Ultralingua 7/31/13 1 Flashcards
to demolish, knock down
to be heading for disaster
estar abocado al desastre
to tackle, to deal with
the book tackles some controversial subjects
El libro aborda temas controvertidos
he refused to deal with the subject at the press conference
se negó a abordar la cuestión en la rueda de prensa
to overwhelm, oppress, wear out
My family’s problems are overwhelming, I can’t eat or sleep
Me abruman los problemas de mi familia, no puedo comer ni dormir.
steep, rugged, rough
To get to the summit it is necessary to ascend a steep path
Para llegar a la cima era necesario subir por un sendero abrupto.
abrupt, sudden
to shrink
The drier shrunk this sweater
La secadora de ropa achicó este suéter.
to undertake, take up
we are going to undertake this project
Vamos a acometer este proyecto
to stockpile, stock up on, gather
hacer acopio de
He stocked up on food prior to his journey
Hizo acopio de comida antes de su viaje.
to agree on
to agree to do sth
to agree that
acordar hacer algo
acordar que
that is not what we agreed on
eso no es lo que acordamos
i remember reading an article about that
me acuerdo de haber leído un artículo sobre eso
to remember to do something
acordarse de hacer algo
to hound, harass, pursue relentlessly
una acuarela
Mr. Martinez, please go to the information desk
señor Martínez, acuda a información por favor
they went to his aid
he did not keep the appointment
acudieron en su ayuda
no acudió a la cita
to come to one’s mind
acudir a la mente
to assault, set upon, attack
gorged, satiated
fed up, sick of
After the huge meal we were too gorged to move
I’m sick of your cries and complaints
Después de la comilona estaban demasiado ahítos para moverse.
Estoy ahíto de tus lloros y quejas.
a display of patriotism
un alarde de patriotismo
in a show of generosity
en un alarde de generosidad
random, contingent
The future is uncertain, it depends on many variables
El futuro es aleatorio, depende de muchas variables.
a tray (2)
una bandeja, una batea
a raid
un allanamiento
the judge granted the police a search warrant for the house
el juez dispuso el allanamiento del domicilio
to level out, make even
to raid, break into
before planting grass you should level out the area
Antes de plantar el césped debes allanar la zona.
If you enter your neighbor’s yard he can accuse you of breaking into his property
Si entras en el jardín del vecino te puede acusar de allanar su propiedad.
the battlements
las almenas
a machine gun
una ametralladora
friendly, sociable
to reprimand, admonish
The teacher reprimanded two students for not turning in the homework
El maestro amonestó a dos alumnos por no haber entregado la tarea.
shelter, refuge
el amparo
under the protection of the law
al amparo de la ley
to extend, increase, enlarge
widen your vocabulary
increase your knowledge of something
broaden your horizons
ampliar su vocabulario
ampliar sus conocimientos en algo
ampliar sus horizontes
they are going to increase the number of teaching posts
van a ampliar las plazas de profesor
they have put back the closing date for registration
han ampliado el plazo de matricula
to narrow (get narrower) (2)
angostar(se), estrechar(se)
narrow (2)
angosto, estrecho
the narrows, straight, the narrowness
la agnosture
longing, desire
His wish was to become a famous writer
Su anhelo era llegar a ser un reconocido escritor.
to beat, thrash
to authorize, empower
apoderar (a)
to pass, approve, endors
i haven’t passed mathematis
no he aprobado las matemáticas
the treaty was approved by parliament
el parlamento aprobó el tratado
to scratch (2)
arañar, rasgar
to raze to the ground, to devastate (everything) (everything in it’s paty)
arrasar (con todo) (con todo en su paso)
Rebel troops razed the second most important city in the country
Las tropas rebeldes arrasaron la segunda ciudad más importante del país.
to triumph, be victorious en
arrasar en
a rage, ecstasy, rapture
un arrebato
in an outburst of anger
en un arrebato de cólera
to rush forward, attack, charge
arremeter (contra)
The bull charged the bullfighter, leaving him badly wounded on the ground
El toro arremetió contra el torero dejándolo malherido en el suelo.
to be under arrest
estar detenido
to arrest, detain
to risk, hazard, venture
subj: arriesgue
you should not risk your job with your lateness
No debes arriesgar tu trabajo con tu impuntualidad.
The firefighters risk a lot to put out fires
Los bomberos se arriesgan mucho al apagar incendios.
to clean up, tidy up
My husband tidies up the house every day
Mi esposa asea la casa todos los días.