UND SELF Gender Flashcards
Sometimes called biological sex, anatomical sex, or physical sex
True or False: Gender is a person’s identity based on their physical characteristics, genes and hormones
Sex is a person’s identity based on their physical
characteristics, genes and hormones
Chromosomes and hormones of a female/male but external genital is like that of a male/female
Example of sexual act
Having sex
True or False: Secondary characteristics are congenital
It is developed during puberty
True or False: Sex is multidimensional and social excluding on gender
Both sex and gender is multidimensional and social
It is the structure of social relations that centers on the reproductive arena, and the set of practices that bring reproductive distinctions into social processes
True or False: When the reproductive arena becomes
sociocultural, it becomes gender
It is generally considered to be a socially constructed concept that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with a given sex
Sex or Gender: “Masculine” and “Feminine”
Sex or Gender: “Male” and “Female”
True or False: Sex refers to the attitudes, feelings and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex
Gender refers to the attitudes, feelings and behaviors that a
given culture associates with a person’s biological sex
Behavior that is compatible with cultural expectations
Gender - normative (act appropriate to
Behaviors that are viewed as incompatible with these
expectations constitute
Gender non - conformity
Cross dressing is an example of gender - normative or gender non - conformity?
Gender non - conformity
Sex or Gender: Biological
Sex or Gender: Social, contextual
Sex or Gender: Fixed
Sex or Gender: Changing
Sex or Gender: Universal
Sex or Gender: Determined at birth
Sex or Gender: Social expectations for males and females
Sex or Gender: Present in either
Sex or Gender: Present in both
True or False: Gender is present in both as the person can exhibit masculine and feminine behaviors and it is changing as it can affect over time
True or False: Gender can be quantified by DNA and genetic testing but sometimes the results are difficult to make sense of with regard to their social implications
Sex can be quantified by DNA and genetic testing but
sometimes the results are difficult to make sense of with
regard to their social implications
A sexual attraction and behavior directed to other sex
These are people who believed they were born with the body of the other gender; altering the biology (invasive or non-invasive)
People who can be romantically or sexually attracted to (either) same sex
These are people who view themselves as a third gender, they are transvestites
A romantic and/or sexual attraction between members of the same sex
How individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves which can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth
Gender Identity
Self-identified, as a result of a combination of inherent and extrinsic or environmental factors (nature, nurture)
Gender Identity
A person whose gender identity matches his or her assigned sex
A person whose lived experiences do not match their assigned sex
Person whose assigned sex is male and
identifies as a woman
Person whose assigned sex is female and identifies as a man
Refers to the ways that humans choose to display their
gender identity to the world usually expressed (not limited)
through behavior, clothing, haircut, or voice
Gender Expression
True or False: Gender Expression may/may not conform to socially defined behaviors and characteristics typically associated with being
either masculine or feminine
The adherence to culturally created behaviors and attitudes deemed appropriate for females or males
Social sex role or Gender role
People’s expectations what it means to be male and female
Gender belief system
Generalized beliefs about the characteristics of men and women
Gender Stereotypes
All about who you are physically, spiritually, and emotionally attracted to (specifically into sexual and romantic attraction)
Sexual Orientation / Attraction
The labels tend to describe the relationships between your gender and the gender types you’re attracted to
Sexual Orientation / Attraction
Attracted to people of the opposite gender
Straight (Heterosexual)
Attracted to people of the same gender
Gay/Lesbian (Homosexual)
Can be attracted to both men and women
Males who are feminine or effeminate and who
cross-dress; Refers to male homosexual or gay man
Females who are masculine and who cross-dress; Refers to female homosexual or lesbian
True or False: Gender and sexual orientation are fused into same the same words/labels in Filipino culture (Ofreneo, 2000)
True or False: Gender expression is used to signify sexual orientation
Person who is attracted to both male and female
A male who is erotically attracted to both males and
females (male bisexual)
Traditional Binary Gender Model
Western context
Modern Continuum Gender Model
Macapagal, 2014
The two primary purposes of sexual intercourse are
“UNITIVE” (unite the couple) and “PROCREATIVE” (create more people)
He has repeatedly spoken about the need for the Catholic Church to welcome and love all people regardless of sexual orientation
Pope Francis
4 sexually transmitted infections (WHO, 2016)
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis
Drug resistance is a challenge esp. for
True or False: HIV and AIDS are transmitted through touching, food, kissing, insect bites, and swimming in pools
HIV and AIDS are transmitted through unprotected sex, drug addicts, blood transfusion, pregnancy, and non-sterile instruments
The most reliable way to avoid infection is to not have sex
Safe, effective, and recommended ways to prevent hepatitis B and HPV
An agreement to be sexually active with only one person, who has agreed to be sexually active only with you
Mutual Monogamy
True or False: Males compete with other males for a chance to win the genetic sweepstakes by sending their genes into the future, and thus look for healthy, fertile soil in which to plant their seed.
True or False: Women preferred attractive physical features suggesting youth and health - and reproductive fitness.
Men preferred attractive physical features suggesting youth and health - and reproductive fitness.
True or False: Females invest their reproductive opportunities carefully, by looking for signs of resources and commitment.
True or False: We all have hidden evolutionary predispositions
True or False: Poor young females more vulnerable than well-off
counterparts (Abrigo, n.a.)