ultra 5.29.14 3 Flashcards
a dent
una abolladura
threadbare, shabby, worn out
to creak, grind (one’s teeth), grate, clank
rechinar (los dientes)
a line [of writing]
un renglón
immediately after
a renglón seguido
he didn’t notice the difference
no reparó en la diferencia
regardless of the cost
sin reparar en gastos
to get one’s strength back
reparar fuerzas
to repair
cottage cheese
el requesón
an inspection, seizure, search
una requisa
a chink, crack, opening
un resquicio
a nightingale
un ruiseñor
to savour, relish, delight in
rage, cruelty (viciously)
(con) saña
la savia
the burial, intermnent
el sepelio, el entierro
a hand saw
un serrucho, una sierra
astral, astronomic
espacio sideral
luces siderales
overdraft (bank)
un sobregiro