ultra 6/22/14 Flashcards
abochornado, avergonzado
Your praise made her blush.
Tus elogios la sonrojaron.
la alfarería
saddlebag, knapsack
la alforja
hastily, hurriedly, in a rush
to gabble
hablar atropelladamente
to run over, knock down
she was run over by a taxi
la atropelló un taxi
they went in one by one without pushing and shoving
entraron de uno en uno sin atropellarse
a potion, brew, concocion
un brebaje
to seize, confiscate 2
to overwhelm, overcome, fill
embargar, confiscar
They seized his house for not paying taxes
Le embargaron su casa por no pagar impuestos.
I was overwhelmed by emotion to see my country again
Me embargaba la emoción al ver de nuevo mi patria.
the breakage, smashing 2
the rumpus
el estropicio, la rotura
a picklock, skeleton key
una ganzúa