has aluminum
Unda # 19
- Works on nerves because it has aluminum
- degeneration of the lung
Unda # 20 ( 3 bullets)
- for liver and GB
- only 20 and 48 have 4 metals in it
- can use in any kind of liver condition
Unda # 21 (3 bullets)
- any kind of degenerative hormonal condition in a women
- degeneration of breast, fibromas, hormonal ovarian, utero imbalance
- menopause, cycle imbalance, fibroids
Unda # 22 (7 bullets)
- Neurological system
- Balances neuro-veg system
- Used a lot with children
- Works on mammilian brain (lower brain centers) to calm children down
- anxiety, nervousness, nightmares, fright,
- add, adhd, dyslexia
- teething pain
Unda # 23 (4 bullets)
- urinary tract remedy
- kidney stones
- incontinence of bladder
- inflammatory responses of urinary tract
Unda # 24 (4 bullets)
- Works dually on digestive and nervous system
- Very important for stress
- When people are very emotional
- Chron’s, colitis, irritable bowel
Unda # 25 (3 bullets)
- Works on the heart and coronary arteries
- Everything that encompasses the heart itself
- Trying to drain heart of metabolic toxins
Unda # 26 (2 bullets)
- Drainage of mouth itself
- Herpes, cold sores, inflammatory/irritative issue, tongue, apthous ulcers
Unda # 27 (3 bullets)
- Drains upper respiratory tract: throat, larynx, trachea
- Cold/ flu, laryngitis
- Not for something deep into lungs
Unda # 28
- MSK remedy: really a joint remedy
- Drains joints of their toxins inside joint capsule itelf: joint surface, fluid and cartilage inside joint
- Not working on joints during first month, have to work on kidneys and liver the first month
Unda # 29
- Companion to 28
- 29 works on the area surrounding the joint
- Periarticular joint
- All the supporting, surrounding structures around the joint are having a problem
Unda # 30 (4 bullets)
- Works on nervous system
- Main reason is for insomnia but also for any kind of mental agitation
- Can’t shut brain off
- Epilepsy
Unda # 31
- Stomach
- Ulcerations in stomach
Unda # 32 (3 bullets)
- Respiratory remedy
- Spasmodic issues of RT
- Spasmodic cough/ whooping cough
Unda # 33 (5 bullets)
- CV remedy
- Specific for arterial system
- Works like a Beta blocker, relaxes tunica intima for vasodilation
- Mild to moderate blood pressure, not for severe blood pressure
- Atherosclerosis, thrombosis, arteritis
Unda # 34 (6 bullets)
- Blood sugar problems
- Digestive, endocrine
- Pancreas, SI, “spleen” in chinese medicine
- Tends to work better for men
- Helps to assimilate better (food, the world)
- Also works on the adrenal glands
Unda # 35 (4 bullets)
- Lungs
- Asthma remedy
- Bronchial spasm remedy
- Drains lower respiratory tract
Unda # 36 (2 bullets)
- hemmorhoids
- portal and venous congestion
Unda # 37
- unda antibiotic
- anytime there is an infectious state
- drains the toxins out of area that are causing problem in first place
- think about liver with infxns and immune disorders
- couple of instances where you do not use unda 37: sinusitis or otitis, instead you would use 710. Also with UTI, you would use 44 instead
Unda # 38 (3 bullets)
- Prostate and pelvic area in women
- Men over age 35 usually have problems with prostate
- Women: pelvic congestion-> ovarian, uterine, vaginal, orchitis
Unda # 39 (2 bullets)
- Great for intestinal parasities although can be used for other parasites
- Dysbiotic remedy, corrects the terrain so normal flora can reestablish itself
Unda # 40 (4 bullets)
- Works on the liver
- When someone has an issue with minerals
- Alopecia
- Hair growth after chemo
Unda # 41 (5 bullets)
- Peripheral nervous system
- Parkinson’s, MSK paraylsis
- Works on bulbus medulla in brain
- Trembling, pill rolling
- NS heals very slowly
Unda # 42 (4 bullets)
- Affecting the NS in hip region
- sciatica, low back pain, disk pain impinging on nerves
- intercostal neuralgia
- nerve issues affecting the joints
Unda # 43 (1 bullet)
- Gas and bloating in the intestines, belching
Unda # 44 (6 bullets)
- Infxn or inflammation in the UT.
- Use this intstead of 37
- kidneys, urethra, bladder, ureters
- kidneys stones with a lot of inflammation and pain
- UTI: 7 and 44, lot of times use 2 with it, with fever 2 and 15
- 44 also helps to pull mercury toxicity out of kidneys
Unda # 45 (3 bullets)
- Also UT remedy
- For inflammation but more for stones, stone condition in body
- Stones in parotid, salivary, GB
Unda # 46 (4 bullets)
- Stomach
- gastritis, not really ulcers
- feeling like food is sitting in stomach, can’t break food down
- nausea, GERD, dyspepsia
Unda # 47 (3 bullets)
- Degenerative disease in the NS
- MS, parkinson’s, lou gerigs, autism, alzheimer’s
- meneire’s disease
Unda # 48 (10 bullets)
- For intercellular toxicity
- Degenerative conditions
- Profound cellular toxicity
- Degeneration of the cell
- Can be used for hormonal conditions: sterility, dysmenorhea
- Reestablishes internal make up inside of cell
- Cancer, arthritis
- Do not use 18, 48 together bc too close to each other in effect
- 18 - when cell starts to become cancerous
- 48 - when cell is already degenerated
Unda # 49 (4 bullets)
- Cancerous conditions more on the skin
- External cellular degeneration
- Warts, cutaneous tumors, skin cancers, eczema,
- Psoriasis
Unda # 50 (2 bullets)
- Works mainly on LI
- colon, cancer, chron’s, diverticulitis, parasities, hemmorhage of the bowels, hemmorhoids, constipation
Unda # 74 (4 bullets)
- Liver drainer
- Gets rid of congestion in body due to liver not metabolizing hormones correctly.
- Hormonal congestion
- Drains hormonal and acid toxins
Unda # 76 (5 bullets)
- Minor remedy
- When someone gets into a situation where they get into a nervous exhaustion
- People who have overexerted themselves (athletes, chronic fatigue)
- Sexual organs do not function
- No libido, impotent
Unda # 202 (5 bullets)
- Very deep acting remedy for luetic system
- People who are very blocked who do not have correct response when you give a homeopathic remedy
- 202 unblocks the energy flow in the body that has been built up in the system and have to break the damn down
- Luetic miasm - things that have not formed correct. Genetic structures that have not formed correctly
- Very good for autistic children
Unda # 203 (3 bullets)
- Mild to moderate hypertension due to CV issues
- Won’t work with severe hypertension
- Drains CV system
Unda # 210 (3 bullets)
- Neurological drainage remedy but also works on CV and endocrine systems
- Nervous system is being affected by liver and digestive system like Unda 24 and Unda 9
- Gastritis, chron’s, colitis
Unda # 212 (4 bullets)
- Exhausted because they had a fluid loss
- Had flu or blood loss
- They can’t get built back up after having a fluid loss
- After having a baby
Unda # 219 (4 bullets)
- Spasms anywhere in body
- Digestive spasms: chron’s, colitis,
- Back spasms
- Drains the condition of causing the spasm in the body
Unda # 220 (3 bullets)
- Respiratory remedy and for asthma
- Not for acute asthma, it is for correcting the causes of chronic asthma
- Any kind of bronchial disorder that has wheezing or congestion
Unda # 226 (5 bullets)
- Migraines after you eat
- Helps relieve digestive stress after eating
- Digestive congestion that then causes headaches
- Drains liver and GB
- If headache is due to hormonal condition, will not work
Unda # 228 (3 bullets)
- Remedy for some kind of deep or traumatic grief, shock, neurological or emotional event in their life
- Gets people out of that neurological funk that they are in
- good for pituitary
Unda # 233 (4 bullets)
- Specific for veins
- Any condition that affects the veins
- Varicosities, phlebitis
- Hormonal congestion
Unda # 240 (5 bullets)
- Works on skeletal system
Mainly uses it for Osteoporosis
- Anytime you have a demineralizing condition in the body
- Osteopenia, osteoporosis, teeth problem
- He always gets bones to grow back but sometimes bones have heavy metals especially lead (lead has affinity for bones)
Unda # 243 (8 bullets)
- Amazing remedy for liver, basically cleans out liver
- Really good for people on chemo or on a lot of drugs
- Hormone issues, cholesterol issues
- Anti-toxin for liver itself
- Can never clean out liver too much
- Helps liver regenerate itself
- For people who have overindulged
- hepatitis, alcoholism
Unda # 245 (4 bullets)
- Female remedy
- Drains endocrine system, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina
- Menorrhagia, PMS, cramps, leukorrhea
- Usually using 10 with 245
Unda # 248 (5 bullets)
- CV remedy that mainly affects the arteries
- Cardiac arterial circulation
- Blood flow to heart muscle itself (coronary arteries)
- Arrythmias, angina, atherosclerosis, dysrrhymia
- Can be used for cerebral blood flow too
Unda # 258 (5 bullets)
- Catabolizer
- Creates situation where it break something down into a small piece so that the filtering mechanisms of the body can now deal with it
- Liver and kidneys can now eliminate the pieces through their normal filtering mechanisms
- Breaks down chemicals from drugs, stones anywhere in body, calcification and bone spurs
- Use castor oil on bone spurs and scar tissues
Unda # 270 (4 bullets)
- Incredible drainer for the skin
- Skin issue related to a kidney issue
- Open up organs of elimination before working on skin
- Unda 270 cream for any kind of skin lesion (eczema, psoriasis, not for scraping of skin; great for diaper rash, gets rid of rash in a couple days
Unda # 273 (2 bullets)
- Endocrine dysfunction especially the thyroid
- Hypo or hyper - corrects the mechanism
Unda # 295 (1 bullet)
- For thyroid problems but with a lot of digestive problems at the same time
Unda # 312 (3 bullets)
- Throat remedy
- Anytime there is any issue in the throat: adenoids, sore throat, tonsils, pharynx, larynx, strep, loss of voice
- Anytime you working on the throat, good idea to work on the kidneys at the same time.
Unda # 600 (6 bullets)
- MSK remedy
- arthritis conditions
- Very good for stiffness in muscles and tendons
- people complain of tissues around joints (ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage)
- fibromyalgia, muscle pains
- Feel better when moving and when warmed up but not to excess
Unda # 700 (4 bullets)
- Whenever we want to drain the luetic miasm
- Very good for autism, OCD, one day they are great, one day they are not
- Peyronie’s disease (sclerosis in tissue of penis causing it to curve) castor oil was added to
- Olea Europa to break down scar tissue and in peyronie’s disease
Unda # 710 (4 bullets)
- Closed cavity infections
- Whenever infxn does not have a route to get out of body like sinusitis, very infective otitis, boils or carbuncles, root canal infxn.
- Mainly used for sinusitis
- Shingles b/c inflammation can’t get out
Unda # 1000 (2 bullets)
- Very important thyroid remedy
- Hormonal balance affecting the thyroid, goiter, hyper or hypo
Unda # 1001 (3 bullets)
- Nervous system remedy
- Insomnia remedy, more nervous system, not really a remedy for menopause insomnia
- Anytime someone is in an overstimulation state
Unda # 1002 (7 bullets)
- MSK remedy, arthritic remedy, drains joints
- total opposite to 600
- They do not want to be moved, want to be left alone
- If they get up doing things, they hurt
- This affects the joint itself
- RA, OA
- helps eliminate toxins from kidneys
For MSK conditions better with rest:
- Undas 11, 28 or 29, 1002
For acute RA:
Undas 11, 28 and 1002
For coxalgia:
Undas 2, 42, 1002
bartholian cyst:
10, 21, 48, 245 or 270 instead of 245
Insomnia Protocol:
5 drops 3x/ day of 9, 24, 228 which sets the pituitary and hypothalamus and balances entire endocrine system but can alternate with the Unda endocrine set. 228 is for pituitary.
If someone is really toxic:
1 and 13
For skin disorders and itching:
1 and 17
Portal hypertension:
1 and 74
Newborn jaundice
1 + 295, 1 drop every 2 hours for a couple days until clear
If someone gets migraines and feels sick after they eat
1 + 226
chronic overtoxification in body
1 + 243
- for catabolism, hypertriglyeridemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia, lithiasis
- If lithiasis add _____
- if infxn or cholecystitis add _____
- 1 + 258
- 20
- 37
Important protocols for liver
1, 20, 243 and 1, 20, 258
Circulatory disorders of the brain
8, 9, 47, 248
3 + 13
Pancreatic insufficiency, blood sugar problems
3, 20, 34
infection in intestines (chron’s or gastroenteritis)
3, 37, 50
3, 39, 50
Liver affecting small intestine
3 + 243
diarrhea acute noninfective
3, 48, 50
acute infective diarrhea
3, 37, 50
nervous system cause of gastric disorder
4 + 24
issue in mouth, gums, teeth (canker sores, mouth ulcers) b/c of dysbiotic condition
4, 26, 39
stomach and duodenal ulcers
4 + 31
gas and bloating from lack of enzymes
4 + 43
4 + 46
headaches after eating or vascular insufficiency
4 + 226
food/alcohol overindulgences (post party overindulgence)
4 + 243 every 15 minutes until feeling better
thyroid affecting digestion
4 + 295
parasites and digestion problems with large intestine
6 and 39
large intestine toxicity causing skin problems
6 and 17
chronic large intestine toxicity
6 + 48
liver/ GB issues affecting large intestine
6 and 226
really bad history of constipation
1, 3, 6, 50 - 8 drops 3x/day
HMF replete - 1/2 sachet once/day for 10-15 days and then switch to HFM forte - 1/2 tsp 2/day
Dandelion tincture 30 drops 2x/day for acute change
Phyto Greens Capsules 3 capsules 3x/day which provides fiber and an excellent source of nutrients
- Cholecystitis
- If cholecystitis has fever then ______
- In acute cholecystitis, then what homeopathic can be used and in what potency?
- 20, 37, 258 - 5 drops every hour until improvement and then decrease
- If severely acute, use every 15 min., then every hour, then every 2 hours
- 2, 15, 20, 258
- Calc Carb 7 ch, 9 ch, 12 ch, 15ch, 30ch - 5 granules every hour at beginning of crisis for 1 day. This also prevents from having reoccuring attacks
Acute diarrhea with or without fever
- If no fever, Unda 3 and 50 - 5 drops 6x/day
- If fever, Unda 2, 3, 15 and 37 - 5 drops of each every 2 hours until improvement. Decrease as symptoms change.
- HMF replete 1/2 sachet/day for 10-15 days and then HMF Forte
chronic diarrhea
- Unda 3, 48, 50: 8 drops 2x/day
- HMF replete 1/2 sachet/day for 10-15 days and then HMF Forte
- Hemorrhoids: what 2 Undas
- If portal congestion, add ____
- If liver congestion, add _____
- If varicose veins, add _____
- If thrombosed with infection and inflammation, add ___
- 8 and 36 - 8 drops 2x/day
- If portal congestion, add 74
If liver congestion, add 243
If varicose veins, add 233
If thrombosed with infection and inflammation, add 37 - Proctosan ointment: apply topically several times/day
- Hypercholesterolemia; hyperlipidemia
- For men: if serious risk of clogging or lithiasis, add _____ . If migraines and bloating after meals add ______ and remove ______ .
- For women: if portal hypertension or hormonal problems add _______
- 1, 20, 243 - 8 drops 2x/day
- For men: if serious risk of clogging or lithiasis, add 258 . If migraines and bloating after meals add 226 and remove 243 .
- For women: if portal hypertension or hormonal problems add 74.
- Administer above protocols for 3 weeks, 1 week off for 2 months and then 2 months off. Repeat if necessary.
- Add omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids: GLA 130 EPO, organic flax oil capsules, SEP EFA, dricelle EPA
- Add phosphatidylcholine (soy lecithin) to decrease any inflammation in the CV system as well as garlic and parsley oil
- Eliminate saturated and cooked fats, sugar
- For gastric and duodenal ulcers:
- For emotional stress add _____
- What 2 gemmo’s can be used?
- Unda 4 and 31
- If emotional stress add Unda 24
- Ficus carica gemmo: protects mucosa, anti-stress. 50 drops 3x/day - 10 minutes before meals.
- Alnus glutinosa gemmo: can use with ficus if ulcer is resisting therapy
- Can also use tilia tomentosa as a sedative and anti-spasmodic 1 tsp before meals
- Cabbage juice 4 oz. 2x/day very effective at healing the gut
What Unda for bursitis?
Uterine fibroids
- kidney problem b/c kidney meridian runs down midline of body, have to treat the kidneys more than the liver
- 2, 10, 20 alternating with 10, 21, 48, 245
Pulmonary stenosis of heart
- 8, 25, 248, 202
Case of acute gastroenteritis
- 2,3, 15, 37
- HMF forte, intensive, replete
- slippery elm - protective in system
- arsenicum album - acute gastroenteritis, food poisoning homeopathic: increasing potency for 5 hours every hour. 7ch in first hour, 9ch in 2nd, 12ch, 15 ch, 30ch
- baptisia - very good anti-infective remedy but he wasn’t that sick
- antimonium crudicum - really white tongue
- aroma 4 - acute gastroenteritis, antiparasitic, do not take close to homeopathics, at least 30 min.
- betanite clay - acute/chronic help gut
Case of chronic diarrhea with fatigue and history of AB use
- HMF replete
- betanite clay, possible psillium
- L glutamine
- probiotics help communicate with peyer’s patches
- constitutional hydrotherapy
- castor oil packs for lymphatic system in gut
- what he did: 3, 48, 50 and did that for 2 months
- lots of HMF replete, then forte, then capsules
- China 30K homeopathic- when someone loses body fluids
- gave her berberis formula -> heals intestinal muocosa, gets rid of organisms like bacteria and parasites
- also gave her black walnut capsules
- gave unda 14 later for long term degenerative conditions
- he also changed her diet, gave her digest plus
Drainage and general toxicity of the kidney
- Unda 1 and 2
Drainage of the kidneys, bladder, prostate and a deep cellular detox of the kidneys:
2, 7, 48
20, 45, 258
- Osteoporosis and demineralization
- Additional unda that is good for demineralization but more of an endocrine problem
- 2, 40 , 240
- 1000
- Colloidal multi-min, red-gen, melange for getting minerals back in body
Urinary tract toxicity
7 and 23
Urinary tract inflammation and cystitis. If fever add _______.
- 7 and 44
- 15
Bladder polyps
2, 7, 48
Heavy metals in pelvic region, BPH
2, 38, 48
Undas for elimination of kidneys:
Undas for functioning of kidneys:
Elim: 240, 258
Funct: 38, 44, 45
20, 45, 258
Acute kidney stones coming through causing inflammation
- 2, 44, 258
People who cannot shut brain off
9, 30, 210 and not 24
Toxicity in the lung, lung cancer
5, 19
Rhinopharyngitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis
5, 27
Throat affections including polyps, ear infections b/c eustachian tube drains into throat, more middle and inner ear problems.
5, 312
Sinusitis and middle ear infxns because of closed cavities use this instead of 37.
5, 710
Coughs brought on due to stress
5, 24
Deep acting cough
5, 32
chronic asthma
5, 35
35 addresses cause of asthma, does not work like a bronchodilator
nervous asthma
5, 24, 220
URTI or bronchitis or pneumonia
2, 5, 15, 37
For acute: 5 drops 6x/day until they improve, pneumonia should clear up within a day
allergic asthma
- 1, 5, 14, 35 - 5 drops 3x/day
- Adults: gammadyn Mg 1 ampoule 2x/day MWF and MnCu 1 ampoule 2x/day
- Children: 1 ampoule / day MWF and MnCu 1 ampoule / day Tu/Th/Sat
- Gammadyns helps us react less to external environment. Mg helps to bronchodilate and calm things down
- With someone with allergies or asthma, have to treat adrenals and liver
psychological asthma
- 5, 24, 35
- asthma due to stress, feel like they can’t breath and asthma after an emotional event
acute inflammatory asthma after getting sick or having a cold
2, 5, 15, 35
if acute, then using these 6x/day
Inflammatory asthma
5, 27, 220
Asthma with fever and infection
2, 5, 15, 37
chronic asthma with allergic congestion due to toxins
5, 20, 35
chronic tuberculinism or asthma since childhood
5, 14, 35
chronic asthma with spasmodic coughing
5, 32, 35
If yellow green sputum, then add _____
Once fever breaks, which Undas ?
- 2, 5, 15 - 5 drops 6x per day until improvement then 5 drops 3x/day until resolution
- ribes nigrum gemmotherapy (anti-inflammatory)
- carpinus betulus gemmo (for mucous in bronchi)
- juglans regia gemmo (anti-infective)
- Populus nigra gemmo (if no infxn and just want to drain lungs more effectively)
- 50 drops of each 2-3x per day in small amount of water
- If yellow green sputum, then add 37
- Once fever breaks, then Undas 5, 27 and 37
If mucousy and sick at the same time, then juglans and carpinus together
No milk!
Acute strep throat
2, 15, 37, 312
merc cor (acute) - protective of throat
merc sol (chronic) - protective of throat
Chronic strep throat
strep 7ch day 1, strep 9ch day 2, strep 12ch day 3, strep 15ch day 4, strep 30ch day 5. Wait a month and then repeat. Do for 3 straight months. Teaches immune system to recognize strep bacteria and stimulate immune system. Look for lymphatic swelling elsewhere in the body such as cervical and inguinal regions.
If infection in parotid glands, use _____ because there is a route of excretion.
Gentle kidney and liver drainage
2, 243 and 258
Asthma since menopause
5, 20, 35 alternating with 10, 16, 1000
Asthma case: allergic, toxicity, long term issue with it
1, 5, 14, 35 the first month and 5, 24, 35, 220
populus gemmo to drain lungs
prednisone is drying, can cause yin deficiency
omega 3s for anti-inflammatory effects to relax bronchioles
To decongest hormones if it is affecting venous system
8, 74, 233
8, 37, 233 but have to be careful with thrombi going to lungs
arterial system
8 (heart, pericardium, blood)
25 (heart and arteries)
33 (arteries)
Trying to increase blood flow to the brain
8, 47
stroke, Alzheimer’s, cerebral hemorrhage, senility (aging)
8, 47, 202 (202 is a luetic remedy that unblocks system)
Nervous system remedies that affects peripheral blood flow - dementia, paralysis, parkinson’s
8, 47, 41
Parkinson’s, alzheimer’s
8, 41, 47, 202
Actual damage to the heart itself, valvular issues. Won’t cure defect but will help heart function at a higher level. Also for dementia.
8, 47, 248
Mild to moderate blood pressure regulation
8, 47, 203
Antiinflammatory, phlebitis, varicose veins, keeps thrombi from cutting loose
8, 37, 233
8, 36
portal congestion
8, 36, 74
74 is a good hormonal congester of the liver. Look for signs of venous problems in the lower legs such as it getting worse with menses or ovulation.
cholesterol, hormones, decongesting liver cells.
8, 74, 243
- arteriosclerosis
- If cholesterol too high add _______
- If serious plaque add _______
- If infection or gangrene add _______
- If hypertension & emotional factors, add _____
- If nervous issue causing spasms of the arteries, replace ______ with _______.
8, 25, 33 - 8 drops 2x/day
If cholesterol too high add 243.
If serious plaque add 48.
If infection or gangrene add 37.
If hypertension & emotional factors, add 24.
If nervous issue causing spasms of the arteries, replace 25 with 24.
If liver type who has arteriosclerosis, (enjoy excess food, alcohol, digestive problems, have fire inside their vessels so arteries spasm) what numbers?
20, 243, 258 alternating main protocol with this one
If lung type who has arteriosclerosis, (excitable, colder types, hormonal disruptions who may smoke), what numbers?
5, 48, 270 alternating with main protocol.
After having a baby, never feeling the same since b/c energy was lost
9, 24, 212
If plaque in lower limbs, what other therapies besides Undas can be used?
- Populus nigra gemmo (arterial anti-spasmodic) 1-2 tsp. 3x/day
- cornus sanguinea gemmo (anticoagulant, anti-thrombotic) 1 tsp 3x/day
- Olea Europa gemmo (anti-atherosclerotic, works on cholesterol complexes) 1 tsp 2x/day
- Tilia tomentosa gemmo (anti-spasmodic): 1 tsp 2-3x/day
- Multi EFA or SEP EFA: 6 cap/day for one month and then switch. Regulates cholesterol
- Ascorbate Vit. C 1000 to stabilize collagen in arteries so they do not crack
If gangrene or acute inflammation, add ______.
If emotional or psychological issues, add ______.
8, 25, 33 - 5 drops 3x/day
If gangrene or acute inflammation, add 37
If emotional or psychological issues, add 24
If portal hypertension, add _____ and remove _____.
If PMS with aggravation of hormones, add _____ and remove _______.
If acute inflammation, add _______.
8, 233, 243 - 8 drops 2x/day for 3 weeks out of the month for 3 months
If portal hypertension, add 74 and remove 243.
If PMS with aggravation of hormones, add 10 and remove 243.
If acute inflammation, add 37
If hepatic insufficiency or portal hypertension, add ______.
If accompanied by PMS, swollen legs before menses, add _____.
- 8, 37, 233 - 5 drops 6x/day
- If hepatic insufficiency or portal hypertension, add 74.
- If accompanied by PMS, swollen legs before menses, add 10.
- Vipera redi 200k - 5 granules 2x/day for 10 days and follow with Bothrops 30k from 11th day 3 granules at night for 3 months
- Sorbus domestica gemmo (relieves hormonal swelling in lower limbs)
- Citrus limonum gemmo (fluidifying effect on venous system)
- Alnus glutinosa (excellent blood thinner and collateral enhancer)
- Dose: 2 spoons 3x/day for 15-50 days if acute. Stop for 1-2 months and repeat 1 spoon 3x/day for 2-3 weeks.
- phlebitis is very serious condition because ppl can embolize and then it go to their lungswant to prevent the hypercoagulation of the inflammatory site of the vein to prevent the thrombi from forming in the first place
Build up of toxins causing hair loss
1, 14, 40 for 3 months (3 weeks on, 1 weeks off)
To help detoxify and regenerate female hormonal system
10, 21, 48
Chronic disease of intestinal tract
3, 14, 48, 50
Acute intestinal issue for stomach flu or diarrhea
3, 37, 50 along with HMF
Intestinal parasites
12, 17, 39
Case: 2 foot thrombi in arm
- 8, 37, 233
- grapenol - 2 capsules 3x/day
- Alnus glutinosa - 50 drops 3x/day after heparin injections
- Sorbus domestica - 50 drops 3x/day after heparin injections
- Vipera redi 200k - 5 granules 2x/day for 10 days
- Bothrops 30k - 5 granules 1x/day from day 11 until 3 months
- no aspirin
- fish oil
- nattokinase (very good at dissolving clots)
Head trauma
arnica and nat sulph
arnica: 7ch, 9ch, 12 ch, 15ch, 30ch over 5 days
a month later do ascending dose of nat sulph
This clears out the trauma in the head and removes actually physical trauma to the brain. Can also be used with TIA or stroke. Can alternate every month until they feel better.
Increased heart rate and palpitations
8, 25, 33
If toxicity add 48
gammadyn Mg or magnulevuers or potassium if deficiency
check for whiplash or injury causing pressure on stellate ganglia, first rib may have to be adjusted
gingko-gen 5 drops 2x/day and then zinca minor, then brain protocol.
Case: teenager with genetically damaged heart
- 8, 25, 248 (248 corrects rhythem problems)
- Unda 14 for long term cases
- alternate with 8, 33, and another one for specific symptoms
- cratageus oxy 25 drops 2x/day
- CoQ10 1 capsule 2x/day (20 days on 10 days off)
- Magnelevures 1 packet 2x/day
Wart protocol
48, 49
What does it mean when somone has a hard month with drainage?
It means they are getting rid of toxicity. If they get worse, it means they do not have enough drainage in place. They have to keep organs open like liver, kidneys and lungs so people do not get toxic from doing drainage.
Uterine congestion, dysmennorhea, leucorrhea, fibroma
10, 245, 48
10, 245, 37
Leucorrhea with liver etiology. Gastric hyperacidity. White discharge.
10, 245, 243
Neurological insomnia
9, 30, 1001
- 10, 16, 1000 - 5 drops 3x/day
- Multi cal mag or super cal mag - important to keep electrolytes (minerals) in balance
- Dricelle complex - important for hormonal glandular thermostat and metabolism. Also good for people without gallbladder because people do not need bile to be emulsified instead of regular oil.
- GLA EPO 2 capsules 2x/day from full moon to new moon
- Organic flax oil capsules 2 capsules 2x/day from new moon to full moon
- Folliculinum 200k - 5 granules (10 drops) on day of waxing moon (between new moon and full moon)
- Luteinum 200k - 5 granules (10 drops) on day of waning moon (between full moon and new moon)
To correct menstruation
- 10, 21, 48 alternating with 1, 20, 243 day 7 of cycle until beginning of menstruation
- luteinum 200k - 5 granules (10 drops) on day 7 of cycle (opposes excess progesterone in the follicular phase)
- folliculinum 200k - 5 granules (10 drops) on day 21 of cycle (opposes excess estrogen in the luteal phase)
- GLA 130 EPO - 2 capsules 2x/day from day 14 to day 2 of cycle
- Circugen 5 drops 2x/day to decongest female hormones in circulation: 1 spoon 3x/day for one week before menses
Thyroid dysfunction
If goitre, add _____.
If problem began during puberty or menopause, add ______.
If deformation in thyroid, hyperacidic, thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism, add _____.
If thyroid is degenerated or cancerous, add ______.
16, 273 & 1000 - 8 drops 2x/day
If goitre add 295
If problem began during puberty or menopause, add ______.
If deformation in thyroid, hyperacidic, thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism, add _____.
If thyroid is degenerated or cancerous, add ______.
Administer for 3 months. Rest for 3 months. Repeat for 1 year.
Gammadyn I - 1 vial 2x/day for the 1st month, then 1 vial 1x/day
Thyroidinum 4CH - 10 drops 2x/day (tricks the antibodies into attacking the organotherapy instead of the thyroid)
Iodum MK - 5 granules once/week for hyperthyroid
Iodum 200k - 5 granules once/week for hypothyroid
Add ______ for young men on poor diet.
Add _______ for hepatic insufficiency, portal congestion.
Add _______ for psychological exhaustion/overload.
Add ______ for pancreas protection, blood sugar issues, stimulate adrenals
1, 1000 - 8 drops 2x/day
Add 243 for young men on poor diet.
Add 74 for hepatic insufficiency, portal congestion.
Add 76 for psychological exhaustion/overload.
Add 34 for pancreas protection, blood sugar issues, stimulate adrenals
Impotence is caused by hepatic, hormonal (beta blockers, anti-cholesterol meds), or psychological issues.
Acupuncture: GV 1
Case: migraines and painful menses
1, 20, 243 to drain GB (GB came up on testing)
10, 21, 48 second month
Ignatia 200k - for pineal block due to emotions 10 granules 1x/ week for 5 weeks
Berberis formula 2 capsules TID
HMF replete 1/2 sachet for 14 days then HMF
Superpowder 1/2 tsp 2x/day
For 1 month follow up:
hypophysinum 200k - day 1 of cycle (homeopathic pituitary, stimulates start of period)
folliculinum 200k - day 7 of cycle (balance of estrogen during follicular phase)
ovarinum 200k - day 14 of cycle (normal ovarian stimulation)
luteinum 200k - day 21 (normal progesterone balance following normal cycle)
When lying down at night and not being able to shut mind off
9, 30, 1001
Reestablishing homeostasis of NS
9, 24, 228 for trauma or being depressed in general
Toxic, acidic patient causing pain in NS
9, 42, 2
8, 41, 9
Sclerosis of NS
8, 9, 202
Nervous spasm, muscular contractions
9, 219
Nervous disorders following emotional stress
9, 24, 228
Herpes zoster
2, 9, 37, 710
2, 9, 42 for first month 8 drops 2x/day
2, 48, 258 for 2nd month
cause is usually heavy metal toxicity or viral infection
Tilia tomentosa gemmo (neurosedative) - 1 tsp 2x/day
Gammadyn Mn-Co - 1 vial in the evening
Magnelevures (mg which goes directly into the cells) 1/2 pack 2x/day
Hypericum 200k - 5 granules as needed acutely and as improved on dose/week (hypericum for healing state of NS, helps with phantom nerve pain)
Sciatica 2 protocols
11, 42, 44 and 240 - 8 drops 2x/day when person has kidney issues causing toxins to irritate the sciatic nerve
2, 11, 28 & 42 - 8 drops 2x/day when patients have more of a joint issue (disc or vertebrae) that is causing sciatica
9, 24, 228 (depression brought on by a certain event) - 5 drops 3x/day
St. Johnswort Plus - 1 capsule 2x/day
St. John’s wort tincture - 50 drops 2x/ day
Gammadyn Li - one vial 2x / day
AFA - gen - 1 capsule 2x/day (neuropeptides from algae)
Super EFA liquid - 1 tsp 2x/day
Brain protocol to reprogram glandular / NS
Whooping cough
spongia and cuprum metallicum 30 k or 4-5 ch along with Unda 32
artery: 33
vein: 233, 243
lymph: 74, 243
energy: 5
Case: abnormal behavior in 4 month old after round of vaccines
1, 2, 20 - 1 drop 3x/day (20 is not too common in a case like this but found corpus callosum block) alternating with 2, 20, 48
Iso Nosode DPT 200k - 3 granules/week for 4 weeks
Gammadyn Mn-Co - 1 vial/week
Chlorgen - 1/2 tablet crushed 2x/day
HFM natogen - 1 spoon BID
Protocol for vaccines:
Before vaccines: 1, 2, 243 start a couple days before vaccine and continue for a month after vaccine
To help antidote vaccines:
thuja 30 k: 2 pellets 2x/day
silicea 30k: same dose
leadum 30k: same dose
all 3 for 2 weeks, start after vaccine, to get the negative information out of child so they do not damage from it
For arthritis affecting articulating surfaces, bone (pain < when pressed on) __ __ ___
For periarticular arthritis (problem in the synovium, > movement) ___ ___ ___
For inflammatory pain that is < with movement
11, 48, 258 alternating with 2, 14, 28 - 8 drops 2x/day
For arthritis affecting articulating surfaces, bone (pain < when pressed on): 2, 11, 28
For periarticular arthritis (problem in the synovium, > movement): 11, 29, 600
For inflammatory pain that is < with movement: 11, 28, 1002
Ribes nigrum gemmo - 70 drops 3x/day
Gammadyn Cu, Cu-Ag-Au: rotate 1 vial of each one every night
Case: progressive pain in joints in 23 year old male
also 1 month, 2 month follow up and long-term
14, 21, 48: 8 drops BID
HMF replete 1/2 sachet 1x/day before meals
Allisyn: 1 capsule TID (great for AI joint issues), take after a full meal, made up of garlic and cinnamon aldehyde
Berberis formula (berberine and goldenseal): antimicrobial and helps heal mucous membranes
Diet: No dairy, sugar, nightshades
At 1 month follow up:
Black walnut capsules along with others and 3, 48, 50 to address the overgrowth of organisms in the body including yeast, parasites or fungi.
At 2 month follow up:
HMF capsules: 1 cap BID
allisyn: 1 cap BID on full stomach
Unda 14, 21, 48: 8 drops BID
Biotone EFA: 2 cap. BID (helps ppl utilize EFAs better b/c they have blocked FA metabolism)
Rhus tox 200k - 10 granules 2x/month (specific for joint issues)
TK 200k - 10 granules 2x/month (TB miasm remedy)
Nat Phos. 6x - 3 granules BID (gets rid of acids in joints)
Ferrum phos. 6x - 3 granules BID (builds up blood)
HMF capsules: 1 BID for at least 1 year
alternate 14, 21, 48 with 3, 14, 50 for 6 months
General protocol for skin conditions associated with kidney insufficiency
1, 2, 12 - 5 drops 3x/day
General protocol for skin disorders associated with liver insufficiency
1, 12, 20 - 5 drops 3x/day
skin disorder caused by parasitosis
12, 17, 39 - 5 drops 3x/day
For sensitive skin (allergy to sun, clothing sensitivity)
12, 17 and 270 - 5 drops 3x/day with Unda 270 ointment
suppurative problems in skin
2, 12, 37 - 5 drops 3x/day or 6x/day in acute conditions
In any skin condition can also use solvarome (essential oils) - dilute 25 drops in 8 oz. of water and tab on skin with cotton ball (solvarome is an antiseptic, analgesic and increases healing time)
Make sure to drain the liver and kidney first before using this protocol.
3, 48, 50 - 5 drops 3x/day alternating with 12, 17, 270 - 5 drops 3x/day
270 ointment - apply thin layer as needed
HMF replete - 1/2 sachet/day for 1 month and then HMF super powder or capsules 1/2 tsp. or 1 capsule 2x/day until resolved
allergic rhinitis
2, 5, 20 - 5 drops 6x/day
allergiplex - 1 tab. per day
magnelevures - 1/2 packet 2x/day
gammadyn mg - 1 vial 2x/day
Cold & Influenza
Unda 2, 5, 15 & 37 - 5 drops every hour until better and then decrease dose
Muco: 1 tab ever 2-3 hours, up to 5/day until better and then decrease dose
Muco: 1 tab. every 2 weeks during cold/ flu season for prevention (very effective)
Important to increase soups and hot liquids
2, 312, 710 - 5 drops 6x/day (for babies use 3 drops in tsp of water or in a bottle to dilute the alcohol)
lymphagen cream - rub into sides of neck from below ears to collar bone
eliminate wheat, dairy, soy, sugar from diet
homeopathics: ferrum phosp, capsicum, belladonna,
Bed wetting
9, 23 and maybe 2 or 3
eliminate apple juice
bowen therapy for bed wetting
How to treat someone with myasthenia gravis
With MG, patient usually has a cap on top of or right next to a filling. You create a battery effect in the head. Mercury is a different charge than the gold. You create a negative and positive pole and they start firing with each other. When this happens, it short circuits the brain and head. A biological dentist can take an electrical reading of the teeth.
When they get the metal taken out, they inititally get worse. Vit. C, AMD heavy metal detox binds metal up. Also uses chlorogen, AFA gen and super neurogen DHA. He would also give gammadyn selenium. For the adrenals 3 and 34.
Exercise induced anaphylaxis since puberty
Need to treat liver and adrenals
In CM, liver can attack the lungs and adrenals b/c it started around puberty
Pulsatilla MK 1x/month b/c of problems going into puberty. Also lacticum acidum 30K on T, TH and Sat. and on M/W/Fri, dose of ignatia 7ch 3 pellets
1, 5 20 for first month and 10, 21, 48 for second month
Allergen 5 drops 2x/day b/c supports liver, kidneys and adrenals
16, 273, 1000 for 3 months and then stop for 3 months and then go back. Do this for about a year.
Keep them on thyroidinum 5 drops/ 3 pellets per day
Add fucus complex to still have thyroid function
9, 29, 600: trying to repair damaged nerve tissue
superneurogen DHA and AFA gen with any kind of AM products
Drain the liver/kidneys and uses clay and cilantro for heavy metals
Post stroke
Treat the vessels and treat the NS
8, 25, 33, 202 alternating with 8, 9, 41, 47
then support the brain AFA-gen and super neurogen DHA
Cratageus 25 drops 2x/day
Grapenol to strengthen blood vessels
Peripheral T cell lymphoma and cancer
- 3 days before, 3 days after chemo do not give antioxidants
- With lymphatic issue, have an issue in gut
- Specific unda #s in cancer: 2, 20, 48, 243 to get rid of chemo / radiation and also Aller-gen b/c it helps with the adrenals
- Everytime person gets radiation, they should do full body clay bath
- Before the radiation, they should take homeopathic X ray before they go in for radiation and also afterwards for 3 days (about a 200k).
- Give lots of oils and support gut with HMF especially with chemo