Homeopathic - aconitum napellus Flashcards
Aconite napellus - introduction
Acute conditions arising from shock and exposure. Also chronic psychological conditions such as deep phobic states, panic disorder and anxiety neurosis. The complaints come on suddenly and with great intensity. In both acute conditions and chronic psychological disorders, there is most often great anxiety and an overwhelming terror of death. This fear may extend to a certainty that death is imminent.
In acute conditions, there are rapidly developing inflammations of almost every organ system. The inflammations follow quickly, often only minutes or hours after exposure to wind, fright or shock. In severe acute inflammatory disorders, the fear may be intense, however in more minor conditions the fear may be entirely absent. The acute illness may be tremendously violent or life-threatening. The infection and inflammation rarely extends to purulent stage of the illness.
Anytime that a violent or frightening event occurs (earthquake/car accident), we give Aconite first, even when other acute remedies may be needed. Aconite can release a shock or fright that has been held in the body or mind for a lifetime.
Aconitum napellus - mentals (12)
- tremendous fear of death
- ♦
* *Feels death is imminent. Predicts or has a fixed idea of some specific time when death will come.** - “Presentiment of death” (Arg-N)
- Fears: ♦ **Claustrophobia. ♦ Fear of being in a crowd or crowded room. **♦ Earthquakes. Agoraphobia. Airplanes. Bad news. Ghosts. Heart Attack.
- Panic disorder with recurring episodes of tremendous fear of death, convinced that death is upon him, face full of terror, strong or even violent palpitations, marked flushing, and shortness of breath.
- Anxiety states following a strong fright such as a car accident or earthquake, etc.
- Restlessness.
- Panic symptoms come in the evening and also just after falling asleep. Wakes 1-2 hours after sleep with fright, beginning after a shock.
- Fear during labor, fears she will die.
- Anxiety for others.
- Desires company.
- Frantic with pains; feels urgent need of relief.
Aconitum napellus - generals (8)
- Robust, plethoric and vital people
- ♦
* *Complaints begin after a fright or sudden, shocking events** - **♦ **Shock and fear immediately after injury, exposure or accidents
- Symptoms come on suddenly (Bell)
- General aggravation after exposure to wind, especially cold, dry wind.
- General aggravation after exposure to heat once the complaint is established (even the mental symptoms).
- Intense pains which may cause the patient to cry out.
- Restlessness. Unable to remain still.
Aconitum napellus - head (4)
- Vertigo, especially after a fright or shock.
- Vertigo or faintness on rising or standing.
- Severe headache during fever, from exposure, when corryza is suppressed.
- Colds or influenzas, come on suddenly from exposure, with high fever and great heat or burning in the nostrils.
Aconitum napellus - eye (4)
- Conjunctivitis after exposure, inflammed with copious, thin discharge.
- Photophobia
- Acute remedy for wounds or foreign bodies to the eyes.
- Sudden blindness after fright or shock.
Aconitum napellus - ear (2)
- Otitis media which comes on suddenly (often from exposure) with intense pain and high fever (Bell)
- Ears bright red.
Aconitum napellus - face (7)
- **one cheek red, the other one pale **(cham)
- flushes of heat in the face
- perspiration of face where in only with contact with pillow
- Facial neuralgia, often unbearable painful, worse exposure to wind.
- One-sided facial numbness
- facial paralysis after exposure
- flushed, plethoric face; congestion in face
Aconitum napellus - oropharynx (5)
- bitter taste in mouth, only water tastes normal
- numbness of mouth and tongue
- dryness, especially in center of tongue
- toothache from exposure to cold
- pharyngitis or tonsillitis, very red, burning, often from exposure
Aconitum napellus - gastrointestinal (6)
- Great thirst, usually for cold drinks
- desires: fish
- aversion: artichokes
- gastritis from drinking cold drinks when over-heated
- pain about the umbilicus, especially during stool, may radiate to chest
- Acute hepatitis
Aconitum napellus - urogenital (4)
- ♦ urine retention in infants or mothers right after delivery
- ♦ especially useful for women during labor, they feel absolutely certain they are about to die
- orchitis
- uterine hemorrhage
aconitum napellus - chest (6)
- ♦ main remedy for early stages of croup
- pneumonia with sudden onset, great restlessness, fear and dyspnea, worse lying on left side. There is often hemoptysis with cherry red sputum
- angina or acute MI with numbness into the left arm (Cact., rhus t)
- Palpitation. Tachycardia.
- Palpitation and pulsations after a fright.
- heat in the chest or “boiling” sensation
Aconitum napellus - extremeties (3)
- sudden inflammatory arthritis, especially after exposure
- numbness or weakness in left arm with heart disease.
- numb and paralyzed sensations.
aconitum napellus - acutes (8)
- during the early phase of respiratory infections, influenza, pneumonia, tonsilitis, otitis, urinary infections, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, acute arthritis, etc.
- Exanthems (measles, roseola, etc. )
- Complaints begin suddenly and intensely and often with great pain
- Sudden, marked heat and fever alternates with chills, heat and flushing to face, pupils constricted, restlessness, thirst for cold drinks, cold extremeties, and often great anxiety and fear of death
- MI with severe chest pain, radiating pain and numbness into left arm, horrible fear of death (Cact., arn.)
- Bell’s palsy.
- Cerebral accidents.
- Trauma and its after-effects.
aconitum napellus - complementary (3)
- sulfur, arn., coff.
aconitum napellus - comparisons (4)
- Bell - sudden, violent acutes, high fever, throbbing, flushed face, in robust and plethoric people. However, Belladonna is thirstless, more predominantly right-sided and lacks the anxiety and restlessness. In Belladonna, the pupils are often more dilated.
- Phos. - great fear of death, desire for company, panic attacks which may be worse at twilight, anxiety for others, thirst, pneumonia symptoms similar, desire for fish.
- Stram - Anxiety disorders after a shock or fright, fear of death, claustrophobia, fear of dark, wake from sleep from fright.
- Sulph. Rhus.-t, Ferr-P, Ars., Bry